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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Linus... Notice... @ 0:16 in, Linus says: "Fear not" and then he drops his "security blanket." Figured... It's Christmas and a good place to post this: Linus' Christmas Monologue [Luke 2-8:20]
  2. Well, happy belated birthday! I wish I was two again! You really should get potty trained by three. But, they say boys are stubborn! ?Oh, Merry Christmas too. I take you're out of the airport and the free flow of yoga pants has dried up...
  3. Boston Globe!!... Can't read it in incognito mode, unless you log in. I guess they want info? /smh... Will find it somewhere else. Like here: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/kevin-spacey-facing-felony-charge-for-allegedly-sexually-assaulting-teen-at-a-nantucket-bar-authorities-say
  4. But... Morally corrupt people are also pulling the voting lever. People pull for their own self-interest. NOT what's best for the group, for all. Look... It's Christmas Eve. We have become Pottersville.
  5. The echo chamber is this board. The biggest conspiracy is not doing what the law specifically empowers, scandal, corruption, currying favor for personal & family gain... Oligarchs, business and public interest intermingled. This is the ethical threat we face as a nation. The country is facing an ethical conspiracy. Public sector should not be run like the private sector. We are not to be run like a Russian Oligarch.
  6. I respectfully disagree, you are simply wrong. Trump's populist views speak to my best self-interest yet, I reject them on moral grounds. Bizarre, I know, look who we had to choose from... go figure. Maintaining the status quo until 2020 was the moral choice. And in reality, maintaining the status quo would have given the systems less volatility, corruption, and scandal. You are fueled by emotion, paranoia and self-interest. Morally, the status quo was the lesser of the evil.
  7. Really? You worry too much. I care about US Citizens... Like the ones in Puerto Rico, Texas, Florida, New York and the rest of the country. But... When you are worrying too much about the bad guys, living in fear... That's what I have issue with. Maybe I am just more confident and not afraid. Maybe it's the way people are hardwired. Trump's signature promise is a wall? A freaking wall? LoL Walls are useless. How archaic. Walls are for people who live in fear and self-pity, who don't accept change.
  8. Not if they turn it off... They can still cherry pick what they want. The ignored posts are haded out and unobtrusive. That's what that Snowflake @TakeYouToTasker does when he wants to cherry pick in his echo chamber. Now... Notice how I used that @ sign. Not sure how notifications work in the echo chamber with regard to that format. Conservatives (and many Liberals) are why children bite. They get frustrated that they can't verbalize so they lash out, get angry... Call names, eventually bite. Ie: Living on pure physical emotion... Now mix in self-pity. Sure... I smell blood in the water with our criminal commander in chief. January 3rd will come soon enough, the people have spoken to their representatives. We will get more info once the spinaless, lackey Congress changes control.
  9. That's fair enough. I want to be disagreed with. Please accept my frankness, we can both take from the openness to be better people. When things become uncomfortable, that's where we achieve change. Hope you have a Merry Christmas! Maya Angelou — 'Self-pity in its early stages is as snug as a feather mattress. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable.' They can't see yours. LoL... Ignore feature = echo chamber.
  10. Yeah... Just a board. It's cryptic. I gotta step on eggshells with Westside. I can't even begin to imagine. The Holidays have to be rough.
  11. Merry Christmas Westside. Don't do this on Christmas Eve. Why are you trying to get me to take action? Let it go. Please, let it go. Let the love in your heart take over even if it's just for a few days. Absolutely... Nothing happened in my life. Don't project your troubles on to me. I am NOT trying to be a d*ck... But, you are pushing me to sound like one, IMO, so you can cling to your self pity. I am not trying to be mean, but I can't even begin to understand the sadness in your life. Just don't cling to the hate in your heart. It will consume you. Remember the love. I am trying to help YOU! You keep on poking back like you want me to say something. If there is one person here that doesn't need more sadness in their life, it's you. Don't hitch your horse to the wrong post out of pain. Kinda strange I am having this conversation with you. Again... I am truly sorry you feel this way. Don't cling to bitterness. To me, that's what Trump and his followers represent. IMO, what you've expressed... You seem to want to fit in with these self-pity Trump supporters. Please have a Merry Christmas. Please. All the peace and love. And... Please accept the tough love.
  12. Yep! Exactly. Just being cordial. Hopefully, it gets down to zero. LoL...
  13. Yeah... I hate the stragglers that arrive AFTER Christmas, like my Sister's card... LoL .. Makes us look bad.
  14. Maybe 2 dozen, give or take more or less The people getting them probably never make the connection that they get their card after they send theirs. LoL ..
  15. That's how we send out cards, whoever sends one gets one. LoL.
  16. A lot of people aren't burdened. That's become a problem, IMO. They simply can't be bothered. Nice talking to you too.
  17. It's insecurities. Lot of people feel powerless, a gun gives them that sense of control. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/285829d5-3732-4bba-8d7d-91f8ff547d66 "When you have a weapon in your hand, you feel power, you feel like you could stop anything."
  18. You gotta be kidding. This is an indictment on how people have been raised. She ain't the greatest thing sliced bread, but not totally devoid of a moral compass like Trump is. I honestly think people realized they made a mistake by electing (albeit the minority) the true criminal. They just can't come to grips with owning it in public. You see it all the time... Especially with QB debates on Bills forums.* *Oh... BTW, the answer is: Doug Flutie. ?
  19. That was a joke. I didn't mean you were being anti-Semitic. I was making the tongue in cheek connection between all conspiracy theories out there. It was in context of the Roman Colosseum crack further up thread. The twin tower thing theory is pretty out there like the Deep State. Please accept my apology for a bad joke. Something drastic? If he wasn't POTUS he would be in jail. Am there is the point I am getting at. Not sure how y'all been raised... It's beyond me if that is your conscience. Somebody failed somewhere mighty big!
  20. What was the comment you perceived to be anti-Semitic?
  21. I usually just go with the flow. Nothing has ever reached the point where I had to really question your rhetoric. Uh, last time I looked there was a dangerous demagogue pushing conspiracy in the capacity as the POTUS.
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