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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. We always get the German ending! πŸ˜•πŸ˜ž
  2. Wrong, it can be nuanced. The Jews are now the power establishment... They are the bullies, not the victim. And there is 16 years of walls, social stratification, apartheid to prove that. Underneath it all, the Republicans are worse. They are just using leverage. It's a topic often talked about. From 2015: https://www.mid-day.com/news/opinion/article/so-why-are-jews-hated-so-much-22907219 There needs to be a ONE state solution. Two state is now dead.
  3. Figure. Chamber is 1,000 feet long. He swam in. Then 1,000 feet out... 2,000, then guide wall is 1,000 feet... That dude at least put on a mile today no doubt! Who knows what he was doing before a boater called us on marine radio: "Hey O'Brien, you gotta a deer in the lock!" I responded: "Is it dead or alive!" πŸ˜† Deer can swim! Noisy geese are probably shouting: "Hey deer get TF outta the water." Deer: "I'm tryin' dudes!"
  4. We locked through a 10pt. buck today: A little "hydraulic assist." Cracked the upper valves to give this big boy a little flow/tush push! Out! On his merry way south!
  5. Illinois doesn't tax you on your pension, SS, and your 401k... It's a good state to retire in... Or at least have your address there. Still it's pretty messed up here. I think a lot of old storm system is tied onto sanitary? They have been building the "Deep Tunnel" since the 1970s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnel_and_Reservoir_Plan#Status
  6. I'd rather read it's competition: The Onion. πŸ˜†....Righties fall for FakeNews 10x more than the Leftists. Hey... We do fall for it from time to time. πŸ˜‰
  7. Yeah....Especially Toronto is rebounding. A good analogy of Toronto is to think of it, with it's ravines, as SanFran turned inside out. BUT... After about 14 years of low water on L.Michigan/Huron... In 2014 high cycle hit after that cold winter. Peaked around 2019. Record high! Now it's going back down. I started with Corps in 1990, here 1992. It was coming off a high cycle then....With a brief spike in 1997, then bottom fell out from 2000 to 2014...
  8. On another note... 4 days ago. Evaporation MAY be caused by light alone. NO heat! Pretty game changing stuff if true... With regards to cost of desalination! AND wondering where the water goes! Enjoy. πŸ˜‰ https://scitechdaily.com/mits-surprising-discovery-light-can-evaporate-water-without-heat/
  9. Your links talked about how the ChicagoDiversion lowered L.Michigan/Huron by 2.5". That's utter BS, hubris. It's not a strawman... Chicago can sell way more and NOT cause any damage to the L.Michigan/Huron elevation. Ha! I figured....No worries. Good conversation to set a lot of the record straight on actually what happens and the ecological impact at the ChicagoDiversion! Chicago is in catbird seat when it comes to water.
  10. So... In conclusion, it's utter BS blaming Chicago. Ontario is supplying 25% more from Hudson Bay INTO the Lakes (since WWII... Used for HydroElectric to supply SouthernOntario) than Chicago is taking out. The water budget, math is clearly on Chicago's side here... That's why it happens!
  11. Stop falling for FakeNews. People on the right side of aisle fall for FakeNews 10x more than those on left. πŸ˜‰ The Chicago Diversion hasn't lowered the Lake Michigan/Huron 2.5"...πŸ˜† Dirty little secret (look it up)... Ah, heck, I will do your homework for you! Ontario, CanadaπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ puts in 25% more than Chicago takes out with Canada's diversion INTO L.Superior FROM the Arctic @ Long Lac and Ogoki diversions since the 1930s and 40s. https://www.ijc.org/en/lsbc/watershed/great-lakes-diversions It's the dredging at St.Clair River that lets way more water escape @ Huron (Port Huron, MI/Sarnia, ON). See that wee little red bar... That's the ChicagoDiversion: St.Mary's River is the outflow from L.Superior @ The Soo: Now... Compare the inflow @ Long Lac/Ogoki (LLO)... The first blue bar directly above to the middle red bar in the top graph... That's 25% more into L.Superior, and subsequently L.Michiga/Huron out at Chicago. I know you guys on right are a little bit slow... But you see the big culprit here? It's the water out at St.Clair, Detroit AND evaporation. Evaporation is almost 25 times more than what Chicago takes out. 55x more @ Detroit.
  12. We count our empties every night @ midnight and those get added to water budget... Not enough flushes to dilute that Trump mess. Every dump of the lock chamber is ~3 +/- million gallons of Lake Michigan water... By the time they take a drink in New Orleans, Donald Trump has passed through 3 people! πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  13. Link? I can't find anything that's under a few years old? Kinda a antiquated system in Chicago. Many have stand-pipe systems. Not sure if things are even separated between sanitary and storm systems in many residences? Many don't even have water meters, they just get estimated like in the old days. Anyway, we're moving traffic... Which means we are moving water: https://ndc.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=108:3:::::: [parameters: Illinois WaterWay/TJO'Brien] ...So is Chicago Harbor (Downtown Navy Pier Lock): https://ndc.ops.usace.army.mil/ords/f?p=108:3:::::: [parameters: Chicago River/Chicago Lock]
  14. My grandfather (a New Dealer that hated FDR and called him a "crippled bastard", BUT voted for him 4 times because it was in the best interest of the country yet against his own self-interest because he was working and doing okay) would say: "Republicans fight with money, Democrats fight with guns."
  15. You sure do! You support Israel. Democrats can't be Nazis. Nazism is on the Nationalistic right. Republicans are closer.
  16. You know... Israel is a very socialist country. Ultra-conservative with fascist tendency... You support that. What was their stance during The Pandemic? 😏
  17. Yeah. The establishment MUST "turn the other cheek" when radicals undermine. YET... A cornerstone of one of the Abrahamic religions... That the other two branches can't seem to grasp. There's gonna have to be a time in Israeli policy that they negotiate with "terrorists" OR nothing will ever change. Israel is the establishment. They are fully the in-crowd now. Both are terrorists now.
  18. (I am) trying to keep it simple for you. I don't think you can handle a 2nd or 3rd axis on chart...😏 Americans on right are all about governmental control.
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