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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Yep. Last shutdown we paid overtime. I actually made overtime!
  2. I think with some... It's like a light switch. Boom, they are in another gear. Either higher or lower... But it always goes into low gear eventually. Alcohol is a depressant afterall.
  3. Yeah... But was there dependency then? My definition is all about dependency & withdrawl. Does the body need it? Can the body feel it? And... When those cues happen can one say: "No." If a person feels the effects of withdrawl, I would say they are an alcoholic IF they have to relieve those withdrawl symptoms with more alcohol.
  4. Trump Shutdown. Does he even know how shutdowns work? What a Deplorable Snowflake. What's the point if essential employees are still working through? Services interruption to the public aren't happening. Shutdowns are a joke and big waste of money. I have been working with the Fed for almost 30 years and was never sent home. If they want a real shutdown, send everybody home. Shutdowns are for pencil-pushers, desk jockeys that can be sent home. Funny thing is, they get sent home for a paid vacation. After the last shutdown, they came back and got paid anyway. So yes, I am hoping for a Trump shutdown that everybody goes home. Let's see if it lasts more than 15 minutes. Disco Donny needs to be a real man and nut up. Shut the whole freaking machine down. How can he attach his name to a shutdown, call it a "Trump Shutdown" when it's clearly such a wussy effort. No pain, No gain. What a sh *t stain of a name: Trump Shutdown. Yeah... But people still get paid! Last shutdown, the Republican Congress still paid the non-essential activities back pay! Go figure.
  5. Remember, it's 2018. Careful there Sparky!!! Do you need someone to post your bail? We have a good lawyer on the board.
  6. Here is a blast from the past... Wow! So dated! LoL... But the message never: Does your body need it? Can you go a whole month without drinking booze. Then maybe a few every other week... Then shut it down for another month. ???
  7. For sure!!! It's just beyond me what would posses them to bury dioxin in a hole 200' above where The Falls will eventually erode away to and from the gorge! I guess... Because there was a hole in the ground, nice rock to entomb it, and heck... Why worry about 1,000s of years in the future. Yikes! Yeah... It didn't last 20-30 years! /smh
  8. Wow! So sorry! I recall you telling Us this. I think of this all the time when I hear the "Love Canal" tragedy. Just /smh in disgust and sadness.
  9. The Band (Robbie Robertson, written)... Since it's Christmas Time: "Christmas Must Be Tonight" My Morning Jacket nails it!
  10. Same. Take Will Ferrell & Dan Carvey out though? Mix and/or match... Put in Jane "you ignorant slut" Curtin/Gilda Radner. But, that might be too heavy old school?
  11. I understand. I see where you are coming from. I meant no offense, just being blunt. So much to talk about, analyze... IMO, stuff like these discussions make me tick. Why they all laughed about sending out the "Bat Signal." Your input is wonderful!!! Different culture. Talking about the Greatest Generation, even prior with the Lost Generation (fought WWI). Getting things "done" for the "group" was paramount to all else. It wasn't an, as much an off the rails individualistic society like now. People took their "lumps"... That thinking disappeared! Great! I didn't check out the whole video you posted... Glad it's in there. Will view it later.
  12. Yep! Going a bit on tangent but staying on theme. Have you ever read about the time the WHOLE Upper Niagara River stopped flowing? An ice dam, gorged up at mouth of Lake. Caused Falls to stop. No sch *t! 1800s. Obviously, the Ice Boom now prevents this: March 28-30th, 1848: http://www.niagarafrontier.com/fallsstopped.html The roar stopped... And in those days, the roar of Falls was heard far distances in a quiet agrarian society... People, farmers got worried thinking the end of world was near! Read the included hyperlinks, the "frozen Falls" stories: People back in day were allowed to go out and play on the Frozen Falls.
  13. I am with you! LoL... ??? Please explain the thread. Somebody, pretty please. LoL...
  14. Thanks for the input... I remember You saying that You grew up in The Falls by the Love site. Such a horrible part of Our history. How it messed up the lives of so many... Awful what happened. Not to bring back painful memories, do you think it contributed to some of the stories of sickness (w/Family & Friends) you've mentioned through the years here on The Board? I think that is a bit unfair. The factories, power production all started there. We wouldn't be a modern society without The Falls. Tesla invented the AC motor, AC won the current battle with the help of The Falls. The question should be... What would NF be like if we had the regulations in place then as we do now? The WNY area served the country, especially during War Times the most... And the World, yet it was used and discarded. What a disgrace.
  15. I prepared my responses before your post. Yes, I do prepare. ?
  16. LoL... I came to the thread long before you picked up that red phone Commissioner Gordon. I just happened to see Your sloppy signal. Consider it a "mercy *****" I didn't insult your slovenly ways. I am not DCTom. ?? You're not suppose to say: Thank You. You're suppose to use The Corps Motto: ESSAYONS! That's French for: "Let Us Try!" All hands on deck with this organization. People don't just sit around (unless they have a mean Sudoku puzzle at hand going on) and give out: "Thank Yous." Everybody tries, pitches in! Get your hands dirty My Man! For Asian carp!!! Hell no, they gotta work at it too!!! Or get shocked!!!
  17. I don't know if it is true either. But, I do tend to agree. My father is an alcoholic... He has had to deal with the "ism." I will NEVER attack You Bill! Okay... LoL... Maybe in a fun way. ? But, when it comes to stuff like this, things that matter: NEVER attack. Hope all is well!
  18. That makes you a city slicker & coastal elite sympathizer. Hypocrite. Some achy breaky tractor rider you are. ?
  19. I know. Just hope they can reach for it with that aching back. Maybe Garth should team up with Paula Cole, plenty of achy breaky backs and overtaxed Deplorable Snowflakes: "...Oh I know your back hurts from working on the tractor How do you take your coffee my sweet I will raise the children If you pay all the bills Where is my John Wayne Where is my prairie song Where is my happy ending Where have all the cowboys gone..." ?
  20. Snowflakes need to sack up! ? Not sure about the "Guy Rack", but to each their own. Not that there is anything wrong with that... But no thanks. LoL
  21. Why is it bad? I think lemon/lime/citric acid would cook it "cerviche style", not vinegar. ??? Can anybody explain why it's bad? This from the USDA: "Piercing the chicken with a fork, or cutting it into smaller pieces will help it absorb marinade. In general, two hours of marinatingis long enough for the meat to soak up the flavor, but poultry can marinate for up to two days in the refrigerator, according to the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service." https://www.foodsafety.gov/blog/marinades.html Storing marinated food: If things get busy and you end up not cooking the chicken, don’t worry! You can store marinated poultry in your refrigerator for two days. Beef, veal, pork, and lamb roasts, chops, and steaks may be marinated up to 5 days.
  22. Get a GhostPlate: https://www.ghostplate.com Yeah... But two plates will cost you 800 bucks... $399 each... LoL
  23. Like it! Seriously... I do align politically left. Yet, we are going off rails with the "pristine" environmental stuff! We are just as arrogant as when we thought we could engineer all our problems away. We need to move back towards classic conservationist thinking and away from being environmentalists. I really latched on to the "Rambunctious Garden" school of thought. It's a paradigm shift: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Rambunctious_Garden.html?id=GWiISQAACAAJ&hl=en "A paradigm shift is roiling the environmental world. For decades people have unquestioningly accepted the idea that our goal is to preserve nature in its pristine, pre-human state. But many scientists have come to see this as an outdated dream that thwarts bold new plans to save the environment and prevents us from having a fuller relationship with nature. Humans have changed the landscapes they inhabit since prehistory, and climate change means even the remotest places now bear the fingerprints of humanity. Emma Marris argues convincingly that it is time to look forward and create the "rambunctious garden," a hybrid of wild nature and human management. In this optimistic book, readers meet leading scientists and environmentalists and visit imaginary Edens, designer ecosystems, and Pleistocene parks. Marris describes innovative conservation approaches, including rewilding, assisted migration, and the embrace of so-called novel ecosystems. Rambunctious Garden is short on gloom and long on interesting theories and fascinating narratives, all of which bring home the idea that we must give up our romantic notions of pristine wilderness and replace them with the concept of a global, half-wild rambunctious garden planet, tended by us."
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