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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The Super Bowl sucks. Just another Sunday. Not going to watch, why give my time and money to a crooked, fixed league. Unless it is the Bills where I could hope to see them stick it to the farce... Why bother? It starts with the individual. Don't go to the store and buy anything. It would be fascinating to see the what that would do to the economy the Super Bowl generates. If you really want to change things... Stop playing into the vapid, gratuitous, over indulgent consumerist culture. How much easier can it be with the Cheaters in the game... You know, fighting the urge to watch. Everybody complains about this or that, but then they run right back to the trough, buying what they are selling. Sorry for being Mr. Ray of Sunshine. Enjoy the game! Strap on the feed bag.
  2. Here is a good explanation: https://www.ajc.com/news/local/georgia-lynch-mobs-devised-flimsy-reasons-for-taking-lives/DPNqpcG72DpJFUV6FLQnlI/ "...The perception is that a lynching always involved a certain means of death — whether by hanging or shooting or burning. . “It’s not the method in which a person is killed, it’s the context in which they are killed,” said Hill, a professor of African and African-American studies at the University of Oklahoma. “That context is when the person is summarily, lethally and brutally punished for an alleged crime and denied due process of law. That cocktail of things is what we call a lynching. It’s less about being hung, shot or dragged to death.” ... ...In the early 1900s, at the height of lynchings in America, the NAACP tried repeatedly, and unsuccessfully, to persuade Congress to pass anti-lynching legislation..."
  3. Good thing The Polar Vortex wobbled south and was around. In February 2014, it was cold in Chicago. That month had lowest murder rate in Chicago since the 1950s! Go Global Warming/Climate Change! A warming arctic causing a wobbly Polar Vortex is surpressing the murder rate in Chicago. That's why this story is even more dubious sounding... When it gets cold, the murder and assault rate plummets with the temperatures.
  4. Same thing happened in Chicago with Savard early. But they had balls to yank a legacy coach after a few games. The talent is there. Housley, mark my words, will wreck these kids.
  5. Yeah... I am on my phone 99.99% of time. I usually type two or more letters and then pick from the list... Must have not checked this one. Touch and go. Not going to edit a short post unless really bad. No biggie. Close enough. Well: Just edited this post! LoL..n
  6. Of course it was a ***** you election. Totally agree. That's human weakness and how it was manipulated. Why people are weak. Don't want to be duped. Don't let emotions get the best of you. Don't let your own self-interest control you. That's where the moral compass goes off the rails. The weakness of the average American mindset it very apparent. The moral cracks, plain as day.
  7. This just really fire's me up. That is all. Carry on. Thank you Young Fella, you are a true American. LoL...
  8. I was explaining complicated pyschological operations in another thread. I suggest you go there for formal reeducation. Your post is exhibit A. But anyway... I am on to you.
  9. Yeah... I don't buy it. That's not a good reason. It's a weak reason, ability not to see the truth and still get manipulated to pick the wrong candidate. You have to have zero ethical compass to be manipulated. What happens if it's all a "double psy-ops" situation? Anyway, still an upside down election. The rural areas hold more electoral power... And it's those areas where their Christian moral compass was manipulated and played. If people would have just followed their ethical heart, the choice not ideal, but the answer clear and free of any voter manipulation. It's not about The SHill OR The Don. There are asymmetrical games being played. VERY complex psy ops... And they are very simple to avoid... But most don't avoid. I will just leave it at that so the argument doesn't get too PPP.
  10. Totally agree. It's because they are as dumb as the MAGA Deplorables. Two peas in a pod. /smh. I was. 13 detectives on this case! ??
  11. Guinness & Coke... AKA: Trojan Horse: 1/2 pint Guinness® stout 1/2 pint Coca-Cola® Mix coke and Guinness in a pint glass. https://www.thespruceeats.com/trojan-horse-recipe-759837
  12. LMAO! TMZ is involved, gotta be a hoax... Why do peope do this, then they waste taxpayer $$$ with gov't getting involved... #15: Job Security I guess.
  13. You mean Mr.Ferguson is technically not dead to me? That this was all a cruel, vicious joke because somebody started the topic first! For the love of Baby Jesus and all things good... Good grief! Go to hell! ? Skeptical... Gonna take more than decaf! A frontal lobotomy, the first one didn't take.
  14. #BringBackFergyIsSoDeadInside2Me Disclaimer/WARNING: Some content in this post may not be suitable for the faint of heart, NSFW, small children, sensitive pets and farm animals, @Gugny , triggerable people under 50 or anybody with a pacemaker or similarly constructed medically implanted device prior to 11/8/2016. Holy *****! "...The Mankato Free Press reported that Duane Arden Johnson, 58, of Searles, Minnesota, was charged with criminal neglect and receiving stolen property after his wife's death on Thursday. Deputies said Johnson called 911 at about noon to report that his wife, Debra Lynn Johnson, 69, had died. The real kick in the nuts for the deputies, somebody should call OSHA: Officers arrived at the couple's home and found the words “Death Parde God Hell” spray-painted on the front door. A naked Duane Johnson allegedly ran outside and said his wife was dead, then ran back inside to take a bath. He was later found in the bathtub hallucinating and trying to wash white and black “things” from his skin, according to deputies..." Hey, ain't Mankato in Minnesota? Wasn't it like -35° actual temperature out in Minnesota yesterday? Yeah... I am the stupid one for being a GateKeeper© playing Sudoku, blowing bubbles in a pit, twisting handles watching vessels float by with hot chicks in the summer, frozen Southern Hillbilly deckhands (hey, take the good w/the bad) in winter while Asian carp stealthily avoid the submarine nets all the while making a bit more what these poor, poor deputies earn... Boy, what a fool I am! Holy Moly! These guys need a raise and a Dunkin Donuts® lifetime all-you-can-eat & drink card for enduring these horrendous working conditions! Good thing Minnesota deputies makes above the national average. The deputies no doubt were drawing straws on who goes in after this 58 year old Johnson dude that doesn't look a second under 93! LMAO... Okay, 88... Not a day under 88, he does have a youthful glow and impish look, smile about him! AND that's after he took a bath and scrubbed off the black & white demons. DEPUTY #1: "Yeah Sam, looks like you lost... Pulled the old short straw... Good luck going in... I am here for ya Bro!" DEPUTY #2: "Wow, this sucks Joe... Looks like he ran into the bathroom, there is water running, I will give him 10 minutes to clean up after all that hard partying & death." WARNING! WARNING, DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER WILL ROBINSON! This is where the above disclaimer is applied... Press the back button now or forever hold your peace (and presumably the oatmeal and raspberry Chobani® yogurt you just had for breakfast): 50 ***** 8! I am almost 7 years away from 58? You sure that ain't a typo and 85? Yeah... I am killing myself on the job alright @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek @et al... ...We need to start a GoFundMe to send those poor, poor deputies to Aruba for the month of January every year! Where did grammar school (beside an F in spelling) go wrong in the 1960s? And don't say swimming nekkid @Gugny...But I will concede that may have contributed to this dude's penchant for free-balling in -70°F wind chills, oh and a little meth too, but just a little, meth that is. Somebody had to be the "adult" at the "death parde." I am so done with you Fergy for posting this. You are so dead inside to me... You scarred me for life once too many times. I treat you to 3 Floyds® and you treat me to Nekkid Johnson® and a re-evaluation of my privileged, charmed life. You are an evil, nasty man who works in strange ways! I gotta wake up to this... I am going to my Happy Place and shovel snow so my wife and daughter can get to work & school. #BringBackFergyIsSoDeadInside2Me
  15. Think of all the charities hustling the buck and selling the emotions. It's all a big racket.
  16. Chicken wings = bar food. You can make then 1,000 ways and still not please someone. They are good but over-rated type of food. I can tell what I like. But that's not what others may like.
  17. It's like the Mob. The shenanigans, cheating will stop.
  18. I also heard "Ponies" up in Middleport good to. But, never tried them. Another Irish Pub...
  19. Both. I need a jumpstart though. I can easily go both ways.
  20. Like Gugny said. Yet... Extreme Early "Cosplay" type stuff for the freaks out there. Hard to take seriously.
  21. I was wondering how they caught on fire! I thought something was short-circuiting... Yeah... I didn't look close enough, it was fast video, to see if there was a third rail. I wonder how that works with snow and ice... If it arcs or flashes, debris catches fire? Thanks!!!
  22. Check out the train track catching fire in Chicago. Must be electric?
  23. Got half right, leave hook at the top of the water column. But they have to stumble into the hook accidentally. You know, with their mouth always stuck open like it is, it's hard to bite. ?
  24. Look it up. Preferably an .edu site, not your usual Wikipedia or at a @Cripple Creek BS "Sportsmen" sites... Those guys generally know jack-shist and spread misconceptions down through the generations. ?
  25. ??? Typical lawyer! Get with it my Man! COMMON carp feed off the bottom. Asian carp feed off the TOP of the water column, near the surface. Don't spread misconceptions. The top of the water column is the cleanest. Contains the least amount of toxins and the most nutrients. Virtually no heavy metals like Mercury (Hg) as found in game fish like salmon that prey on smaller feeder fish. Fish that eat other fish are generally more polluted than filter feeders like bighead & silver Asian carp. That be the truth. Common carp muck around the bottom. Silver & bighead Asian carp feed at the top of the water... Why silver Asian carp tend to leap out of water when disturbed by boat motors @ certain high rpm's. ?
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