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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Like I said... Let Trump and the Basket of Deplorables think they are getting something. With two year olds, you gotta be stern: https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5c37c7c7e4b05cb31c40ed3f/amp Rob Peter to pay Paul and a megalomaniac, authoritarian politician gets his way... Sorta saves face... Such a proud moment in American history when a POTUS has a terrible two's temper tantrum: "It’s not that there’s going to be a legislative breakthrough. It’s more that everyone now recognizes there is no deal to be made ― not when President Donald Trump won’t come down from his $5.7 billion figure for border wall construction, conservatives oppose a larger immigration deal, and Democrats don’t trust and won’t accept any offer but full capitulation. Instead, the solution to the impasse seems to be Trump declaring a national emergency at the border, using a dubious authority to reprogram military construction money for the wall, and then Congress passing clean funding legislation ― without wall money ― while Trump’s executive maneuver gets tied up in court. Trump has moved from toying with the idea of a national emergency declaration to all but promising it. He said Thursday that, if negotiations don’t work out, “probably I will do it. I would almost say definitely.”
  2. Hope you guys aren't into necrophilia, because she is dead as a door nail! Died not that old too: 70. Lung cancer, I think she was a smoker. How come the pretty ones gotta smoke. Like being smoking ain't enough! https://www.prwatch.org/news/2008/01/6927/why-dont-we-talk-about-smoking-and-celebrity-deaths
  3. Thanks for the birds and the bees... LoL... Actually, our one cat was rescue. Litter of one. They named him: "Uno." We changed that to his midde name. He was a kitten. Now He has "two more bruthas from other muthas." LoL... All 3 rescues. Now you have proof I am insane. Wife is the crazy cat lady. One more and I will need to be rescued. I like Hawaii! ?
  4. Really? $800k vs. $5.3 BILLION. What stupid comparison. And we know that the wall will have to be maintained, patrolled, etc... This will over run 1, 2, 3 times!!! The gov't stay in $5.3 billion range. Asian carp, silly Asian carp, they are saying 18 billion to replumb the waterways.... And that's only about 40 miles. It's... Just Your boondoggle now. A boondoggle is a boondoggle, wall, carp. Really big wastes!
  5. Actually, I don't... Sometimes. LoL... /smh Both neighbors on sides of me have my key, code to garage door. Heck, even Amazon & Chamberlain are teaming up to get your Garage Door Code. I am a good leftist. LoL...
  6. Be careful what You wish for, You may actually get it... ...An even bigger Swamp. This time smack dab in the middle of the desert!
  7. I am a gatekeeper. Asian carp boondoggle has been going on for years. Perfect person for job. Just like up here, there is no "emergency" because there are no carp close. Corps will fit right in with the wall. LoL... I hope he gets military construction (where my job is funded) innvolved... This will get interesting! Fasten your seatbelts for one doosy of a wall!
  8. I love Trump... I will deploy to the Southern Border! Make some extra $$$$. LoL...
  9. We have 4 sluice gates and 2 fish screens, on dam. It's too expensive to put 2 more fish screens in. Yeah... We want the Corps to build a wall! /smh *IMO, leave the screens all out. The good species, "collateral damage" is shocking when those screens are lifted and cleaned. I mean, I swing 55 foot wide gates (110' opening) every 15 minutes during the summer to let boats through. Who the hell's bright idea is it to get the Corps involved? LMAO.... Let me guess, you are the low hanging voter that voted for Smilin' Don! LMAO... A little sawdust in the engine makes motor purr like a kitten!
  10. If Trump was NOT a politician and was a straight shooter... Why the heck was he resorting to campaign rhetoric? Why not say straight up that a Mexico deal (bad for Mexico) will pay for wall? Why was Trump acting like super rhetorical politician striving to snag low hanging voters by spewing low information rhetoric? Is this the Guy that will "drain the swamp", "lock her up" or bait & switch you a lemon from the car lot? Welcome to "Smilin' Don's (Gently) Used Car Lot. Show your deplorable card and get 5% off.
  11. One slick politician: "When I say Mexico's gonna pay for the wall -- do you think they're going to write a check?" Trump asked. "No, they're paying for the wall in a great trade deal." Nice!
  12. LoL... Hope the Trumpster knows what he is getting into invoking the Corps robbing Peter to pay Paul... Asian carp are filter feeders, they only orient themselves facing upstream... Migrants will just point downstream.
  13. What gets me, if everybody is rescuing animals... Where the heck are they coming from? Who are the irresponsible people not spay and neutering animals? You would think the number of responsible people outweighs the irresponsible? Am I just naive or are people really jerks?
  14. Trump will have the Corps look into the wall, people will think its getting built and he'll "save face" when the gov't reopens. Trust me, you don't want the Corps building the wall... LoL... It will be a doosy when they get engineering division involved! They will put up 20 miles and cost three times as much & Asian carp will slip through the Rio Grande... /smh... FORWARD! ESSAYONS!
  15. As a socially conservative leftist, it will be interesting to see the bench go right. I know my fellow leftists disagree, IMO, it may be exactly what the doctored ordered for some of the ills of society... If in fact the SCOTUS has the balls to hand down the medicine to a society off the rails. There will be some tough love... Especially when it comes to environmental issues.
  16. Or fell from the ugly tree... ...And hit every branch on the way down.
  17. As you can tell, easier highway miles too... Stop and go traffic is a killer. ?
  18. Ha ha... LoL... The name of our tug boat is the "Creve Coeur." http://www.towboatgallery.com/Creve_Coeur(USACE)8888818.php?mnu= We actually have it tied up @ Lock now... Just sent it through on some work: I think the boat is prettier!!!! ^^^^
  19. Wrong thread. Squeezable Swedish Bacon here: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/212913-squeezable-bacon-yum-yum/
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