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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I don't watch the games. This is my only social media presence. Mostly Off The Wall, etc... The games are the light common link. I will follow online... Or either go to the games for the party, tailgating... Camaraderie. I still follow the home team for the sole purpose of seeing if the Home can stick it up the crooked League's azz one day. Come on... Are we really this duped? I buy low and sell high. That's all. How about not watch at all, just follow online. Nobody pay. Get Sirius, listen while doing other things.
  2. Okay... This thread is not a mile long... Nobody else is following the rules laid out by Hammer's Overseer Mead... LoL... If the boss um man Mead Can't keep track, something is fundamentally wrong! ? Sucker! LoL...
  3. The Ontario Riviera! LoL... ? Even has a flue-cured tobacco industy!
  4. Pepsi in glass only. Plastic and cans taste like poo, not is good. Wish they still bottled the 8-packs. Usually, the Mexican variety comes in glass. Can get most brands here in the supermarkets. Coke tastes good in no matter what container. But, the Mexican Coca-Cola (cane sugar) even better.
  5. That's my first thought. I noticed the palm trees. How the heck do they clean, walk. It's like a clutter-zone. See all the boxes. Yep! LMAO!
  6. Do you mean latitude-wise? A good portion of S.Ontario from around Port Dover & across has a lower latitude than Buffalo. ??? Or are you using upside down maps: http://upside-down-maps.com "Upside Down Maps reverse standard world orientation by placing South up and North down. Orientation of a map, geographically speaking, is completely arbitrary. See how seeing the world “upside-down” procides a different perspective of our world. Upside Down Maps inspire the most fundamental key to unlocking human potential…curiosity about our world!..." Here in Illinois... I think Oberweis Dairy still delivers... Glass bottles. They give you a cooler for the porch: https://www.oberweis.com/about-home-delivery We had it for a while when Children were young...
  7. I was being sarcastic. Is that what you are getting at. /smh Why da phuge would you trust me. I am just a blue collar boot on the ground. I just observe the clustereff they call the USACE. The USACE... That's who will be "designing" the wall right? Good luck with that one and I work directly with them... LoL.. I can't wait to see this beauty they produce!
  8. Dude. DC Tom said it in under 20 words and that's mainly a bi-partisan issue! LMAO! I am just an idiot with my safety shoes on the ground. Power forward... No need to trust. Just live and learn Grasshopper. You'll believe what you will want to believe.
  9. I will tell you what... I am not going shopping with you if you can't follow the play. You can stay in the car. LoL... No way are you talking to the salespeople! We don't want to get upsold! Remember... If you do decide to go in. WE ARE NOT PAYING. MEXICO IS PAYING! Ready? On three...One, Two, Three... Break! ?Holy Moly, now I know how the Bills offense feels!
  10. LoL... It doesn't matter... Chinese Coolies and Irish/Italian Immigrants laid those tracks. Gee, my mom would have been impressed. It does kinda look like taking a train into a "city" with all that stuff around? Is that underwear from a hobo @ Union Station in Chicago? ? Way to keep it real... But still abstract!
  11. https://bgr.com/2018/12/24/uranus-impact-simulation-history-research/amp/ Yep, they nailed it. That's what it looks like when that 3-cheese, jalapeno bean burrito kicks in: https://m.imgur.com/sxt7wli Ouch! That will keeping Uranus spinning sideways.
  12. That's Trump's #3 lie to the Board's Right... He won't... In your mouth. #1 & #2 are: 1. I love You 2. The check is in the mail from Mexico. Well... Anyway, they did all fall for Trump's bait and switch. I'd hate to go car shopping with the conservative crew here. We'd all be driving Ford Pintos! Trump said we were getting this: Looks like we are getting this: MAGA!
  13. The game has become electric football, pure chaos: Enjoy watching the same big market teams every year make lots of $$$$ for the players and NFL. The game is unwatchable, let it go. So much needs to be fixed, it ain't funny. This doesn't mean I agree with the OP. I don't agree, I think the calls were okay... But I get the OP's purist, idealistic argument. Yet... The refs are crooked, inconsistent, game way too complicated... Too much technology, too many cameras, etc... So who really cares? Why rack your brain trying to care, you won't make a difference. Again, the game has simply become unwatchable, a farce. What's so hard to understand? Just try and give as least money as you physically can to the NFL while enjoying the parts of the game you are able to. Ie: Follow the game for other reasons, you simply won't be able to watch it like you should. When the wind starts to blow in your face, you can struggle and try to head up into it... OR you can adjust your sails and tack around. This topic is a non-issue. The refs are severely tainted. More rules won't make the refs less arbitrary. This isn't some grand conspiracy. The NFL game is just played, from the rules side, like a rudderless ship. IE: "Electric Football." Enjoy the electric football for the chaos it is. And if you have the nerves of steel go ahead and attempt the impossible... Pass that little foam football that comes with the electric football game! LMAO [SIDENOTE: Did anybody ever get those games to work half way decent? We got one for Christmas as Children, I think the thing went back in the box after 10 minutes...LoL]
  14. Let... Trump throw his temper tantrum in his terrible twos. Wait for the check from Mexico. I hear the check is in the mail. Don said so. https://www.thedailybeast.com/shutdowns-always-backfireespecially-on-republicans Well... I am a gleeful liberal, speak for yourself Daily Beast. "I say this not as a gleeful liberal, but rather as a conservative federal budget economist who has spent the past 17 years in the Washington DC trenches fighting for spending restraint." “Conservative activists should look up and see who else is cheering their government shutdowns: Democratic leaders who enjoy baiting the GOP into these unforced errors.”
  15. I agree. Most years, Christmas is just another work day... Like this year. I am off for a while now. Take the family somewhere. One year we drove to Florida, another flew to San Francisco, rented a 4x4 and drove into the Sierras to Squaw. Another Denver and drove to Steamboat. Last year Buffalo. We might go East again this year. Things are usually spur of the moment. But you're right. Manly we just get things through year, etc... We don't exchange gifts at Christmas.
  16. Dude, that's from like 1992. I got shoes older than that. You have to find it that shirt. Those early 1990s, anti-PC days were a hoot! Especially, the fourth grade years! Quite the wonder years. Man those were the days! A golden time for Millennials the early 1990s were, no PC, no worries... And we would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling Democrats. Thanks Bill Clinton in 1992.
  17. You nailed it... It's a boondoggle. Trust me, as a Democrat and a Fed Employee, I know a boondoggle when I see one. The lemmings that want the wall are being snowed. Makes good political theater.
  18. Wrong. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. What's so hard to understand. That's what Trump said. He needs to get to Mexico City and go pick up that check.
  19. I had two two year olds. Spare the rod, spoil the child. You're a mean one Mr. Tom!
  20. Is that all Trump's got, a "Hail Mary." If I were the Dems (well guess I am)... Wait it out. Plenty of time. Slow down Grasshoppers. Like a parent teaching a two-year old. No way do you give in to the "Terrible Twos." Sometimes the parents (Dems) have to suffer to teach the child (Trump) that temper tantrums, living on emotion is not acceptable. Get Mexico to pay for it. That's what he promised. Don't fall for the bait and switch.
  21. This is a public plea and cry for help: ? Hey Buddy... I just put in an application to join your "DC Tom Club." If you let those other guys ( @The Real Buffalo Joe Pffft, but @Nervous Guy is no slouch, he's a baller) in... You have to grant my Christmas wish and accept me! I will agree to a probationary period. ?
  22. Merry Christmas, but other thread is better! ?
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