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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Hey Buddy... You enjoy your big screen TV and air conditioning now. How about that drive to work too: "...Uncle Sam took up the challenge in the year of Thirty threeFor the farmer and the factory and all of you and meHe said, "Roll along Columbia. You can ramble to the seaBut river while you're ramblin' you can do some work for me" Yes! That's the beauty too. Through the sarcasm, busting chops, etc... A lot of productivity... Lightheadedness, etc... Things can be learned. You, Me, et al. The beauty of being thick skinned and not living in a social media bubble!!!
  2. Too funny. But in all honesty. If your body craves it, gives you the signs you NEED IT, that's when you are probably an alcoholic. Now... If those physical signals are apparent and you can do without, go without... Then I would say one is most likely NOT an alcoholic. I mean, when it gets bad, there are reasons some will go through DT's. When you feel like crap and crave, the drink makes you feel better and can't say no to it... Probably an alkie. Who are we kidding, not probably but: are an alkie.
  3. Yeah... Understand. They would then have to watch the dependency trap. Not fall into it.
  4. The Falls is just an active spillway on a dam. The esCARPment is the dam. They probably could brick the whole Falls off. Make a higher emergency spillway in case Lake Erie ever got too high (which it wouldn't if they put a control structure at Detroit). Then divert all the water on both sides through the power culverts. Use every last drop for power production. LoL... Probably why NF State Park was one of the first State Parks. The above I explained was the very real prospect 100+ years ago. Use every drop for power, screw aesthetics and tourism. Thank God we had conservationists way back...
  5. Sorry, what I mean is the drinking is making them the jerk. When they don't get the drink, that's where the problem is. Have you ever saw them truly clean? Free of the dependency? EDIT: Assuming they were chronic drinkers, maybe even alcoholics. ???
  6. I call BS. What came first, the alcoholic or the azz hole? I say the alcoholic. Mine too. But still kicking. Hasn't touched a drop for 25 years. Couldn't just have 1 drink, had to be 10. /smh
  7. When I was five... My Mother got the novel idea of roasting chestnuts in the oven. Well, she forgot to cut a relief vent. Well they were popping like bullets, then she got the great idea to open the oven door. We were running for the hills! LoL... You son of a... ?
  8. If you can't go week without a drink. Then you need it. IMO. Not sure how they define where physical dependency starts with alcohol, but a week sounds about right with me
  9. Buuuut... It is God's will AND natural path of the rivers and streams. Just making sure God's will is served. Just making it the way God intended. ...From 14,000, 9,000 & 4,000 years ago:
  10. Holy shi... That be expensive! ??? That's E-ZPass. My I-Pass (Illinois) even works on the G.Island Bridges since it is part of the E-ZPass system.
  11. What's one trip cost? Probably goes up by axle too (higher for semis)?
  12. Should have used the lock and dam. It's toll free, "common highways"... Guaranteed toll free by the US Constitution. $700.00. How many times did you not pay? Deadbeat. This. If you miss a toll. Just go online and pay right away.
  13. Subliminal messages! Counsel, you are too smart to fall for the game! /smh...
  14. Awesome. We were one of the first groups ever. They forgot, didn't cordon off parts of ship... Had the whole destroyer, and cruisers Sullivan's... LoL... We opened up every hatch and bulkhead there were! Ran about the place. Battle ships make great hide and go seek venues! Boy did we get in trouble!!!! LoL...
  15. Here is a screenshot of WNY map. That's Chestnut Ridge Park. NF and Roch are same distance "out" in the depth of field. Rochester just at extreme angle to east. I am hell bent on determing what those buildings I saw almost on horizon to far right, extreme east were! There is nothing out there to east! Batavia is too close and has no big buildings! If NF is faint, so is Rochester! Remember Downtown Rochester doesn't sit right on Lake... Little bit south on Genesee River.
  16. This is one of the better pics I could find. Shows the top of the Bills Fieldhouse like you can touch it. But... The pic isn't wide angle or panoramic enough. What is missing is way to the east, wide right (pun intended...Ha Ha!)... Which there is not much there and awfully close to the trees on the sledding hill. Probably why it gets cut off and out! I gotta get there on a clear day with my good camera!!! NF is to far left of BFLo. What I saw was super far right (east). EDIT: I will buy You a beer if we can resolve this once and for all what I saw!!! LoL...
  17. Nope! I seen NF... But its (Rochester) way over to the far right. In your picture above, it off to far right. Chestnut Ridge is quite an amazing vantage point for almost all of WNY looking north! I have some photos. I will see if I can dig them off the Cloud. I got a new DSLR camera last year. Next trip I am bringing it. But I only have a 300mm lens with a 1.7x teleconverter... FWIW... Rochester is out there to the far right!!! EDIT: I am gonna scour internet, have not done it in a long time looking for this (has to be crystal clear day) pic.
  18. I still gotta get Your picture of Rochester from the top of Chestnut Ridge Park toboggan chutes!!! LoL. I got pictures of Sears (Willis) Tower here from 40+ miles out and slightly above the tree line in a God Awful flat land. LoL...
  19. If in Buffalo. Go to the foot of Ferry Street on the West Side, off of Niagara Street. Do a hike on Bird Island Pier. Go all the way out into mouth of Lake. Heck, Serviceman's Park, the submarine USS Croaker, Little Rock and Fighting Sullivan's tour? Then head to Falls. When I was a Scout in early 1980s... We camped out on the destroyer USS Little Rock. Not sure if they still do that. ??
  20. You would probably have to do a foot border crossing with camera. Maybe get permission so as not to look suspicious. Another avenue... Would be to mount the GoPro to dash, windshield. Then grab the stills from the video. My Toyota Tacoma actually came with GoPro mount up on windhield. But... Still a nice walk, with say a wide angle... 18mm, 28mm lens and DSLR would work magic! I guess... You could tell them @ Customs what You plan to do. Stand right in "No-Man's Land" in middle of bridge. Would they allow you to set up tripod on walkway. Better yet. Just walk out on Bird Island Pier. Set up under Peace Bridge. I have a few nice pics from last year... But not the wide angle You are looking for... Just My Family and I under Bridge. That may be too low a POV???
  21. Too funny... Except when they pull soiled boxers from the disposal area. Need one of these for hazmat retrieval: Just burn the boxers with kerosene! ☠️
  22. Edit: Fun fact. The Welland Diversion, Ie: The Welland Canal... With it's 8 locks around The Falls from Port Colborne (Lake Erie) to Port Weller (Lake Ontario)... Is another such water diversion around falls. If the Welland were to close, the water elevation in Lake Erie would raise 3". Lake Huron raise 2" and Lake Michigan raise 1" if my memory serves me correct. Here is a Canadian study of diversions around the whole Great Lakes: Great Lakes Diversions and Other Removals: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.4296/cwrj2502125
  23. Still not with out scares and shame. IE: "Love Canal" was supposed to be built as an All-American Canal to handle shipping and rival the Welland Canal around the dam/spillway structure (The Falls). From Niagara Falls to Lake Ontario. You know what happened there! After Love's failed venture in late 1800s, early 1900s... It became the a nightmare as we all know. There was a push in the 1950s to build an All-American Canal to compete with Welland. Studies were done then quickly dropped! Did they know what laid in the hole at the Love site! Of course they did. The idea for an All-American Canal would quickly die during the 1960s! https://www.reddit.com/r/Buffalo/comments/3nw3fb/i_see_your_1960s_highway_plans_and_raise_you_the/ This was to go from the Upper River just above Tonawanda to the shores of Lake Ontario, rivaling the Welland. Buffalo would have never been turned into "Radiator Springs" with the building of the St.Lawrence Seaway. Yet... The timebomb was sitting there all the while @ the Love Canal site and wouldn't be publicly exposed for another 15+ years!!! Food for thought...
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