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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Federal government. Department of Army. We are funded through 2019.
  2. And you would know? What's with the name calling... Easy Bro...
  3. It depends what comes out of the Mueller investigation. I am a lib. I hope that Muthaph...er really committed something! He's immoral and the people that voted for him are equally culpable. Yes. He's immoral, a dangerous demagogue... Then nail him. That's what our system is suppose to do. Sorry you were duped. Get over it.
  4. Yup. But it's NOT stupid... How the Founders set it up. Seems to be working. Congressional elections are more dialed into the people every two years than the Electoral College, Popular Vote every 4 years. It's a safety valve against Dudes like Trump that start tweaking with too much authoritarian ways. Again... We revolted against a King NOT to instill another. Bingo! But when all is released and charges levied, will they appease, abdicate their responsibility? Bull crap... Let the game play. We are approaching the 4th Quarter.
  5. Do you understand the power that Congress wields? Yes, you think it's capricious... But it's vested in them whichever way the elections go every TWO years. It's how the system is built. Deal with it. Don't like it, change the outcome.
  6. Timmy... Please stay on subject please. This isn't the 1990s. No strawmen please.
  7. I think they (the righties here, AKA: "The Timmy's) are having a hard time with reading comprehension. They simple are living in their "Timmy Bubble" NOT fully understanding the power built into the U.S. Constitution to handle dangerous, authoritative demagogues. We fought a Revolution to remove a King... NOT to brings one back!
  8. Or so eloquently put... A Mutha...Phu...er "A president directing the heads of agencies to take various actions is not illegal, but ― like Trump calling for investigations of his political enemies ― it was certainly an abuse of power, which the House Judiciary Committee at the time believed to be an impeachable offense."* But... On other fronts: "A Laundry List Of Charges: Even if Trump isn’t shown to have conspired with Russia on election interference, his repeated lies to the American people about his connections to the Kremlin while he worked with Russia on a personal business project, the Trump Tower Moscow, well into the campaign, could rightly be viewed as an impeachable offense. And even before the Cohen filings made the timeline of that deal clear, Trump’s calls for better relations with the Russian government, including lifting sanctions and changing American policy in Ukraine, could be viewed as an impeachable case of putting his own selfish interests before the United States."* *Source: Previous posts above.
  9. ~Abuse of power. Trump harassing his political enemies. Nixon caught Red-handed (pun intended w/Trump)... Had honor to resign. Ford pardoned Nixon. Trump is painted into corner. He's the bomb, the ticket. Because if HE left office He would be criminally indicted!
  10. ^^^DDS^^^ Democrat Derangement Syndrone. The majority of Congressional Districts elected these Congress Critters. That mindless base is still the majority in the country. Trust The Process® Timmy: ^^^LABillzFan^^^
  11. So whe does the Trump Shutdown end? After the Democrats pass a resolution to end it... The push it off to The Senate? Will the Senate fall inline with their Puppetmaster® or the will of the majority, congressional districts in the great country. ???
  12. Remember, impeachment has always been part of The Process®. The Constitutional Process. It's NOT just your vote. Our vote can be questioned. Congressional Districts, Constitutionally are more "dialed in" than say: Electoral College>Popular Vote & then...( >Congressional Districts.) No laws need to be broken. I know it's the HuffPost... But please read. It's pretty straightforward: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c15302ee4b05d7e5d827572/amp?ncid=NEWSSTAND0001 Glean the X's & O's, if nothing else: "...It’s Not A Criminal Prosecution First off, the president doesn’t need to have violated a federal law ― or any other law ― for the House to file impeachment charges and for the Senate to convict him. This has been further confused by ongoing media discussion about whether a sitting president can be indicted while in office, something about which there is considerable debate among legal scholars, because the Constitution doesn’t address it. The Justice Department has issued several memorandums on the subject over a period of decades, including the last one almost 20 years ago, which concluded that a sitting president cannot be indicted because it would “unconstitutionally undermine the capacity of the executive branch.” Incoming House intelligence committee Chairman Adam Schiff recently said he believes it is constitutional to indict a sitting president and that the Justice Department should “re-examine” its guidance. (Ultimately, it might take the Supreme Court to decide.)..." "...But again, criminal charges are a separate matter from impeachment. Presidents can be impeached for actions that are in fact a violation of the law, though it doesn’t mean they always should be impeached in those instances. And they can also be impeached because they’re believed to have abused their power, even if a criminal charge doesn’t apply. It’s up to Congress to decide what rises to an impeachable offense, defined by a term in the Constitution, “high crimes and misdemeanors,” that has always been up for grabs. It’s Up To Congress So, President Bill Clinton was impeached by the GOP-controlled House on two charges: perjury (lying to the FBI) and obstruction of justice. Both are also violations of U.S. law, but because the charges surrounded his lying about a private sexual matter, the Senate failed to meet the two-thirds threshold required to convict him on the charges and remove him from office. As Gerhardt notes, a substantial number of senators later explained their not-guilty vote by saying that the actions didn’t rise to an impeachable offense — punishment for which can only be removal from office, nothing less — and many pointed to the partisan agenda of House Republicans. Conversely, impeachment charges can be brought for actions that aren’t illegal. President Richard Nixon resigned before he could be impeached, after the House Judiciary Committee had drawn up articles of impeachment. One of those articles charged that Nixon ordered the FBI and the IRS to torment his political enemies. A president directing the heads of agencies to take various actions is not illegal, but ― like Trump calling for investigations of his political enemies ― it was certainly an abuse of power, which the House Judiciary Committee at the time believed to be an impeachable offense..."
  13. In 2006, the Democrats didn't fully understand Frost. Now they do. Hopefully, the Republicans will come around and get literate: Mending Wall Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it, And spills the upper boulders in the sun; And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair Where they have left not one stone on a stone, But they would have the rabbit out of hiding, To please the yelping dogs. The gaps I mean, No one has seen them made or heard them made, But at spring mending-time we find them there. I let my neighbour know beyond the hill; And on a day we meet to walk the line And set the wall between us once again. We keep the wall between us as we go. To each the boulders that have fallen to each. And some are loaves and some so nearly balls We have to use a spell to make them balance: "Stay where you are until our backs are turned!" We wear our fingers rough with handling them. Oh, just another kind of out-door game, One on a side. It comes to little more: There where it is we do not need the wall: He is all pine and I am apple orchard. My apple trees will never get across And eat the cones under his pines, I tell him. He only says, "Good fences make good neighbours." Spring is the mischief in me, and I wonder If I could put a notion in his head: "Why do they make good neighbours? Isn't it Where there are cows? But here there are no cows. Before I built a wall I'd ask to know What I was walling in or walling out, And to whom I was like to give offence. Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That wants it down." I could say "Elves" to him, But it's not elves exactly, and I'd rather He said it for himself. I see him there Bringing a stone grasped firmly by the top In each hand, like an old-stone savage armed. He moves in darkness as it seems to me, Not of woods only and the shade of trees. He will not go behind his father's saying, And he likes having thought of it so well He says again, "Good fences make good neighbours." ~Robert Frost
  14. Ain't that the truth. The check is in the mail. Boy, the mail from Mexico City is really slow these days. I give it another week, that's what the "Big Guy" says... In the mean time, we should just pony up our own money. We'll get paid back... We really will!
  15. I didn't realize that my beloved bassett hound, Lady, didn't really go to "the farmer's farm" when I was 5 years old... Of course to frolic and play while living out her days. It wasn't till I was 47 that I realized this. Well all for the better. Knowing @Boyst62and how creepy farmers and farms can be, it's best that Lady was put down.
  16. You old guys! Pffffttt... Probably drives a big, gawdy Tundra too... Get with the fresh, cool, hip and urbane Tacoma guys... We will show you how to use a smartphone!
  17. Somebody say flush... LoL... I am good at flushing. Anyway +1 This is their own little private Idaho. Operatives like 3rd (RichinO), towing the GOP line like to hear their own echo... Been working it for years. The beat goes on. It's human nature, they will dig in and never admit any responsibility. You see it now here. I mean, how else are we suppose to handle the daily sh*tshow our nation has been turned into? Why does it deserve respect? Very typical of the way people on the right are hardwired. They can dish it, but can't take it. It brings them to tears and they want people to feel sorry, act civil... It's just the way they are hardwired with no shame.
  18. I work 40 hours a week. It's not vacation except for 8 hours every two weeks. Normal days off, just the way it's "bridged" around My swing shift. Think a "nurses or fireman's swing shift." I get only 5 weeks & 1 day (208 hours) vacation a year use or lose. I carry-over 240 hours on the books each year. That's the limit, 240.
  19. Yes... I work a compressed 12 hour shift. I worked through the weekend and Christmas Day.
  20. My job is shutdown teflon. I am actually off on my monthly 7 days off... I am packing to get the heck out of town before they call me in. I am not due back until 6am-6pm for Over Time on January 2nd... Next Wednesday. I am not a typical Fed worker. I work, get my hands dirty. LoL... "All duties as assigned." I am just a working slob, federal wage grade employee on swing shift. I am not a GS employee desk jockey. I get paid by the hour. We work 24/7/365... We have never shutdown in almost 30 years I have been there. I think the big one under Obama, they sent the non-essentials home for two weeks... We covered with Over Time and then when they came back, they paid them back pay anyway. We aren't shutdown, the DoD is fully funded. Except for the Coast Guard, they are Homeland I think?... They are working without getting paid... Paid that is...Yet, that is. I would suppose I'd have to go to work and not get paid if the military wasn't funded. We are open shop union, join if you want... But we can't strike, we signed a no strike clause. My wife works, we have savings, we'd be fine. Single income households, who knows, it's easy to spend... I suppose many don't have liquid savings? Would have to call creditors, etc... ??? LoL... It really should be!!!
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