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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. A high tech stadium in a high tech town... Can surely find a high tech hacker to nab a wireless connection. Go back to the cord and the kid holding the wire for the coach. Any coincidence when the League "cut the cord" the Cheaters have a meteoric rise... Mix in idiot savant Ernie Adams in the booth and they got gold.
  2. On another note... So many good stories @ The Sun: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/8252341/pure-o-ocd-sex/ Holy sweet Jesus!!! @The Poojer is packing his bags right now for England to help this poor lady out! ? "...Author Rose was just 15 when she had her first attack of pure O, with a mental image of a naked child entering her head as she ate dinner with her family. After that, the condition became so extreme she spent years fearing she was a *****, kept imagining everyone around her to be naked and even saw vaginas in the background of TV shows. Rose was helped by a form of therapy that meant she had to watch porn three times a day, and released a memoir, Pure, which has been adapted as a Channel 4 drama..."
  3. All those billions spent on the East Coast ports in anticipation of the New Panama Canal was a waste. Overland transportation systems so much more cost effective. Very controversial argument I just made there. Not that I believe it. ?
  4. I think the Sabres should fire Phil Housley. Not getting the most out of the young talent.
  5. Can't be too uptight, especially in today's "everyone is a victim" world.
  6. Sorry. I wasn't sure you knew my position OR the tie into the story. Again... Sorry. Yet, be very careful. You see how this stinky family complained and is turning it into an anti-Semetic argument against American Airlines. Asian carp, as much as a joke, are the world's (outside of N.America) most eaten fish and main ingredient (pike, carp, etc...) in gefilte fish. Anything can be turned into an identity, victimhood argument. Anyway, I am not sure you knew.
  7. Not getting kinky here... And don't you dare spread my family secrets (well I guess this is a public forum)... ? But, my wife loves the smell of a campfire. LMAO... Oh, those times coming home after a weekend campout... ? And what really freaked me out... The smell of diesel too... Those long nights pushing snow on a diesel tractor... LMAO... WTF! Yet, a little BO and I am in the the dog house. People are weird... Noses even weirder! Now... 2019, I am surrounded by diffusers and essential oils! ?
  8. My mother would all the time. They would beg her to donate... And palettes I believe. I think she was type AB- Yet, sadly she passed on almost 20 years ago... Will be 20 years this February 3rd. Myself... I have been on BP meds since my 20s... Have had high BP since a kid. Not sure if I can donate... Never tried.
  9. Thank God for the cold! Just imagine the smell when people get home from the stadium and start peeling off all those layers.... The Carhartt's, etc... LoL...
  10. If you read what I write... Know what I do, I am not the guy trying to keep the Asian carp out of the Great Lakes. Actually, I help them. I think it's one big gov't boondoggle (a... Ahem, like The Wall)...
  11. Interesting. Men weren't marketed deodorant until around the 1930s. Women and decade earlier. People didn't take showers every day. And they worked. Heck my father's family didnt have indoor plumbing until the time he went into the Army. LoL... What the hell did people do prior? There were surely long train rides. Granted, I am not going all hippy... But society is really sensitive. And, they have been marketed these sensitivities. Maybe this is a little extreme... That Napolean Dude is pretty well studied when talking about this subject... The Euro thang about stank! LoL... https://www.historicmysteries.com/sexiness-stink-attraction-to-body-odor/ "Imagine getting a text message from your significant other which specifically asks that you avoid a bath until your partner returns home from a business trip. Would you be mortified by the clear implications of such a request? Long before the advent of the mobile phone, it is believed that Napoleon Bonaparte made precisely the same demand of his wife, Joséphine. It would appear that the Little General had a peculiar sexual attraction to body odor."
  12. I didn't think it was possible, that American Airlines was wrong. Any bets that you're being anti-Semitic? Gefilte fish is made from Asian carp. Maybe the guy was right and they kicked them off for other reasons which would be truly sad. But, who knows with people like you sitting next to them. /smh
  13. Ha! We need more peace, love, and understanding! Just not anymore cashes or the whole plane puking.
  14. @Gugny says we need a "hippy revival" in this country! I am starting to rethink I ever agreed with with him. ?
  15. Kraft funded his own stadium. They would rework the mortgage every 30 days on The Razor. Any coincidence the League needs them to win the last 20 years? Just imagine if the team stunk, fans left and poster-boy owner Krafty went belly up like the previous New England owners because of fickle fans that would rather become Eagles & Giants fans than loser Pats** fans. Bet that's faster than you can say: "Ralph is dead and can't keep us afloat" or "Patriot** Place is really cool but nobody is shopping there." Just saying... Yeah, it is about funding and the banks... That's no reach.
  16. And get off our plane while you're at it too! https://abc7.com/travel/family-kicked-off-flight-after-complaints-about-body-odor/5105635/ It gets better: "We stopped several people in the airport and it's embarrassing, but we asked them 'Do you think we smell because we just got kicked off a plane for smelling?' People told us we didn't smell," Jennie said." What the heck is wrong with people. Can't even be shamed. They just had to ask somebody! LMAO... Let the debate rage!
  17. She'd be tripping if she saw them fighting. I filmed this at work a while back: It's nasty out there... Goose eat Goose world!
  18. I keep an even keel... But only in North Atlantic Winters! ??
  19. Please take this to the controversial topic thread. ? I like it, I am lazy, like knowing when next game is.
  20. "You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will"
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