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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Holy Moly! Just what you pot/edible heads need, "Santa Validation." Society is ***** -ed enough. LoL... /smh
  2. Even worse... Some how my sister convinved Santa to physically do it! My sister had Santa actually do that when my nephew was young. About 20 years ago. She was a single mom and my nephew was given her fits all year. Flash to Christmas 1997: Back then we would have Santa come in to my parent's house. So, Santa whips out a hunk of bituminous coal and gives it to my nephew. Then goes into a long list of my nephew's past transgressions! My nephew just lost it... LOST it! Then my wife (granted his aunt, not our kid) lost it too!!! Total surprise. Both were sobbing and shaking uncontrollably. I think it traumatized my wife the most. My wife was pregnant with our first child. So she wasn't in the right emotional state to begin with. Not in the mood for bad parenting. LoL I mean my nephew absolutely lost IT... Again, my wife too. The rest of my family was: "Like what?" "What's the harm?" "The kid had it coming." LoL... I think Dr. Benjamin Spock died shortly after that Christmas. Anyway... I was wondering, where the heck they got the hunk of coal. Supposedly, my sister was visiting me in Chicago during the summer, I was giving them a tour at my work and she grabbed a hunk of coal off a barge as it was passing through. She sent it to Santa. Anyway... If I ever pulled a stunt like that with our kids, my wife would beat my azz... THEN leave me more broken with no money... LoL... BTW... My nephew is 30 and can be still as wild as ever!! Lot's of other issues with his mother, my sister.
  3. Biological warfare! If The Evil Hoodie was a wrestling coach, he'd be all over these tactics! Curried Indian food for team meals... For weeks straight!
  4. Here is a novel idea. Learn to play both sides of the ball... Like when the game was invented.
  5. ? Don't spoil it... I am starting to think Lil Gug picked up his humility and respect through osmosis. Or... You're landscaper was named Jesus, right? Okay, I work in an industrial setting with all guys. For close to 30 years... Nada. We have a female now. I almost fell to the floor that I recieved a Christmas card in the mail from both bosses. AND we all got gift bags with chocolate and an LED flashlight. Should I be scared that the Holiday's have reached my employment? It's not like we didn't put up a few holiday decorations... Had lunch, etc... Even get baskets and booze from the commercial boats, etc...
  6. You win the school bus story! AND this was in the early 1970s? But... Lacking one key ingredient... Where is the sex? LoL... Where does one learn about sex than on a school bus! ? See^^^^^^ that's what I am talking about!
  7. Hey... How about a button between "Thanks" & "Like" that covers those emotionally raw posts that run the full course of a Gugny reply! (*See: MLM Thread.) Thanks Board Management!
  8. I didn't really like this, but gave you a "Like." I agree with the sentiment. Sales is nothing but crap... Then there is the cut, the commision. Just not me. I harass family and friends enough with my ideals... I can't imagine selling something. Anyway... I am off to the Festivus thread to air my grievance that there is no "in between" button between "Thanks" & "Like." I would give your post the "Sad" rating... But it doesn't totally make me sad. LoL... It kinda makes me happy, I like telling salespeople to ***** -off... LoL... Well, unless they get their meat hooks in Me first. But, we all got a least a little bit of brutal consumer in us! EDIT: This isn't saying I don't respect the hustle. I do respect the hustle, just leave me the ***** alone with the sales pitch.
  9. Yes. My bad. Probably why Grandma called me the devil. ? She was a Yankees fan too. LoL...
  10. Jesus was from the middle east. He wasn't a tall, blonde hair, blue-eyed Northern European... ...Jesus was 5'-3", wiry hair Arab looking guy with dark skin. I made the mistake and I told this to my grandmother... She promptly called me the devil. About the same time they were allowing females on the alter. My younger sister told my grandmother that alter girls was a good thing, welcomed change. Grandma called My sister the devil too.
  11. My Godfather, uncle was a police officer in town. I never dropped his name, I never expected special treatment... Courtesy when I was doing something wrong... It would be an embarrassment to Him and Myself. Now... My older sister... Drop his name all the time. Maybe currying favor is how the world works, but it's wrong in public service. Look, we have a businessman POTUS that is turning public service ethics on its head. And you thought the Clinton's were bad? Public servants aren't businesspeople, and nor should they act like them. Probably why we have a worsening mistrust of authority because the laws are being unevenly enforced. The ticky tacky stuff... Is a recessive tax on the non-privileged elites.
  12. For what? Practicing "Elf Law" without a license? Being a North Pole Jailhouse lawyer? ???
  13. So basically, it's socialism on micro scale. Nice! I like it... Except for enforcing the law unevenly. That's probably why people don't trust policing. Milk the other one's. It's a recessive tax for the non-privileged. This is why socialism will never work.
  14. Whole different league than NY. New Orleans has a strong, vibrant industrial economy. Heck it's one of the busiest ports in the country (short tons). Sure, NY-NJ is up there, but with NOLA coupled with S.Louisiana... It blows the rest of the country away. New York has a whole state dragging it down. It's industry that bouys the team, economy. Natural resources and location, location, location. Yet... Louisiana has the highest sales tax in the country:
  15. TV Ratings: From 2017 https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/president-trump-cant-stop-mentioning-television-ratings-1050094
  16. Dude... The Big Guy is in the house (thread). Santa has a crack team of elves leading his legal team. I would retract this statement. @BringBackFergy is the head barrister elf. You don't wanna mess with him.
  17. It adds up. Indiana Turnpike built all new rest stops. Gas is more expensive now. I don't stop in Indiana for fuel. Tolls went up from $4.10 straight through to just under $8.00 (forget the exact amount). Ohio went up. NYS is almost doubled. Checking account. My last 3 trips were around $120 added to my account. I gotta start going toll-free (exept for bridges and/tunnel) and start going I-94 to Detroit/Windsor (or Port Huron/Sarnia) and head to BFLo via the Niagara Peninsula! One trip on American side is $40 in tolls (both ways). Bridges/tunnel has to be cheaper. Just do NOT GET FUEL IN ONTARIO! Hell, don't even stop!
  18. That was advice, and very terrible advice. "Just pointing out = advice." Here is some advice. Type it the way the English language intended it to be typed, not the way it phonetically sounds to you in your retarded head. Holy moly... It's like the blind (you) trying to lead a guy with one eye (me). You've gone batschit crazy.
  19. The other party was a cat with an accidentally painted tail that made her look like another skunk. If only Pepe had all the info. I betcha Rudy G. could lawyer Pepe out of hot water!
  20. I know... About the bent part. Didn't mean to imply that. Just throwing in my take, how I react. Yeah... It's not for everyone.
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