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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I agree... He should put up or shut up. Then send a general to Mexico City to pick-up the check, tribute too. This is what happens when the minority has power and refuses to govern from the middle. More people will blame him. I say bring it.
  2. Yeah we do need to discourage people from the coasts just like we did with them tilling in a dust bowel. Everybody is paying for it... Co-workers are down in Florida still cleaning up after the hurricane. It's freaking January. I don't deny climate change, but do you want some BS political football punted to everyone? You want to live there, then live there right, don't expect others to pay. It's unsustainable, why we have the BS wing of the liberals crying and whining about climate change... Congresswoman proposing idiotic taxes.
  3. Of course. Even the Puritans worried about their Kid's generation going to hell in a handbasket.
  4. More bait and switch. Hate to buy a car off this Dude Trump: Smilin' Donnie, his car prices are insane! Along w/his promises. Wow... Painted into a corner by Democrats that can't shoot straight. Some art of the dealing going on here! /smh... Trump's Shutdown is a real shi...show https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/national/health-science/as-shutdown-drags-on-trump-officials-seek-novel-ways-to-cope-with-its-impacts/2019/01/06/96c54a50-11ee-11e9-90a8-136fa44b80ba_story.html “The impression you get from the president [is] that he would like to not only close government, build a wall, but also abolish Congress so the only voice that mattered was his own,” Pelosi said in an interview, which aired on CBS News’s “Sunday Morning.” Despite the pessimistic tone from Democrats, senior administration officials described the letter to congressional Democrats as a flicker of progress. They said the letter’s formal call for a “steel barrier” rather than a massive concrete wall — as Trump long promised — was a notable development.
  5. Liquor me up, feed me Stromboli and I will do anything!
  6. And Bugs was playing "identity politics" way back in 1954!
  7. Yeah... IMO, their other development is not. What age are we talking?
  8. Mead teaches history like Uncle Bugs to Nephew Clyde:
  9. Millennials are so fooged up they are like a wild hybrid between the two. Like a Steven Wright joke: "I bought a dog the other day. I named him Stay. It's fun to call him. "Come here, Stay! Come here, Stay!" He went insane. Now he just ignores me and keeps typing. He's an East German Shepherd."
  10. LoL... Should have had one of those video game anti-seizure earnings before playing that thing!
  11. First World problems in Palm Beach. She needed a participation trophy growing up.
  12. I used to do hydrographic survey along the Upper Mississippi River... My Crew Chief was an old, old timer... Was a mushroom hunter... LoL. He'd actually find them when we were building baseline. One time he hits the jackpot and finds a giant puff ball. Wraps it up it damp towels and puts it on the floor of the truck cab. I ask him what's he doing with it. He's gonna take it home and cook it up. I say: "Ain't that dangerous?" He starts telling me a story how his whole family got sick once, but this puff ball was grade A! LMAO /smh... Shroom on!
  13. Yes. Society today is raising hyper-competitive monsters too early. We need to back away from.zero-sum game playing. Yep... It's killing the system. Not getting scurvy? ?
  14. So the famous Bills-Jets "Color Rush" game was bad... All Bills-Jets games are a shi... show... LoL...
  15. Man made lake... You need a dam operator to keep it from disappearing. ?? Reading killed it.
  16. LoL... I know. But it at times looks black to me. Especially helmets. Not anymore on high-def though. Goes back earlier I think? To the Bears roots w/U of I. The Illini blue & orange. My post was to poke fun @ this rridiculous thread.
  17. She doesn't watch GOT and play Dungeons and Dragons. Out of your league. ? Fitting. I start sounding like a conservative and not a whiney Snowflake, I become a clown. Nice! LoL...
  18. You can't be serious? Florida was a Spanish possession and not even a US territory until the early 1820s. FLA was admitted to Union over 20 years later in 1845. Mexico/Gulf predates "discovery" of Florida by about 20 years.
  19. Thanx. Cliff Claven tries his very best! ESSAYONS! ?
  20. Don't move to Kalifornia. At least it discouraged somebody. No need to sound whiney. That's a silly and unbecoming post. We need to start discouraging people from the coasts, fire zones, etc... Again... In the 1930s, people used their God given two feet to walk out of the Dust Bowls and to California, now go back... Wow... This Lib, Me, sounds conservative... LoL...
  21. When did the Chicago Bears start wearing navy blue!!!! LMAO... Damn high-def TVs!!!!
  22. Nice. Who would thought the Basket of Deplorables would whine to this song. So Snowflake-esque. Play that for the NFL players is like playing that for the Average American. LoL... Trust the Process©. No. You seem to want one person calling the shots. That's how Trump operates. That's not TDS on my part. That's being Anti-American on your part.
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