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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Can we get aid like they do down South with hurricanes... We still have Fed aid being sent down there. Or... Do we have to dig ourselves out and collect income tax from our citizens?
  2. Hottest was 104° here in Illinois, 1995 heat wave. My cd changer on stereo rig malfunctioned after we lost power (and A/C )... ? Muggy hot is brutal. Rather -40°... Can always heat up, but not cool down!!
  3. -30°F, Arrowhead of Minnesota, Lutsen Mountains... Near Thunder Bay, Ontario. Sunrise over L Superior skiing SouthEast w/my son... January 2016... This run: It was so bad cold-wise... I covered my camera and goggles through the snow gun halfway through. Would have been doomed at those temps getting pasted with snow.
  4. Co-worker just got back from Florida helping out cleaning up after hurricane (yeah, they are still fixing things)... He brought me back a jacket he swapped for a few work our baseball caps. It's a fleece lined short jacket. The guy down @ Jacksonville District (Corps of Engineers) called it a "parka." You gotta be kidding. That ain't no "parka." Parkas have hoods! It's a freaking spring jacket! Maybe it's the inside layer of parka under the shell. LoL! It would suck if a furnace goes down. It is now -10°F (actual temp). Exposed flesh becomes frostbiten in just minutes.
  5. Speaking of "eagles"...You jogged my memory: Anybody mention this? ^^^^ (1968)
  6. No. There is always peace in the Valley w/me. I am not a jerk. I am very easy... Contrary to what @BringBackFergy says. Don't listen to them. Don't listen to him about trucks and guys who quote lyrics too, but besides that, is a rather stand-up guy! "...Oh sure the banner may be torn and the wind's gotten colderPerhaps I've grown a little cynicalBut I know no matter what the waitress bringsI shall drink it and always be full, yeah I will drink it and always be full..." I always tip 20-25% no matter the experience. People like @Johnny Hammersticks worked hard servicing old battle axes like Old Lady Singer.
  7. Gonna be another cold blast and some snow in the coming days. Funny... I almost 9 years old in 1977... But I don't really remember storm, I remember the 1976 Ice Storm more!
  8. Gonna be a lot of stink there! LoL... Covered in trust fund baby cologne!
  9. Cold tolerance is acquired. I just wore a hoodie to work today and it was -4°, 12° now. I am so screwed if i break down. I should probably throw a coat in my truck. I do have work gloves, hat, blanket, and chocolate bars... Probably should throw a sleeping bag too. But... Most important, got a phone to call my wife! LoL... She has heated seats and steering wheel! ?
  10. You replying to me? Then man up and just do it. But if you want the last word because I didn't get the notification, then have at it. You simply don't know what happened either. I am throwing a lot out there. What we do know what happened is they were duped off the plane. Humiliated. Then their stuff flew away and left shut out of their ride home until the morning. That's pretty much documented and agreed with. How is that better...??
  11. I like the change of seasons, the snow. Just not too much to keep you always shoveling. I just wish it would stay 15° from Thanksgiving to Easter... Then go right to spring. Snow, stay frozen.. Mud, the up and down sucks.
  12. Don't feel your position so deeply and you won't feel the need to use profanity and react strongly to the stupid arguments you get yourself into on the internet. I simply side with the family mainly because of the airlines refusal to not give their stuff back. Again, I can agree with American Airlines decision if they just made everybody wait and got the family's stuff off. These are lives and emotions your fellow industry co-workers are effing with. Again, if people were really bothered by the smell... They can wait. Everybody work a little harder. Passengers want somebody removed simply over BO (very subjective) then the airlines can do the job right. Planes wait all the time when it suits the airlines or there are mechanical issues. Make these people whole, right then and there. Be fair and stop taking yourself so seriously. You make some good points, I understand what you are saying... Now meet the alleged smelly family half way. Everybody is in this together.
  13. You have faith in your chosen field. That's admirable. Glad you speak for your profession. You should be a spokesperson. Agree to disagree. Don't you have a plane to fly. Now, lock yourself in there and speak when you're spoken too. ?
  14. What happens if the issue is them being Jewish and the smell thing is made up? You should be a mind reader. That's what the gentleman is saying. If he does sue, I guess they can get the passengers to testify.
  15. I am just invested in this silly argument... Just something to talk about, pass time in conversation. If you want to call the incessant banter (hope what I think is banter and not nastier) "conversation."
  16. I smell. So Yes. ?? Doesn't one kinda empathize with the family. Really BO thaaat bad? If it's true... Seemed like they ganged up on them. Or... Are people just over sensitive or the airline is lying. Or maybe the people that complained are anti-Semitic? It's all a possibility.
  17. Yeah... Happy bought off: LEO's just do the dirty work. If this situation ever presents itself again, there is no doubt they need to trick someone off. "Come with me Sir, there is a family emergency." [Door Shuts] "Man! You smell, the other passengers said so. They complained." ?
  18. LoL... I just don't trust the Airlines over the people and a little BO. But, I am not getting my face pushed to the jetway and cuffed either. Oh, you are off the rails in the other thread. ?
  19. In the end does it really matter. Adapt and overcome. Practice old-school conservatism, etc...
  20. We can kinda agree on something. But who knows. ?
  21. They were all boarded. Who knows what happened. Maybe another Delta situation happened at last second. If that happened and a crew member showed up at last second... Of course they will lie... They don't want another Delta situation on their hands. But of course all holier than thou guys like @sherpa know... Because they got the "in." LoL.. We need to trust him... LoL... The mllion dollar post! Huh... You say I am an anti-Semite because I am pro-Semitic. Be careful who you are calling an idiot. /smh They want to fly home. Let them stay on plane!
  22. No. They just dragged a guy off Delta. Went viral. This guy had 8 family members at home. No way was he biting on being bumped. He made in no uncertain terms that he had to get home that night. Okay Mr.Mod. It was @Foxx that brought the Asian carp, anti-Semitism comment up first.
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