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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Is it not on topic. They are all controversial. But anyway, sorry. Will do.
  2. The shear amount of people that either agree with him or not. More people (I know that's not what wins) disagree with him. Yet, upside down elections are fine if you attempt to not make irrelevant the majority of people. He won, that's okay. But he has to acknowledge the fact that it's upside down. More people disagree with him. He needs to accept that and try to establish a mandate with the people. He's the Bills going into the 4th, 2020 with a 3 point lead against the Pats** and he's throwing bombs against the wind with a Tyrod Taylor arm. No way it holds. Trump still lost the popular vote. Even know he won, that still means he has to work at it.
  3. I know... But Trump so immoral... Cloaked with him racing to the "Lock Her Up", "She is evil" bit... ...It's usually the jealous, overbearing spouse that is committing the real deal, cheating... etc... ...We should have seen this a mile down the road. The real criminal usually points out who they think are the crooks, to take heat off them. Huh? The minority is ruling and they are ramming their agenda down the majorities throat. At least work from the middle. Build a mandate. Controversial topic: I think Americans sell out way too much! No less than 2 mill for me. ??
  4. In this day and age? Sneaky is better than a viral post on the internet. Get them off the plane, lie, cheat, steal... Get them to neutral turf where they don't hold an advantage. Yeah... I don't know what I am talking about. No. No I am not in over my head. Like I am suppose to believe you? Maybe you get your kicks treating people like dirt. That ain't right. "Gee, Mr & Mrs. Such and Such... Come with us off the plane." [Once off the plane]: "You smell, BYE!" [DOOR SLAMS!] "Hey wait, can we have our stuff?" "You can pick it up in Detroit, bye, take one for the team! Remember the group! Safety first... Ohh and take a shower @ the Airport Marriott!" Great business model you are running there Cappy Sherpa. Who knows what is really going on? Sh*t hits fan when they bump people to move crew. Who's going to tell truth now. Go underground. Lie. Face it, the industry sucks nuts... Put everybody in a hermetically sealed pod and fly them on a drone beam, that's what we are getting too. ?
  5. Crimean War /American Civil War. Modern with the advent of say machine guns, trenches, etc...
  6. I don't know. Of course you do. Like I am suppose to believe some arrogant schlep on the internet. Thanks... LoL... You deny they will get a lawyer involved and there will be a settlement or push on with discovery? These are people's lives the airlines are effing with. I know, it's all in the name of safety and thinking of the group first. Maybe they did smell. Maybe they didn't... Like you know. Just kick them off the plane and do your damn job and get my stuff... Or pay me for all new stuff. People wait on the tarmac for 4,6,8,12 hours and can't leave... We've all heard the horror stories. I don't think it would take that long. They want to be the heavy over someone's sense of smell then get lazy after they lay down the law. Again, what's next? Getting booted for a "cologne dump" because the person is on pins and needles that traveling makes them smell. Sorry... Not every pleb out there is privileged with a pass to the Admiral's Lounge. People travel, they smell. Look at the story Johnny told above. There's gotta be more to this story.
  7. Some times too much maintenance, over greasing, etc... Is actually worse than what the status quo was, under maintained. Maybe a moto-head analogy: You can only bore the block so much before you throw a piston. Guess what... We threw a piston. Would have better to just leave the damn engine alone. The traditional swamp now looks like the Sahara Desert to what's been created. Be careful what You wish for.
  8. Here's a thought. Maybe there was no air marshall on that plane. Could they have got one on the plane next morning... Say someone was freaked out by the religion thing... Made the whole story up. If a lawyer gets involved, can they get the manifests for both flights... See who was on it? Interview people, get them to testify? I think American hushes this up and pays them if they start pushing with an attorney. I am sure the ADL is already on it. I changed my son's diaper on the floor by the bulkhead @ 35,000 feet. Yet this was 2000. Now... LoL... I wouldn't dare.
  9. Well... If I did show up worse... It would be kind of their fault, they got all my stuff. I ain't no beauty queen and can work wonders with the same smelly clothes. What's a shower going to do? Now, fair enough. I get with "the thinking for the group" mentality. We are a very individualistic society. No double down. Next thing that will happen, somebody will get removed for wearing too much cologne, fragrance... These are people's lives they are effing with. Have some empathy.
  10. 1" another 3" coming with next "Clipper." We only average about 40" a year. 82" was record was Chicago record back in 1978.
  11. I get it. I am not saying take off. Safety, order, expeditious. Guess what takes the hit first. People complaining about smell will just abuse it more. They think it's really bad, let them wait. Do the job right, get their stuff off. Of course... But who's to say the other passengers didn't start it... And get everybody worked up, including the crew. ...Now anybody can toss accusations around get somebody tossed, close the door and still be on schedule. Just be careful if someone comes for you. But you are big shot pilot... You'll pull professional courtesy of course. Different for the plebs you serve. All I am saying is show some empathy, compassion. Get their stuff off. You don't wipe your azz halfway. They weren't a problem in morning with same smelly clothes... If that was me... I would came on flight in morning reeking to high heaven. Baby... Forget about the diaper. Speaking of that, who bought the extra diapers. Those things are outrageous!
  12. My wife was on a Greyhound Bus 30 years ago... Going south on I-57 from Chicago in blizzard. A dude speaking Spanish starts having a panic attack... Wants to get out in middle if blizzard, white-out. Bus driver calms him down... Guess who the man sits next to? You guessed it, my wife... Then he starts taking off his shoes to clean them. My wife she said just pressed herself against window and prayed getting to Champaign, IL in one piece!!! LoL... Not really. Just a funny story. They should have kicked them off, but to keep everyone "honest"... Make them all wait... Get their stuff off. It would stop this: "Ooo you're stinky BS" and leave it for the truly disruptive.
  13. I don't think they do know what they are doing. Being expeditious and getting the plane off in time should take a hit. It's only smell... What did people do on trains 80 years ago before deodorant? Boo hoo... They want to complain... At least show some compassion and get their ***** off the plane. Sounds like one noisey passenger.
  14. I think he was pushing for it @ Yalta [EDIT:Oops Yalta was 1945] ... To keep the Soviets in check from the East. Gallipoli was the first modern amphibious landing I believe. Maybe a redo, vindication? @DC Tom this is off of memory... I am not too far off base with Churchill pushing for another Gallipoli front to keep Soviets in check? EDIT: @ the Tehran Conference, 1943. My bad.
  15. Come on! Something more was going on. Cops lie. Yeah... Right... They were playing "Rooskie Roulette." Only the Trumpster plays that game.
  16. Churchill wanted D-Day there instead of Normandy... If I remember the history correctly.
  17. American will end up paying for not letting expeditious take a "hit"... And every passenger will incur the cost. I know it's hard to remove the luggage. That's why I said it. Living without your stuff already knee deep in stank isn't easy either. Obviously, the smell wasn't a problem the next day even with the smelly clothes... The passengers have a choice. Deal with it or wait. In the end, the airlines will pass the cost on to all passengers. They will settle for big bucks now because they can't wait. That cost is passed on. Either your time or your money. They gave vouchers for food... What the hell is a voucher? Is that like cash. You really think they gave them cash to go shopping @ TJ Maxx? LoL... I wonder what these "vouchers" looked like? Maybe they did smell... But do the job right. Now, everybody waits. Like from the ATC training manual with regard to the Gubermint Shutdown: "...When Klontz was a supervisor at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, he said if there were too many people out sick, they would adjust the rate of departures to make the workload more manageable. "'Safe, orderly and expeditious,' that’s what it says in our initial training order," said Klontz. "'Safe' is always going to be first, 'orderly' is going to be second, but 'expeditious' may take a hit."..."
  18. Who smells and who doesn't. This too: https://nypost.com/2019/01/25/secret-to-staying-slim-is-in-your-genes-says-study/amp/ Well... I guess it may not be controversial now after this study?
  19. Why not get their luggage off, car seat, stroller? Obviously the passengers complained. The passengers either deal with it or wait for the stuff to come off the plane. What's stopping people from complaining to just complain? It only takes one loud mouth. It wasn't a problem in the morning? Probably worse with the same smelly clothes. Maybe this was a packed plane & people didn't want to sit next to a baby?
  20. Delve deep into more articles from The Sun... I am sure there is something in there more worthy of your discerning appetite! ?
  21. The last bastion of the Deplorable. ^^^ That and pretending to bring levity to the debate. You're the one that took it personal first with the Asian carp dig. You sure you weren't on that plane from Miami? Maybe it was something they ate? Garlic in their diet? You were on to something with the fish. But, now... It didn't affect their morning flight with the same clothes on. Something doesn't add up on both sides. I am not sure what to believe with this story. Were the other passengers on the first flight being overly sensitive to smell? Yet, like one comment from that WaPo article mentioned, situations like this are worse when people "cologne dump" because others have "allegies." Wow... Screwy world we live in. Can't please the noses of everybody.
  22. Wow, read this, double whammy. Yeah maybe they did smell and American wasn't anti-Semitic, but afterwards they were and smelled like Asian carp like @Foxx alluded to in their culturally charged statement towards Jews. Anyway... Oh my, people have every angle covered: https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/transportation/2019/01/25/jewish-family-was-booted-flight-over-body-odor-says-anti-semitism-is-blame/ “Obviously, there was a reason,” Adler, who is Jewish, said in a phone interview Friday with The Washington Post. “But I think it was an anti-Semitic reason." “Even if it wasn’t,” he added, “they were anti-Semitic afterward.” Yet, now the airlines did this, without giving them their luggage back right away: "Our team members took care of the family and provided hotel accommodations and meals, and rebooked them on a flight to Detroit Thursday morning.”" And said this: "At one point, after Adler asked airline workers for an explanation for the removal, one of them asked him, “You told me for religious reasons you don’t shower?”" “I shower every day!” Adler quickly responded. “I said you kicked me off because of religious reasons.” Did they smell for the second flight after obviously wearing the same clothes? ?? Which... The family addresses here: "In any case, Adler said, had the airline been that concerned about his body odor, it should have given him clean clothes to wear. Instead, he said, he had to wear the same clothes on the flight the next morning because he did not have his belongings." Same stanky clothes, even with a shower, must still smell pretty bad. I guess they didn't mind on the morning flight... The other passengers that is. ??
  23. Are people really this stupid to fall for these tests? Like they are going to tell you precisely, be 100% right with what your ancestry is? LoL... Come on people... They take samples from identical twins, triplets, etc... And the results come back different. Look up the story about the identical (BTW, extremly hot!) triplets from Minnesota that got three different results. People are idiots if they think these things aren't ballparking ancestry. /smh... I do guess they are building better algorithms and they are getting closer with more and more samples. They get you to believe they are building a missile base to launch missiles when they are really only launching bottle rockets from the missile base. People sure love fads and especially in today's identity world, "who's team are you on", people eat this stupid crap up. Just take the test alone. Don't compare it with any family... LoL...
  24. Where do Canadiens fit into the equation?Do we need to build a wall at the Quebec border?
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