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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois
Happy birthday Gugny!
ExiledInIllinois replied to Pine Barrens Mafia's topic in Off the Wall Archives
I just won the SuperBowl! I am going to Camp Gungy... Where every day is Gugny's birthday and everybody gets enrolled in pottery class! Happy B-Day Gug!!! You deserve a special day, every day! -
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I work 40 hours a week. Have 27 years in. Starting out = 4 hours every two weeks. After 3 years = 6 hours every two weeks. After 15 = 8 hours every two weeks... BUT one can't carry over into next year more than 240 hours (6 weeks leave) into next leave year... UNLESS you deploy overseas or are golden tier, parachuted exec, etc... Agency rules... I am hourly, NOT salary. Compensation fluctuates depending on shift differential, holidays, etc... My schedule is compressed into 3 12 hour days/week and one 8 hour every two weeks, that's 80 hours. That's use or lose leave I just take every two week. Make 8 hours, take 8 hours, leave 6 weeks on books. Pay is lower though... Have to kick in 40% for health premium... But time off is nice... Especially today with both spouses working. How else can you be independent, 500 miles away from the nearest relative and raise a family? I am grateful... -
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Peanuts knows peanuts... And it's twice that... Not the best, but I survived after 30 years without killing myself. It will do. -
Like duh! Of course Rudy is pre-emptive: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c400adbe4b041e98ffaa092/amp “Quite a performance, right?” Lemon said of Giuliani’s debate with Cuomo. “But make no mistake, there is a method to this madness. The president’s attorney, as he always does, laying out the groundwork there for what is to come. So stay tuned to that.” The only true reliable source to anything will be the final report. Like everybody here knows more? You either accept it or you don't.
Happy birthday Gugny!
ExiledInIllinois replied to Pine Barrens Mafia's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Keep hope alive Brutha! Reinforcements are on the way to "Camp Gugny." Meanwhile, take a dip in the lake and brush up on the basket weaving. Hang in there! Pottery class @ Camp Gug ain't all bad... Okay, maybe just a little weird: -
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
29 million is peanuts. -
Where has 26CornerBlitz been lately?
ExiledInIllinois replied to \GoBillsInDallas/'s topic in Off the Wall Archives
26 is George Bailey? Thanks Frank Capra... That movie script has been written before. PPP sure is Pottersville... -
Where has 26CornerBlitz been lately?
ExiledInIllinois replied to \GoBillsInDallas/'s topic in Off the Wall Archives
Wow... Ain't this a quinky dink!!! https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pole smoking Pay special attention to definition #3: pole smoking Jeff's favorite thing to do in his spare time. Jeff better stop pole smoking before he hurtssomeone with his butter tooth. by The MadCow June 23, 2004 -
The rats are jumping! So there was collusion, Rudy just said so: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/giuliani-claims-i-never-said-there-was-no-collusion-in-trump-campaign "Trump previously denied any member of his campaign conspired with Russian officials. In May 2017, Trump flatly stated: "There is no collusion, certainly myself and my campaign." Oops!
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Too funny: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c3fec2be4b027c3bbbdef31/amp Pelosi owns Trump, that's how you handle dogs: "One of President Donald Trump’s favorite insult is to compare people to dogs. But “Late Show” host Stephen Colbert said Trump’s now in the doghouse himself after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) asked to postpone the State of the Union address. “Trump acts like the big dog,” Colbert cracked. “But she won’t let the dog into her House because she knows he’s going to poop everywhere.” https://mobile.twitter.com/colbertlateshow/status/1085713314091479042?ref_src=twsrc^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-5121258802721338535.ampproject.net%2F1901081935550%2Fframe.html -
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Hang in there! Try to work with your creditors... Many are putting notices up on how to obtain a forbearance. They can't get blood out of a stone. Don't let the Basket of Deplorables get you down... They are sad, bitter and jealous... Insecure with their own lives... It's just the way some people are hardwired. Their moral compass is shot. Shallow people, petty people. You'll get your back pay... Gov't is on hook for their share of health premiums and the furloughed haven't kicked in their 40% of the premiums... It will add up fast at 800,00 employees furloughed. It will begin to ripple through economy Trump's inability to make a deal. Until then... Get forbearances in order. Make extra $$$$$$ and try to come out ahead. The Trump Shutdown will cripple Trump in ways his foul mouth and corrupt behavior can't because his Basket of Deplorable Snowflake Base turn a blind eye (see flaws above) to the man's serious transgressions. -
Happy birthday Gugny!
ExiledInIllinois replied to Pine Barrens Mafia's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Oh you're close! Day after B-day... Let the festivities continue!!! -
I can vouch! I saw you shooting up @ tailgate behind the porta-Johns. A few stretches in the bed of my truck too... You looked like a new man. Right back @ it giving @plenzmd1 a run for his money & chicken wings. LoL... And here I thought it was relaxing in the back of the truck that did it!
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Or you are in a Republican Bubble. Where was this? Exactly where in Fla... -
18 billion is peanuts to replumb the Chicago Area Waterways to stop Asian carp from going into the Lakes. Too bad that's a gov't boondoggle too... Because, just like Migrants in Mexico... There is no real Asian carp "invasion."
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I agree. But... Nope... Let it ride now. "The Art of the Deal." By: A Terrible Two-Year Old -
The Trump Shutdown
ExiledInIllinois replied to WhitewalkerInPhilly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Keep hope alive Brutha PPPers! Ah... Shucks... FORWARD my delusional conservatives... https://federalnewsnetwork.com/government-shutdown/2019/01/furloughed-feds-wont-be-rifed-if-government-shutdown-extends-past-30-days-omb-says/ "...OPM’s 2015 guidance on shutdown furloughs also clarifies the matter. “Reductions in force furlough regulations and SES competitive furlough requirements are not applicable to emergency shutdown furloughs because the ultimate duration of an emergency shutdown furlough is unknown at the outset and is dependent entirely on congressional action, rather than agency action,” OPM guidance reads. “The RIF furlough regulations and SES competitive furlough requirements, on the other hand, contemplate planned, foreseeable, money-saving furloughs that, at the outset, are planned to exceed 30 days.” Title 5 statute describes how and when agencies should consider laying off certain groups of employees from their competitive levels if a furlough lasts more than 30 says, or due to a demotion, separation or reassignment requiring job displacement. Agencies can also consider layoffs if there’s a lack of work, shortage of funds or reduced personnel ceiling. Agency reorganizations or position reclassifications could also prompt a layoff, according to federal statue. RIFs typically go into effect within 180 days. But Title 5 RIF regulations apply to situations where an agency knows how long it plans to furlough its employees. Some agencies in 2013, for example, were forced to furlough their employees due to the effects of sequestration. The possibility of targeted layoffs was real for some agencies at the time, including the Defense Department, which warned of RIFs in 2014 if sequestration had continued...Read on!"