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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. It's gotta be Oakland. They lost: NBA NHL NFL (2×) MLB Is it like Gary, Indiana is to Chicagoland as they are to the Bay Area? AND teams that were there were stolen from other towns. I think the Golden Seals were the only team that originated there... And really, they were only a 1967 dry-run for the Knox brothers, future Sabres owners in 1970. San Jose proved to be more a suburban hockey market. I guess ultimate karma...
  2. When did plays and penalties all of a sudden get subjected to arbitrary booth reviews? Do they think we aren't paying attention?
  3. These kids don't shower after gym class anyway nowadays... Probably used to it. 😆
  4. What if it's your favorite restaurant and you're there twice in two consecutive nights? Do the 9 people above order the same thing? Thoughts from @Gugny 😉
  5. My parents would get hot Hungarian sausage at Valint's... Very good! Just looked them up. They used to be on NF Boulevard... Amherst/Tonawanda. Now it appears they are in Lancaster: https://www.valintsmeats.com They must have move or are there 2 locations. Might want to try them.
  6. You know... The world's on a new kick. They hate victim shaming. 🤣
  7. Las Vegas means: the meadows in Spanish... They should name the ballpark "The Meadows."
  8. Let's not get all sentimental. Oakland must be declining or it's too rough there. I went to a game in Oakland once. We stayed in SanFran. 😆 It doesn't matter... Still doing it for money. Oakland's must suck doing business there... He wants to move to greener "meadows." Pun included. When they left KC... KC demanded the expansion Royals in 1969. Maybe Oakland can demand a new team? I really don't have any sympathy for these teams. Seems the ones that move were the ones that stole from someone else.
  9. It tells me when you take away everything from people... The only thing they got left is to f*ck. Listen to the story: They'd inherit the earth if they can bust out of their prison. Yeah... And Israel thought they could keep them locked up in a camp 1/3 smaller than the size of Chicago and go on living the socialist Irseali dream for eternity with the world not noticing. Great plan...
  10. How about just drop a nuke. It worked for us with Japan. Oh... You meant the protesters. Yeah. Nuke 'em too. 😏
  11. Here in the US. The SCOTUS just overturned a woman's right and left it to the states.
  12. https://www.wbez.org/stories/cook-county-has-more-palestinians-than-any-other-county/af5ddebc-b8c7-4fb1-88e7-7c2cf8f0124b "...But experts also say the history of Palestinian migration to Chicago has to be understood in the context of a long history of conflict in the Middle East. “To discuss the history of Palestinian migration or displacement to the United States requires discussing the history of Israel. Otherwise, we are leaving out the root cause behind why there’s such a large number of Palestinians in Chicago,” said Nadine Naber, professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Global Asian Studies at the University of Illinois at Chicago. In the 1948 war around Israel’s creation, more than 700,000 Palestinians were displaced from land that became part of the new state of Israel, according to the United Nations. Palestinians refer to the mass displacement of 1948 as the “Nakba,” meaning “catastrophe” in Arabic, Naber said. Roughly six million people around the world are direct descendents of the refugees displaced from 1946 to 1948, according to the United Nations. A majority of them “have been denied the right to return to their homeland, because they or their ancestors are refugees,” Naber said. ..."
  13. I say we have Aaron (Rodgers) of course mold us a golden statue of him holding a calf.
  14. That makes no sense. Over 100 years old in 3 different towns... Sounds like a cheating who*** to me. Las Vegas is the perfect town. New classic. Oakland stole it from KC and KC stole it from Philadelphia... What's the difference if Las Vegas now steals it?
  15. Don't worry... They will be gifted a WorldSeries in under 5 years. At least Buffalo teams never moved. Is it better to be left hanging on a leash or move? Thank God we have an international border w/Toronto or we'd go the way of the dodo 🦤 Oakland teams in the BayArea!
  16. Well... They did move from Philadelphia first to Kansas City, then Oakland. They did spend almost just as much time in Philly as Oakland. Live by the sword, die by the sword. That's how it works in declining areas that at one time may have hemorrhaged from other areas.
  17. Wanna/need to waste +2 full hours the easy way! 😆 Enjoy!
  18. @ Bucs 12/21... Cost us home field: That would have been the potential winning penalty putting ball on 1 yard line. Tom Brady home cookin'!
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