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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Not for the Anglos. Patrick is anglicized as Patty. No difference I take.
  2. We stopped using that in 2016 after the big law suit. Now we let a private contractor handle it. πŸ˜† Plutonium & uranium are natural elements too. πŸ˜† All kinds of toxic natural elements.
  3. Thou protest too much "Pristine" & "Calumet River" were never used in conjunction... Ever. Even the natives dragged their canoes through here, making ruts, and when filled w/water when rains came, the first canals were born. They polluted with stuff like carcasses of animals, etc... There's probably lead all over that Spanish Galleon. #LearnYourHistory
  4. Trucks through him into the end zone mouthing the words: "I'm home Rachel!"
  5. YES! πŸ˜† But please, one at a time.
  6. False. I work with one of the world's largest toilet systems. When someone takes a drink in New Orleans, it has already passed through 3 people.
  7. Β‘HOLA! Because $$$, business. Sadly, trade trumps truth in this country. Trade is king. πŸ˜•
  8. Yup! Called: "Standard" for a reason. Why I made the crack about each state given the opportunity to decide for themselves. The 20 states should opt out. What a wonderful mess that would be. You'd see the Fed panic. Right now, Arizona (who wants more evening heat) & Hawaii (almost 12/12 daylight year 'round anyway) are negligible... But the rest of the herd has to be uniform.
  9. And because of their LATITUDE. More consistent length of days throughout the year. Closer to the equator and poles, it really doesn't matter. With stuff like this, the middle latitudes bear more of a burden. It's pretty disingenuous of Florida. They wouldn't be pushing this crap if there were health effects affecting driven by their latitude. Oh wait, there are. 😏 Why do they even wanna fuq w/us given the already increased middle latitude burden: https://www.neurologylive.com/view/multiple-sclerosis-severity-associated-latitude-temperate-zones-driven-uvb-exposure Do we mess around with their hurricane funding? If we all lived at the same latitude and had similar length of days consistently throughout the year, then fine.
  10. With :26 left. I think SanDiego ran one play w/fans all over the field.
  11. I think Indiana is all standard now except along the line? IIRC... They decided uniformity??? NOT sure town's are split down middle.
  12. Better than 9:30am sunrise here in winter if we stayed on DST permanently. I live on east edge of CentralTimeZone, does that mean the poor people on west edge of EasternTime wouldn't see sunrise in winter until 10:30 am if on DST year round @ this particular Norther latitude? IMO... What will happen is nothing. We moved DST as wide as possible with out totally screwing the Northern latitudes. Right now, the remaining states are 50/50 between permanent ST/DST. UNLESS we just give every State the option to choose. Hey, that sounds fair. πŸ˜‰ AZ/HI/Territories get to choose. Why can't the other 48 states and DC choose what they want?😏 This really is a North-South struggle. BUT Indiana wants YOU!!!
  13. Stats don't lie. Probably same number up there too, but just not noticeable because there's really nobody there AND most importantly: It just doesn't matter up there, DST. You give a bad example. https://www.ktoo.org/2022/03/23/alaska-permanent-daylight-saving/ Little bit different up there. They also get almost 24 hours of sun on the other end of the season. It's either all dark or light. "...In spring time, as we gallop toward summer solstice, we don’t need to advance the clock to get more light in the evening. Just wait a few day and the globe does that for us. ..."
  14. Uh no. Only 700k in Akaska, there's more people in my county than all of Alaska and they are driving around in an area 1,000x smaller. πŸ˜† That's a healthy thing. Start getting ready for bed in a few hours. πŸ˜‰
  15. Hate it break it to you sunshine. Changing the clocks is probably the best compromise. 20 States want permanent Standard Time. 22 States want permanent DST. The States that want permanent DST should kick more money into the health system. DST causes more damage. Or we just let every State pick what they want. Right now it's almost 50/50. How well will that go? πŸ˜†
  16. FWIW: I mean....Hasn't the science spoken. Who needs to shop in Florida @ 9pm and still be light out. πŸ˜†
  17. Staying up late is bad for health. We tried full time DST in 1970, failed miserably. Yes. Because it's healthier. I don't want the sun to rise at 0930 in winter because that's really bad for your health. No energy savings and nothing but health risks like obesity, diabetes, etc... The science has spoken: https://www.livescience.com/health/sleep/the-case-against-daylight-saving-from-a-neurologist-and-sleep-expert https://time.com/6899121/daylight-savings-time-internal-clocks-essay/ Hopefully come November it's the last time we fall back. Fall back and stay there. The stats, experts don't lie. DST is killing us. There's a reason why "standard time" exists. Morning light is more important for our bodies. https://www.colorado.edu/today/2022/03/28/why-permanent-daylight-saving-time-bad-idea
  18. Since when! πŸ˜†πŸ€£
  19. Restructuring his pants...
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