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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. He (Paulus) wants to kill Jews? That's what it always boils down to. Anything said against the Jewish groupthink becomes: "They want to kill Jews." That's simply not true. Sure there is self-loathing but stop the guilt trip for not agreeing with the group.
  2. I will side track a minute. Why not keep all police officers teamed up with another. That's right. All cops on the beat, etc... Have a partner. Make it mandatory. Always have a buddy. Never work alone.
  3. Uh, he's not comparing. He's saying the same thing as you are. But rage quit on. Yeah... What a self-loathing Jew, selling out the tribe... Right? Did you read his whole response? He's NOT comparing Trump to Hitler. Hitler was a pyschopath. Trump a simple con-man. But... I see you have few likes and thank you's by the others that were conned too. LoL... Katyn Forest. But that was *only 20k. So it was bad, but not worse? I ask that as a question. *I say: only because even one death is a tragedy. Should we play number games with atrocities? Throwing around millions is "better" than throwing around 10s of thousands?
  4. Just sprinkle a little nicotine & caffeine while you're at it. /smh For some, you never know who, it becomes a game of Russian roulette playing with that "garlic butter." I am not a teetotaler, but alcohol dependency is the spin of the barrel for many.
  5. /smh. Gotta mock, deride the one's that don't get with the program, get with the tribe. Isn't that how human nature gets the foul balls within the tribe to tow the line, have fear that they are going astray from the groupthink. Free critical thinking = bad = self-hatred! African-Americans use the derogatory term "Uncle Tom's" for the "sellbouts." What's the derogatory term for the Jewish sellouts? Self-hating Jew Stench on a Bench Uncle Soros Critical Thinking Jew Anti-Semite Semite Being ostracized is a powerful tool within any groupthink dynamic.
  6. Yeah... I guess you are right. Hilter was a psychopath, Trump a con-man. Ouch: https://m.jpost.com/US-Elections/Donald-Trump/Jewish-author-Dont-compare-Trump-to-Hitler-it-belittles-Hitler-467701 Jewish author and screenwriter Shalom Auslander shot down comparisons of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler in a Washington Post op-ed published Tuesday, claiming that such comparisons "belittle" Hitler... ...Auslander, who refers to himself as "a New York Writer Liberal Jew, the scariest Jew of all," wrote in the Postop-ed that the Trump-Hitler comparisons bother him "not because it belittles the deaths of millions of innocents, but because, frankly, it belittles Adolf Hitler."... ...Auslander stressed that he was by no means praising Hitler. "No. I’m saying that if you absolutely had to find just one thing to say about Hitler that was positive — if you could somehow siphon out all the festering, maggot-infested sewage that filled his soul to reveal one razor-thin sliver to point to in his favor — you could possibly say, well, at least he believed what he said...Which you can’t say about Donald Trump."
  7. So it's like MSG or "Accent." If you put it on sh*t it will taste like "better sh*t?" That's what usually happens with alcohol and why alcohol fueled events CAN spiral out of control. If you are having a good time and need to make it better... Something is wrong.
  8. Ain't all of NOLA one big jacuzzi? "8 feet below sea level, protected by dikes and serviced by ferries." Just kidding Kirby congrats! Kirby... I just checked the map. You are right next to the levee. I went on the map and checked out where the flood gates and pumping stations are! That's a storm canal that pumps directly to the Pontchartrain. In all seriousness... That's all new infrastructure since Katrina, right? Who maintains the levees, pumps, mows, keeps vegetation down, etc? From the satellite view, it looks like a lot went into the area after Katrina. That storm channel, from the looks of it has three pumping stations. Handles some of the city. The massive one at mouth of channel @ Lake Pontchartrain is huge.
  9. Is the Clinton Foundation still kicking? Oooops! Oh, the irony. https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/421964-clinton-foundation-exec-mocks-trump-foundation-closing-amid Shhhh... Be wary wary quiet, that's the rotor pitch of the liberal conspiracy. CONSPIRACY I tell you! ooops.
  10. Just numbers-wise. Say the standard: 7,000,000 Over the course of 10 years (is that too high or low?). What is considered the Holocaust years defined, officially defined. That puts, 1,900 Jews dying every day for 10 years straight. Is that possible? I am asking you because I don't even want to comb the internet to look for this. Was the "death capability" there? And... To hide half those numbers during non-war years (Allies innvolved) I simply don't know. Again, is it possible?
  11. Here's a NY Rabbi denying the numbers killed: https://www.timesofisrael.com/ny-rabbi-not-even-1-million-jews-killed-in-holocaust/ Is this like Global Warming/Climate Change®. What does the consensus say? I always thought it was 6-8 million Jews. Now this Dude (not that The_Dude) comes along and says not even a million. /smh I never heard this. Does it have to do with the crazy NY rabbi story I just posted above?
  12. I am not so sure. I can't freeze it. Looks like they cut the run. To the left, it's tucked up. To the right, it goes through stud, then just ends nowhere. Looks like they cut it, so he could jump through. Obviously, HGTV is going to shut power off. He wouldn't jump through a wire! That box may be an end run... But another lead comes out. On left... That might be another run that goes up?? I think they killed power and cut it. So he could jump through. The line you see in middle is the drywall seam between sheets.
  13. Yes... It's true, Roger Stone said so: https://deadline.com/2018/12/roger-stone-admits-using-infowars-to-peddle-lies-misinformation-1202522094/amp/
  14. Everybody wants the be the leader, the boss, etc... I guess that's the allure? 10 signs it's an MLM scam: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/business-is-an-mlm-scam-1794756 1) No or low-quality product or service There are many red flags that should warn you away from a business or financial opportunity, but the biggest is a lack of a product. Programs that push recruiting over the sales of a product or service might be a pyramid scheme. If a company isn’t focused on acquiring more customers to buy its products, but rather it's interested in "building a team" or membership of sales reps, consider it a red flag. The foundation of any good MLM business is about getting products and service to end consumers. While building a team can be a part of that, income is based on goods sold by the team, not in the recruiting itself. The many getting nowhere agument the successes of the few. The work, resources, contacts, leads of the dozens get gobbled up by the few winners. Seems, heck it is, predatory. Beauty of the scams is that failure can be pinned on the individual... While the whole scheme is set up to eat those "failures."
  15. Yeah... Some states have Month printed. Just looked . Illinois has both month/year & color. Probably zoom in and see the 2018 or 2019. My bad. But could get confusing. A decade is a long way off. I figured there had to be a reason!
  16. He he... When I am jotting down passwords, case sensitive stuff, etc.. I will under-score the uppercase letters. I never seen an over-score. When you press the shift-key, the under-score is with the "-" sign. That's my logic for notating caps by hand and what I am lettering is case sensitive. I tend to print, don't use cursive and letter uppercase and lowercase altogether, just depends on height of letters too to signify uppercase and a set font I am using at that particular time. Through high school and into College, I took drafting. Back then, you'd letter by hand and develop your own consistent font on what looked decent or unique... That upper-score letters in video looks wild.
  17. Kellyanne, what have you done with Tasker. You have Trump spooge drooling down your chin. You better shoot a letter off to Congress stat before it's too late. ?
  18. It's in the very definitions of the words conservative & liberal. Republicans tend to lean conservative, Democrats lean liberal. Conservative: "Holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion. synonyms:traditionalist, traditional, conventional, orthodox, old-fashioned, dyed-in-the-wool, hidebound, unadventurous, set in one's ways." Liberal: "Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values. "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people" (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training. synonyms:wide-ranging, broad-based" I think you have your answer right there.
  19. Okay. Let's use: "the ability to not check one's abuse of power" Mr. Anal Retentive Strict Constructionist. Abuse of power is an impeachable offense.
  20. Nice Strawman. The Russian Collusion is important... Along with other things Trump is corrupt about. Congress has the ability to take action. They don't have to provide Greggy with evidence. If he's unbecoming... Which how can anyone not see that... Then they are within their constitutional reach to act. Ethically, the perception of corruption is important too. Everything else is just wasted nonsense. Mental *****. Wow. To be called a "rat", the one using the term has to be committing a crime.
  21. He is directly misleading the people. That's unbecoming. Here is undermining the rule of law. "Donald J. Trump✔@realDonaldTrump Remember, Michael Cohen only became a “Rat” after the FBI did something which was absolutely unthinkable & unheard of until the Witch Hunt was illegally started. They BROKE INTO AN ATTORNEY’S OFFICE! Why didn’t they break into the DNC to get the Server, or Crooked’s office?" Comey said it best; "James Comey✔@Comey: This is from the President of our country, lying about the lawful execution of a search warrant issued by a federal judge. Shame on Republicans who don’t speak up at this moment — for the FBI, the rule of law, and the truth."
  22. Well... Take it up with Our Founders. I don't think they were petty and worried about what one "Chef Jim" would think. But he is the swamp. LoL... The new swamp. Be careful what we wish for, it might actually come true. It's like draining the Everglades and closing Okeechobee. Now all the sewage from Disney World has no place to go.
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