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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. You think they are gonna vote for a MAGA candidate who's passively yet more antisemitic? Like OrangeMan who is a convicted fraudster? Their best hope is a moderate Republican or Democrat. The Zionists aren't helping their cause with the atrocities. They've played right into Hamas' hands with the draconian response against the Palestinian citizenry. https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldiers-film-themselves-abusing-humiliating-west-bank-palestinians/?utm_campaign=most_popular&utm_source=website&utm_medium=article_end&utm_content=4
  2. Why there will never be peace... Why the hatred will now carry on to the next generation. The bullied have now become the bullies: https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-soldiers-film-themselves-abusing-humiliating-west-bank-palestinians/?utm_campaign=most_popular&utm_source=website&utm_medium=article_end&utm_content=4
  3. What planet you on? Yeah they did! 😆 Yet, we did kinda break through to them to stop. They stopped in 1915... Because they were all mostly dead. 😏 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_massacres_in_North_America I guess the US wore them down. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Indian_massacres_in_North_America I hope they can negotiate a peace... But that means ending 50 years of not negotiating with "terrorists." Maybe that policy is the root cause of the violence. This is a thread about Republican autocratic tendencies... So I will stop and let you have last word.
  4. Sure. I am not saying that The Palestinians didn't make much of their end of the deal... They let the Soviets back them. Israel has a right to exist... Just not at the expense of The Palestinians. They are now the bully in the region. Sometimes you have to deal with terrorists... Not dealing with their neighbors is getting then absolutely nowhere. I mean... At least with the Native Americans we gave them a place to hunt and fish after putting them on death marches to relocate them.
  5. Because the Zionists are heroic interlopers on someone else's land? 😆 Give me a free house. Better yet give me your house free. You can leave... How would you feel. Of course give me the full support of the US military. You can go live on a reservation with 16,000 per square mile while I turn your land into a socialist kibbutz. 😆 Wanna see me turn it into something great! 😉 Hey it's how we settled The West, kicked out the Natives to reservations and denied Spanish landowners their rights in Washington D.C.
  6. But these jobs do pay better. With tips and minimum... Why managers steal the tips. I was at Subway once and the manager made my sub. He tried to discourage me from tipping him. What is that about. I tipped him 20%.
  7. Yeah... But you have to realize they may be making lower than minimum. It's not entitled. It's necessity. 😆... Who's getting a tip there???
  8. David continues to be the Palestinians the last 20 years especially. AND on Oct. 7th. Goliath has always been Israel w/United States support. You don't go on happily enjoying life living near an open air prison for 16 years. AND I hope if any of us did we would fight our government on it! This didn't happen in a vacuum. It's like living in New Orleans, 8 feet below sea level, and wondering why you got water seeping into your yard and where did it come from. Hell of a plan they had going in Israel all these last 20 years. Tuck 5.5 million people away behind a wall. Wonder where our wall ideas came from?
  9. That's the thing. I guess if people knew how much service staff was making, it would make things easier. Make it minimum or above... And make sure management isn't tip stealing...
  10. I never really figured out a good place for the GoPro. Generally I like it on a chest harness. It ain't going on a helmet because I don't wear helmet all the time. Kinda a fad we were using a few years back... ...I guess a drone would be the best. I think all places are "no drone zones."
  11. What do you mean? Anti-Islamaphobia? Newsflash, Islam is very VERY conservative. If it wasn't for their radicals, they'd fall right into the conservative, FoxNews crowd. People are genuinely compassionate. Israel is now Goliath and The Palestinians world David. People don't like to see the little guy beat down by the big guy. Israel paid them back... They've been doing so for 75 years. What's the plan for the future... Especially the last 20 years? To live next to a ticking timebomb for eternity?
  12. Nothing beats eastern hardpack! Hey... If you don't like ice, just don't turn on it. LoL... Babies... The headwall @ HolidayValley... I bypassed it to film my son attempt to ski that sheet of ice... Hey! He at least made it down on one ski! 5 years ago... Then when he strapped the GoPro to revisit TheWall... He did make a good recovery on the first dump, but lost one pole on the second dump! Should have had his pole straps on, wouldn't have need to go get the lost pole! He caught up to me... Had some nice snow on EgoAlley. It's usually barespots with rock...LoL...
  13. Stop the BS of having tipped workers make less than minimum wage. Everyone should get at least minimum, tips or not. Hey: T = To I = Insure P = Promptness Or find a nice driver and text them on the side. Is that against these apps policy. LoL... You bet it is!
  14. Because they are losing the numbers game. Yet... This might be all turned on its head with US promoting Israeli war crimes and atrocities in a tit for tat fashion. 2024 is going to be interesting. Interesting to see what the Middle East mess does to the democrats. Places like Michigan hang in the balance with say Wayne County. The commissioner there said Joe Biden will be lucky to get 5 Arab American votes.
  15. Can't we just build a dome? 💥 There, I said it! 😆
  16. Snowblind! One gets a better tan in mountains than the at the beach. Snow reflects the most light... More than sand... Next time glacier glasses!
  17. Season to season... Is snow sometimes sketchy in W.Va? Lean years??
  18. Funny... Washington, where all the Pats* flocked to when they sucked up in New England back in day. Nice! Returning home!
  19. That's not too bad with a night's stay! You know what's expensive. Go bowling 🎳... Hour for hour that's outrageous. With skiing... You're getting access to a multi-million facilities. At the big mountains, try to free-ride. It will take you all day to hike and do one run. 😆
  20. I do admit @Gugny ...That menu is a mess. A working man's mess! 😆
  21. Just because it's not on menu... Doesn't mean you can't get it. Anyway... It's there. On menu. Page 2. On weck... https://m.zmenu.com/wiechecs-lounge-buffalo-online-menu/ Also... French dip is listed separately. Is a bourgeoisie outsider, really gonna debate this? 😆 🤣
  22. Wiechec's Lounge in Kaisertown. You'll get gravy too! 😉 https://www.visitbuffaloniagara.com/classic-buffalo-spotlight-wiechecs-lounge/
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