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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Shallow attack with no substance to back up your position. Just name calling and personal attacks... As usual.
  2. Still... Better to be a dreamer with head in the clouds than a xenophobe with feet stuck on the ground. Denial is just not a river in Egypt. My how the story changes when the "Art of the Deal" blows up in face. The Repubs had better deal in December. Ooops.
  3. Changing gears a little... ...Cali can't even lay two rails from LA-SF because it's a boondoggle and yet, we want to build a +30 foot high wall from coast to coast on our southern border? AND maintain it, patrol it, etc... Two Big Gov't boondoggles at their finest! Xenophobic Repubs = Dreamer Dems
  4. "I'm stuck in your craw, @BringBackFergy , and you can't spit me out! You hear me now! You mentioned my name and mocked me for the last time and I give you warnin'. You mention me once more and have these pesky notifications warn me that you are invoking my good name and this Board's gonna run red with blood 'til there ain't one of us left!" ??
  5. Run a train. Drive a car. Speaking of running. If your vehicle ever stalls on tracks and a train is approaching. Get (everbody) out (duh)... Don't try and push car... Not enough time even if the engineer sees you and is stopping... Takes huge distance to stop. Even stopping vehicle may be toast. Run TOWARDS THE train & off tracks (duh). You run away (in direction of travel) from train... Flying debris will hit you: https://driversprep.com/why-you-should-run-towards-the-train/
  6. Exactly... Even a modern train set has fancy modern speed control. Until recently... That would be difficult in the real world.
  7. That's okay! NOT a 3-point game and stalls the Capitals at 69 points. It was a gain on the Caps. Only one team B.Jacs and Caps (even Pens/Canes) can have that spot in divison. Just keep on winning in regulation Sabres AND one team when others play Eastern Conference foes!
  8. Best of Arnold Ziffel The pigs in the Bahamas must have learned a thing or two.
  9. Zsa Zsa was hot: The three together... Zsa Zsa, Magda, & Eva:
  10. Good thing it's cold out across the I-90/80 corridor! Thanx Mead for not sending it out in August! ?
  11. Thanx... I didn't know that... I thought they were a little better off.
  12. Sorry... Had to give you a skeptical smilie. I don't have that much "Executive Time" to be Lockmaster. Meh! That's a baby lock... Those old ladies aren't wearing steel toed shoes! Get back on your damn boat before you hurt yourself... Can't you read signs! General public on the lockwall! /smh...
  13. But swines domestic down very fast... Well compared to other animals. Are the Bahamas considered "3rd World?" I have never been there, but thought it was a step above.
  14. Burt Reynolds. @Johnny Hammersticks too! I didn't (actually forgot) know that I grace @The Dean's birthday. Pretty good showing for February 11th! All the beautiful people! Oh... Abe Lincoln I think was 12th...
  15. I am trying to think now... Yep! When I first moved here, that was the first place she looked for in phonebook! LMAO...
  16. Shunting, switching, infrastructure I guess. Then dispatch, central control...
  17. That's cool!!!
  18. Same here... But before plastic grocery bags... It was Wonder Bread bags. Then your feet, socks would have red, blue, and yellow ink on them if bags were inside out. If not inside out, inside the lining of your boats!
  19. Gefilte fish... The only way to celebrate! Mozel tov!
  20. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride! Damn you CC!
  21. Only in your mid-30s... I remember 2005 like it was yesterday. Holy crap, that was 14 years ago. I have been on this board since 2002? Yikes...
  22. Not bad... But not cheap! Pay for convenience I suppose.
  23. They already are. In 2003... They ran the Mel Price Lock near St.Louis from Houston and Washington DC. 2003! That's 16 years ago. But they still need at least one person to run robot, oversee computer and two people crew for safety. So basically 2 boots always on ground. We've been running two person crew for decades. Bottom line... Can't go anymore "skeleton crew" than we do now. Kind of funny, I am not worried. Unlike railroads, there is still a slight human element with locks. That's already us! Same with railroads. They will have to keep one or two pair of boots on ground for safety & security. Again... We have already been there for the past 40 years with security and safety. We actually went from a one person crew to a two person crew 50 years ago. Yep. But they always need security guards. That, security, will be last to be automated, if ever???
  24. Wow... I better shave and get a haircut stat!!!
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