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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Here is a novel idea... How about NOT replying. I don't want anybody to reply... Don't even read it. Sorry for being the bubble buster. It's just a place to put down my political thoughts. I think it's funny that the main group here thinks the Clinton political dynasty is corrupt, wanted to lock them up while the fledgling Trump Dynasty can't even get out of the gate. Trump = Bills drafting J.P. Losman as their franchise QB. ?
  2. I just want to be a jerk and someday quote this. Here is my contribution:
  3. Oh come on Westside. I am not throwing a temper tantrum. Look at everbody replying to me. There's the temper tantrum. Just hold your breath and ignore me like some others. Sure hurts to see the Trump family flame out, doesn't it? His own rats are jumping ship.... This is just getting fun. Trump would be the first to say that he drew first blood and: Let's just put it this way. I will buy you a beer when this all plays out. It's only the third quarter, Trump has plenty of time to be the hero.
  4. Ironic, the Clinton's doing just fine... And the Trump family dynasty to be going down in flames.
  5. It won't tear the country apart. We will be fine. We were set up to eviscerate demagogues. You are seeing it in action. Don't get queasy on me. So what? He's doing time for what DRino said... Boo hoo... Come on this makes for great TV!
  6. Snowflake. I thought he likes golden showers. Oh wait, that's only with Russian whores. LoL...
  7. Some of it is in fun... Sometimes you have to stir the pot so the chili doesn't stick to the bottom. Same with the board. It's a very conservative bubble here. The guy's a demagogue. Pretty outlandish. It would be cool to see him do time. You actually sympathize with him? Pretty ironic that he got the "lock Her up" thing going, now he could be looking at that very prospect. You think? You always reap what you sow. Karma is a son of a bit...
  8. The Dems with their off the rails enviro have left Me. But off the rails enviro is better than icky. And hippie chicks aren't bad.
  9. Come on... As much as it was mused to lock the Hill up... It would be mighty fun to how the Trumpster does behind bars! Great reality TV! Honestly... If He makes it to next election, loses, whatever... This would be must see TV. I wonder how his hair will hold up. Every organization that he has led is being investigated. What are the odds he makes it, that Our Prez is a crook. Oh the irony. Think he pulls a "Hitler in the Bunker?"
  10. Nice strawman. No they don't. Look who's in office. Once again. In the private sector, one is allowed to do anything that is NOT against the law. In public sector, one is only allowed to do what the law says. That's a big disconnect for guys like Trump and a long line of Illinois governors who enjoy doing time. I mean, ethically... How could we NOT see this coming. We all know Trump doesn't do what he's told (the law) to do.
  11. I think You need to write a letter. Start a Change.org petition. To Whom it May Concern, With due respect to Michael Cohen, you're wrong. Please free him ASAP! Thanx, Tom in DC ?
  12. He is. Individual #1 I believe. Why is Cohen doing time? Oh come on... He was in the room with Cohen. They both knew it was a crime. Now Cohen is doing time. He gave the orders. I said it before the Election why businessmen make bad public servants. They don't get the ethics. Can't change gears to the public sector. Prison has been littered with them. I just happen to be in one of the most crooked States for this. We should have all seen this coming. What gets them ahead in private sector gets them this in the public sector:
  13. Off the top of my head: Just ballparking. Flow, top to bottom: Lake Superior is 25 feet higher than Lakes Michigan/Huron. Lakes Michigan/Huron 5 higher than Lake Erie. Lake Erie is 175 feet above Lake Ontario. Lake Ontario is 225 feet above @ Gaspe/Atlantic. Here is a standard profile, more accurate: The present day main navigation routes to & from the Great Lakes are: 1. St.Lawrence to Atlantic (St.Lawrence Seaway) 2. Niagara River to Atlantic (Erie Canal) 3. Chicago to Gulf of Mexico (2 entry points to & from Lake Michigan. (Illinois Waterway) The main inteR-basin water diversions are: 1. St.Lawrence Seaway 2. Chicago Diversion 3. Erie Canal The main intrA-basin water diversions are: 1. The Soo (Sault Ste.Marie) 2. Welland Diversion 3. Niagara (Power) Diversion 4. Trent-Severn Waterway (Lake Huron to Lake Ontario) The main man-made water diversion INTO the Great Lakes: 1. Long Lac & Ogoki Diversions (To: Lake Superior from the Arctic watershed) The lake residence times (mean) is the longest water will stay in a lake before it is fully flushed. This link will give you the stats, charts, maps of each Lake: https://www.glerl.noaa.gov/education/ourlakes/lakes.html These are GLERL's replacement/retention times or "Flushing times": Superior = 173 years Michigan = 62 years Huron = 21 years Erie = 2.7 years Ontario = 6 years Go to NOAA's GLERL's site... Loaded with data, maps, etc... https://www.glerl.noaa.gov You want ice coverage, historical data: https://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/ice/ Maps, plates, charts galore!!! Enjoy!!!
  14. It's hidden because they can't legally release it yet. Nothing nefarious. Maybe I used the wrong word with you conspiracy guys.
  15. Nice. To further add... It hit "St. David's Buried Gorge" which was pre-glacial. Full explanation: https://www.niagarafallsinfo.com/niagara-falls-history/niagara-falls-geology/niagara-geological-areas/st-davids-buried-gorge/ Whirlpool formed @ 4,200 years ago. St.David's about 22,000 years ago. I posted earlier. During the Lake Chippewa/Stanley, Early Erie/Ontario elevation phase (pic #3 below) of the Lakes @ 7,000 years ago... There was no (what's present now) Niagara outlet. Assuming that @ ~4,000 years ago... The rest of the ice melted causing all the present day Lakes to fill like reservoirs (pic #4). The mouth of Lake Erie/Niagara Escarpment acted like a dam. When the melting glacial water began to fill... It began to go over "the dam" like a emergency spillway in the Nipissing phase (pic #4). Then the slow march was on, hit the buried gorge, to rapid turn and slow march again. Great drawing from the early 1900s depicting the Nipissing Great Lakes. Notice Georgian Bay too... Acts like the emergency spillway too. Like the upper drain hole in a bathtub or bathroom sink. Interesting tidbit... In thousands of years Falls will reach BFLo 8 miles upstream. Supposedly, they theorize when Falls hits mouth of L.Erie where Peace Bridge is... The rush of water will drop Lake Huron & Lake Michigan 150' below its present elevation. To all you nature freaks: That's one way hell of a way to close off the Chicago Diversion. ?
  16. Trump just wants to stop immigration because his base is the minority. It keeps the minority in power.
  17. I am not a Deep State Conspiracy Guy. You obviously are. Desparate is thinking that everything that runs counter to your beliefs can be viewed as a conspiracy. I think that's a bit... Sad. You have to have faith in something other than just yourself?
  18. Captain Buzzkill here: https://www.peele.net/lib/sociocul.html "When one sees a film like Moonstruck, the benign and universal nature of drinking in New York Italian culture is palpable on the screen. If one can't detect the difference between drinking in this setting, or at Jewish or Chinese weddings, or in Greek taverns, and that in Irish working-class bars, or in Portuguese bars in the worn-out industrial towns of New England, or in run-down shacks where Indians and Eskimos gather to get drunk, or in Southern bars where men down shots and beers--and furthermore, if one can't connect these different drinking settings, styles, and cultures with the repeatedly measured differences in alcoholism rates among these same groups, then I can only think one is blind to the realities of alcoholism." ~Peele, S., Diseasing of America, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA, 1989, pp. 72-73.
  19. I don't know. We haven't seen all the evidence. Most is almost certainly hidden. I mean, there is the stability of the country to think about. If creating a Constitutional crisis, probably best to ease into it and get close to next election cycle.
  20. Cliff Notes: Trump is behind bars in his Russian prison which is disguised as, and sells out, American patriotism. You know. The hell Michael Cohen just freed himself from for 3 years of real American bars. We will find out for sure soon enough. When his taxes are released, etc...
  21. Ironic... Isn't it. But She's the one that should be behind bars:
  22. Difference between "may" and "can." Yes it "can" happen, but it "may" not. Just don't pay anyone. It's happened in the past. Force the essentials to work "for the good of the country." A few skipped paychecks will send the message, especially overseas. Those Direct Deposits don't hit back Stateside, people will figure out who to blame. Read the whole thing. . If Disco Donny wasn't a sitting President he'd be packing his soap-on-the-rope right about now. Ironic, they wanted to "lock Her up"... Donny's like the husband that accuses his wife of cheating and he's the cheater all along! This will come soon enough:
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