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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Theft of service = tax evasion. Not racking up debt. By implying I have TDS. Can t speak out against demagoguery? That (not speaking out) leads to power grabs. At least We are getting somewhere. This I can respect. It's immoral and selfish, but I can at least respect you for admitting your deplorable behaviors.
  2. Hypocrite. Same thing you accuse me of with indentured servitude you do with wanting our leaders to coalesce power. I would never want you to care. I am a big boy. They come for me, I can handle it. Sorry Snowflake, try again. Baloney.
  3. So there is no threshold. Individual thinking can not be counter-productive for the group?
  4. Yeah. But there is a threshold. Can think for themselves, but when does the individual thinking become counter-productive? I think we are reaching it. Exactly the opposite! Cause them to fight! Or... Just default.
  5. Sorta... But socialism will never work. People get lazy and want things easy. This is why we can't have nice things in Our Country.
  6. Indentured to who? Like as a whole, we really have it rough... Not! Indentured to the Anerican system? This is laughable. Like the NFL players saying they are slaves. You feel your position too deeply. Must have too much time on your hands to think about things. Master needs to keep you busy.
  7. Yes... And I duck when I drive. This coming from a person who drives in Chiraq... LoL...
  8. Come on!... What's better than a doable Socialist? https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/why-does-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-get-so-much-attention-from-the-right/amp/ https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c3154e9e4b0733528336e49 "But what does Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy? “A lot,” said the headline of an opinion piece Saturday in The New York Times by Nobel economics laureate Paul Krugman. A similar tax rate was imposed in the U.S. for 35 years after World War II, which included some of the “most successful periods of economic growth in history,” Krugman wrote. Tax cuts for the ultra wealthy mean far less to them than cuts for people with modest incomes, Krugman noted. And extra money in millions of hands boosts spending. “A policy that makes the rich a bit poorer will affect only a handful of people, and will barely affect their life satisfaction, since they will still be able to buy whatever they want,” Krugman wrote" Where there is smoke, there is fire... Oops. Sure we are recipients. Armed individuals. Which ones? Be thankful their not the Taliban wanting your head rolling down the stairs. Pick your poison.
  9. It's not stealing if services are provided. Expensive services, but services. LoL...
  10. I think its law, been for decades... That nail guns won't shoot across room. I think the safety is, has to be pressed hard against something The "Lethal Weapon" Hollywood scene is simply not believable. Maybe at one time, years ago... It was. Still is safer riding in a car in New York than Texas. Texas, one takes a bullet.
  11. Wow... "AOC Derangement Syndrome" in full force." What's to be scared about a silly "little girl"... A socialist , commie. Hope that way of thinking doesn't catch fire. Like taxing the extremely rich 70%... ?
  12. Because it's more concentrated with alcohol. More alcohol per volume, less to drink and ease the DT's? I suppose @ 10 years old (like wow) it takes less. Lighter body weight, developing, brain function, etc... It's almost like fetal alcohol syndrom. /smh Actually... I have read studies that alcohol shouldn't be touched to around age 26! Yes, 26! That's when most development has shown to stop. Good thing Eddie V. over-compensated with the guitar! 10 years old? Really?
  13. Bunghole Liquors, what is it with New England.
  14. /smh Are you kidding? It's because it's a special convex mirror so there is wider field of view. Only passenger side. It's a blind spot mirror. That's why it's marked. Objects are closer than they appear (in the mirror). Do you remember when cars only were required to have a driver side mirror? Prior to around 1990 or so. LoL...
  15. Yeah... My problem is my honesty. Not the misconceptions that people like @westside seem to want to think to fill the void in their life. Scary times being honest. I just thought everybody knew after these many years. Don't take it so personal. We all go through it, get attacked... Look how the liberals in ShoutBox were attacking me this past summer... The conservatives ganged up too... Speak with honesty. Judge one's character.
  16. Thanks... It's been years since I logged on through work. Never use the network. Only my personal phone.
  17. I am wage grade... Hourly. Not GS, salary. We do everything in house. Old school. Most of the labor is done on day shift, daylight hours. It's like this: We actually have opening... We do have it easy... But you have to be handy in all trades. Vets preference too.
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