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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Did you hear the American Airlines gate attendant bring in the religious angle. The family never brought it up. The gate attendant said: "So you don't shower because of religious practices." The man immediately replied: "I shower every day!"
  2. That's what they are claiming! "Cologne Dump." The airlines said other passengers complained. Let them face their accusers. Not just trick them off plane and close the door and take off with their stuff. Pretty low and weak. Throw the other passenger's undr bus. They bumped them and didn't want an incident... So they lied. Tried to shame them.
  3. No. Not at all. I am siding with the family. The other passengers should deal with it. But it probably wasn't true they smelled It IS the topic. Did you see the guys interviews. He is claiming anti-Semitism! I am siding with them that it is!
  4. Did they not trick them to get them off plane. Why not resolve it in the seat? See who complained? /smh... Really... That quote was offensive? Well I am sorry. I can delete that part.
  5. The ones going full Nazi is American Airlines, tricking them off the plane.
  6. That was a direct quote from the website. They went full Nazi.
  7. That was a Jewish website (Chabad.org) that took it there. Not me.
  8. Like duh! We are all closer to the Sun this time of year... ...That's because during the Northern Hemisphere Winter/Southern Hemisphere Summer, the Sun is closest to the Earth! Stay toasty My Friend... I wouldn't miss this part of the year for nothing! ?
  9. Why do you laugh... Laugh all you want. Like you know that your industry is so honest. Now that's laughable.. Like you can speak for American? You think they would want a viral confrontation with a seated passenger? It's plausible. Move the other person(s) onto the plane. Then trick the other person(s) off. Shut the door and throw other passengers under bus, claiming they complained. It bumps the person you want bumped, moves your personal who you want moved AND it avoids a viral, in-seat confrontation. Pick the family... Ones with a kid sitting on a lap. Less risk of it blowing up in your face at the seat. I wouldn't put it past them. I can't say I blame the airlines. The people fall for the olfactory ruse and are shamed, great!... What's the odds they actually sue and if they do, settle before discovery... Before the plaintiffs get a hold of the manifests/who was on the plane. For now, they moved their precious employee, person, whomever and didn't have it go viral with an in-seat confrontation and got off cheap stiffing a family... A few cheap food vouchers, hotel, and flight on non-full morning departure... Better than not having personnel where they should be? Think of the group, the cogs in the machine. It was the last flight out. The aggrieved did catch the morning flight. Hmmmmm.... Hey... It's your scuzzy industry, why wouldn't you put it past them? It's very plausible. We all saw Delta dragging a man off because they played it wrong. Rule of thumb... Have them explain right then and there at the seat why you have to leave. Stay calm. Hold your ground like Covington Catholic Kid did with Old Indian Drum Dude. In this case, "smelly" family thought there was a family emergency. Ooops, they played it wrong. So laugh all you want. That's all you got.
  10. I would say Deerhunter is a "war movie." IMO, so is: Anybody say:
  11. Oh... I will take video of the lock gates and the shipping thru the ice on the canal... Will be at work. The gates are 220 tons each and at these temperatures (with head, difference in water between elevations), the gates "jump" up and down, all 220 tons of steel, on the hinges (bronze pintle ball on steel 20 feet below surface of water).
  12. The HIGH here will be -14°F on Wednesday. The low will be in the -20°s...
  13. Yeah... Still a burden. No way I Uber with a kid. People are idiots with car seats... No way I trust an Uber Driver's car. Taxi... Shaking my head too. Put the responsibility squarely on me. I bend the rules, gonna be with me behind the wheel. https://nowthisnews.com/videos/news/minnesota-toddler-strapped-in-car-seat-falls-out-of-moving-car
  14. I mean really... Woman were marketed deodorant in the 1910s/20s... Men late 1930s... What did people do, the masses, prior? They stunk. We are so over sensitive... Granted, yeah... Don't stink! Come on, sit next to a Dude who just cologne dumped... People piss and moan about that. People travel, they smell. Especially toting around a kid, rushing to gate. People are so unreasonable and over sensitized now. Deal with it or fly 1st Class, avoid the hoi polloi in steerage. I mean really. Trick them off the plane and take off with all their crap. Now they have to use the airline to leave. Sure Detroit is far from Miami. If they were closer, could have just said ***** it and rented a car. Airlines are getting to be scumbag operations... Think with automation, etc... Cramming people in, prices would go down... Nope... They still treat you like *****. Sure complain. Now everybody waits. Think long and hard before giving into what you deem unbearable. Again, what did earlier generations do about odor? Oh, just had to be awful on that plane... Everyone was ready to puke?... /rolling_my_eyes. I get the crew didn't want safety issues, so they caved to the chronic complainers out there. Gave in and still rewarded them by being on time and screwing the accused. There is more to this. I bet the airlines is lying. Probably bumped them and tricked them. What do I know about Fake News®. That's my take... And I am sticking with it. They will settle, be made whole.
  15. Got 3" today. Just shoveled out myself and neighbors. Glad it came early, work at 06:00. 3" more coming thru Wednesday. Dustings I guess...
  16. Frost Line is about 40". Pipes are 48" deep. Never had issues, even @ -30°F. Couple years ago in the Arrowhead of Minnesota skiing near Thunder Bay, Ontario... It was -30°F... I got up every 3 hours at hotel to start my Jeep... Should have had an engine block heater. But, where do you plug in?
  17. Noooo. Not even close. Not at all. I have been here since 1992... We have been in the high -20s°F real temps... All time Chicago (Official) low is: -27°F (1985). High was 105°F (1934). Remember warmer in City. Records were kept at Midway, now O'Hare. I am outlying, South of City on Indiana Line. Colder here. Compare that to BFLo, alee/protected and insulated by Lake... Slightly warmer in winter, cooler in summer: -20°F (1934/1961) and 99°F (1948). I never felt it as cold in BFLo as out here and when I lived in Iowa. Green Bay now -36°F (1888) & 104°F (1936).
  18. No escape. We are getting a high of -14° on Wednesday. 230 miles away @ Southern Tip of L.Michigan. Your a little more protected on windward side of Lake (G.Bay) than here. Rolling geography and Lake.
  19. Depends. How does a "look" smell? What would lead you to believe they smell just by their "look." Did the passengers and crew feel the same way... And why? 10 Anti-Semitic Myths: https://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/2617031/jewish/10-Anti-Semitic-Myths.htm #3/10: "The Jewish Smell Since the Jews were associated so closely with the devil, they were believed to share his characteristics, notably his smell of sulfur. If Jews did not smell of it, Christians claimed they used Christians’ blood to rid themselves of it. Indeed, the belief about a unique Jewish odor was so powerful that it not only persisted throughout the ages, but also became the object of study by Nazi scientists." Diet? Maybe the other posters that tried to derail this thread were right about smelling like gefilte/Asian carp: "Asparagus and other foods Asparagus is notorious for making urine smell like sulfur after you eat it. This is because our bodies convert the asparagusic acid it contains into sulfur-containing chemicals. These chemicals leave the body through urine, causing the distinct sulfur smell. Eating large amounts of onions or garlic can also cause this odor. What you can do Avoiding these foods is the only way to keep the odor from occurring. However, you can reduce the odor’s severity by drinking plenty of water before and during meals that include these foods. This can dilute the chemicals in the urine and prevent or reduce the sulfur smell..." https://jewishtimes.com/67293/you-should-know-39/arts_life/
  20. ?? Where did you read that @? The way it is written in the https://abc7.com link it (sniff testers) appears to have happened right after they deplaned. And... Did they get new threads? Who drove them to store? Baby without a carseat?? ALSO: Your link in "Boulder Thread" (locked) works. You just have to copy-n-paste it into the URL box. It is not actively hyperlinking. Probably the way it is set up. FWIW. Just like the employees @ American Airlines, not doing their job, laying down the Stink Law. People just not creative, always want the easy way out. https://guacamoley.com/lol/2019/01/25/geologist-gets-the-ultimate-revenge-on-her-drunken-neighbors-after-they-block-her-car-in-with-a-giant-boulder/?utm_content=inf_10_3742_2&utm_campaign=GTAK&tse_id=INF_4be7f12020d711e9b433ab68d22425b2 Just copy-n-paste that. There is probably something in that URL??? EDIT: Your link works, it's going hyper for this post.
  21. Wow... Never heard that. /smh And Coach Q sits out there... Not following that. But, Sabres seem like a Young 'Hawks situation. Legacy coach, underachieving, etc...
  22. Agree. But one last thing: The reason is because the founders didn't trust the people (even if they were elite landowning white males). It worked the exact opposite in 2016. The EC didn't have nuts to pull trigger on the "safety valve." You gotta take it with grain of salt. Look @ context of the thread. Don't keep score on what of your's is getting wacked vs. what others have let slide. Not a pi ssing contest. Okay, maybe it is a peeing contest between K.Smallies & Me! ?
  23. You would have thought they would have treated a beachhead like attacking a fortress. No? Just getting there and doing something is akin to going up to the walls of a fort, regrouping then trying to breach. That's insane, right? What let then think differently? A big wide sandy beach to stand around out in the open? Oh... Did anyone mention: On war comedy front:
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