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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I am taking the 5th. Let's just say I am registered and have an Illinois FOID Card.
  2. I never said that. Just saying, the ease and efficient way for gun owners to off themselves is a problem. By all means keep the guns. LoL... They will kill themselves.
  3. Wait a second... That's an "05" sticker. 2005? Las Vegas didn't have a team. Fake???
  4. Just to balance things out. I think this meme is funny: ? Who's saying I don't have a sense of humor with regard to my fellow Libby Lous. I just want Sparky to get back in there and get the Mexicans to pay like he said they would. Who doesn't like spending other people's money first. I guess turnaround is fair play. Build that boondoggle! What Liberal doesn't like a good billions of $$$$ boondoggle... ?
  5. Dude... Yeah, that's it. LoL... Yeah... The thought just enters their mind before they have the firearm. If you check the stats. Something tells me they were legal, sane gun owners long before their impulse faults and seeing "the easy answer" just sitting there on the credenza just happened to be convenient. Sheesh... “We are seeing a real rise in suicides, particularly males age 60 and higher,” /smh
  6. No they are not. Not as efficient as when that lack of impulse control is screaming: Time is an angel of mercy.
  7. Dealing with Trump is like having high-level negotiations with a third grader. Like two year old having a temper tantrum. He's stomping his feet because in about a month he won't have his lemmings in Congress. Just ignore him. What will be will be... Now get back in there Sparky and head Mexico City and close this deal and get Mexico to pay like you said they would. Don't fall for it. Sure of Mexico pays, I'd like a wall. If not... Meh. Who cares. Continuing to argue leads to this: Today's pout of the week: "I will hold my breath and shutdown the Gov't. Gov't shutdowns are good." Gee Donald, now go to Your room! Just wait till Robert Mueller comes home. Your Daddy won't be pleased! Of course! Who the hell believed him. Now... Move along, nothing to see.
  8. No thanks. Probably too convulted. What really needs to be discussed? People have been duped again. He said Mexico will pay for the wall. I guess they are not paying. No wall. The goal posts have been moved. Don't fall for the bait and switch. /end thread.
  9. You have a hard time with a lot of things. Consider it par for the course.
  10. He campaigned on building a wall PAID FOR BY MEXICO. Shutting down the Gov't because we won't pay for it? Huh? Just thought I would add that in case people forgot.
  11. https://www.ajc.com/news/gun-deaths-highest-level-years-cdc-says/vgcdQWPITScDYEdpHrswBP/amp.html Firearms do make suicide more efficient to carry out, more "impluse" efficient. Just saying... I suppose they could stab themselves 20 times with the butcher knife, but that's a bit slow. "Nearly 40,000 people in the United States died from a gunshot wound in 2017. According to the data, 14,542 were murders and 23,854 were ruled a suicide."
  12. No. You're supposed to say: "What the hell is @Boyst62 doing in a suit, living in the city while working the 'Baby it's cold outside angle', isn't that a parole violation?" LoL...
  13. Oh... The problem is definitely your reading. It has always been your reading.
  14. No you don't know what I wrote. There you go again... Don't assume.
  15. This is random nonsense ^^^^^^. Now Mystic Tom claims to know what people are thinking. Even more confusing, the ability to get into my noggin'. Word... Stick with your own head, mine gives me enough fits. Sure don't want to burden you. ?
  16. Just making an analogy. Come on you're smarter than that. Hey! There is a game on!
  17. So in other words... If I do my wife's taxes, file as crooked as all be it... Then wife signs off on those taxes, she can't be held liable? You gotta be kidding me. We all know why Cohen is doing time. Trump is complicit to. Release his taxes. Where is the personal attack. Deep State is a kooky conspiracy theory.
  18. It's because things are getting rough from your POV. In 20 years I have done nothing different than I am doing now. Sure I am gloating more at the demise of how effed up the right side of the aisle thinks. Nothing I didn't do for the past two decades here. People are taking umbrage because they are looking like fools. Backing one crooked wannabe dynasty while slamming an actual one. Go figure.
  19. Why did you cut the Deep State nonsense to my reply? That's honest conversation? That's kook conservation. Might as well make a thread about the earth being flat.
  20. Yes it does. Don't take the high road. PPP has never been a place for honest conversation. Spreading nonsense, hello pot calling kettle. Deep State on line #1.
  21. See! I am glad to have finally been a help! I am just trying to help!
  22. You don't politically agree with me, so I become a troll since the main group here agrees more with you. It's always a matter of perspective. When it comes to political beliefs, we are simply hardwired differently. This thread has to do simply with "The Clinton Political Dynasty." I am not making posts that agree with the board's main paradigm. Doing this causes people, the group to be upset. Am I crashing some kind of party saying things that people don't like? Why does it bother people? I think Our President is a crook. A dangerous demagogue that duped a lot of people more so than I feel the Clintons have. The thread conversation naturally led in the direction, seeing how the board leans, that the Clinton Dynasty is crooked. I am just trying to make the point that we are watching another crooked dynasty try to take off in front of our eyes. Yet, since the Trump family agrees with many of the way people here are politically hardwired, everything is fine giving rise to an even worse and more crooked dynasty. I just find it funny. That's it. This place is a study in human nature. Just ignore them as I ignore your goofy posts. What's the big deal.
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