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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The earth is closer to the sun during the Northern Hemisphere winter which is Southern Hemisphere summer.
  2. I thought she was that way since her late teens. She is now 29 I believe. And... They are now saying that it isn't a vegetative state... That she does respond in ways.
  3. It's called an "ice bridge." Froze over does mean it is, well, frozen over. It can still move under, flow under the ice. Rivers freeze over and so does The Falls. Ice did stop the roar in March 1848: http://www.niagarafrontier.com/fallsstopped.html And in the olden times, when idiots were free to do what they please... They actually played on the ice when The Falls "froze over." What a great day of sledding (sliding if you are from hippy, screwy Vermont)! Until people got killed of course. Darwin Award winners of 1912: https://buffalonews.com/2017/02/04/feb-4-1912-falls-ice-bridge-cracks-three-swept-deaths/
  4. I am skeptical... Not buying the pack of wolves story. No disrespect. Not saying it ain't true... But early FakeNews!©??? Wolf attacks in N.America have been highly embellished. Verses other animals, wolves/canids are a different story. More myth than reality. Here is a very interesting read if you want to dive into it! https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301267098_Predators_That_Kill_Humans_Myth_Reality_Context_and_the_Politics_of_Wolf_Attacks_on_People "Historical Wolf Attacks (Pre-1950) History is repeatedly used by competing factions to legitimize various positions in politics, and wolf conservation is no exception. The relationship between wolves and humans has a rich cultural history with written source stretching back over 2000years (Lopez 1978 ; Carbone 1991 ; Marvin 2012 ). Accounts of wolf attacks on humans are widespread throughout history. However, a considerable challenge occurs when trying to assess the accuracy of various sources. There is a whole genre of folktales that portray cases of wolves chasing horse-drawn sleights in winter, or attacking soldiers and postal workers as they travel alone through the woods (Carbone 1991 ; Snerte 2000 ). Although widespread in local oral traditions, these tales turned up repeatedly across Europe from the nineteenth century and onwards following the rapid expansion in printed materials (precursors to today’s tabloids) in that period which used images and text to generate emotional responses in readers (Sangiovanni 2012 ). Despite the stories often being portrayed as having occurred locally (in each of many localities), there is no indication that they are based on factual events. In recent years, European historians have studied the administrative archives to gather more robust information about the historical relationships between people and wolves..."
  5. We can't answer your question until you tell us what that "medical device" is. So many wildcards here... It's 2019!?
  6. See this post: When my son broke his elbow... They put Sharpie® x's on his good one before surgery. Or... Was that the "bad one." ??? I forget now... ???
  7. When were the other 3 years. Again... I don't deny things. I simply dont care. Like we will ever get everybody to agree to stop whatever they are doing? Only one solution: Adapt and overcome.
  8. I don't know why this song flashed into my noodle... But it did. Just enjoy, don't ask questions: Some of the finest poetry ever written: "After seven days He was quite tired so God said "Let there be a day Just for picnics, with wine and bread" He gathered up some people he had made Created blankets and laid back in the shade The people sipped their wine And what with God there, they asked him questions Like, do you have to eat Or get your hair cut in heaven? And if your eye got poked out in this life Would it be waiting up in heaven with your wife? God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him So he said "once there was a boy Who woke up with blue hair To him it was a joy Until he ran out into the warm air He thought of how his friend would come to see And would they laugh, or had he got some strange disease?" God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him The people sat waiting Out on their blankets in the garden But God said nothing So someone asked him "I beg your pardon I'm not quite clear about what you just spoke What that a parable, or a very subtle joke?" God shuffled his feet and glanced around at them The people cleared their throats and stared right back at him."
  9. Society is way beyond that. https://www.health.com/pregnancy/give-birth-in-coma-vegetative-state Only total losers get past "First Base." And, today, it's a nobody who ain't a loser... A victim, loser, or a nobody... Except those Roman Catholic kids in MAGA hats... They are winners!
  10. All these posts in an no cougar jokes. Kids got it easy nowadays... We never had cougars at our bus stops!
  11. Holy crap... Read this: https://wildsafebc.com/cougar/ Gee... Ya think? Remember the good old days, when we just wiped them out... At least could walk to bus stop in relative calm. /smh If there have been cougar sightings, escort children to the bus stop early in the morning. Clear shrubs away from around the bus stops, making a radial area of about 9 metres. Installing a light at the bus stop may also increase security.
  12. Not saying it would be easy, and while getting mauled, dreadfully painful... But without a weapon to draw blood... What options do you have beside going for a soft spot like eyes and ears... At least jam something by the head... Rock, stick, you half-ripped off arm... Like the article said... Keep on fighting. Connect with the eyes seems the most logical. No? https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/mar/11/i-fought-off-mountain-lion-experience "...Feeling the lion’s face, I found its right eye and pushed my thumb through the eyelid all the way to the muscle at the back of the eye. I managed to get my knife free and stabbed at the top of its head before pulling myself to my feet and running away, down the trail...
  13. Why? You lay down and quit, you're toast. At least the thing is dead before it becomes habitualized on human blood. We are top of the food chain. I just walked into the kitchen and my cat was stalking me. Good thing I noticed, I got really big, raised my hands above my head & attempted a 65 yard punt. End of story, threat neutralized. ? Geeze... At least carry knife (strapped to your shin) or something while jogging... Get some good swings in there. I always said... With the huge deer population here, one female big cat re-introduced here would probably keep things in check... And those pesky humans too. The mass hysteria would keep everyone on their toes. LoL.. Again... Why not? Betcha pretty banged up. But fighting back anyway possible... Dig into the eyes... Depends how big the runner vs cat is. If one is attacked, there is no other way... Besides having a weapon like a knife to at least inflict damage back.
  14. And the password is easy to crack in under 10 tries before nuking the account: OpenSesame Or is it: OpenSaysMe
  15. Wow... Works gr8... Just downloaded app... Watching the 10:00 News. LoL... Sorry, got to get back to it. Chicago market probably helps.
  16. Working for the Federal Gov't... Almost nobody gets fired... Yet, in 60 years of existence (the field site/PDS @ work), they fired one guy last year. Just couldn't show up on time for shift. Real space cadet. A millennial. Combat Marine to boot. He felt entitled, like nobody could fire him... Argued with management, claimed PTSD... The whole 9 yards. He was a probey, he gone. I couldn't believe they pulled the trigger and let him go... Boss that fired him is a Navy Vet, okay... LoL... Aren't Marines Department of Navy.. But anyway... Big thing, just couldn't show up. All you have to do is show up and not get anybody hurt. He almost got somebody hurt. /smh. I wonder if he failed drug test? Always vaping, head in clouds... Maybe he was on something... Then the entitlement factor. Not sure how he made it through the Marines in Middle East. Got a few older service guys, retirees from Navy, Army... They seem to think it's the "New Service" (post 1980) with some of these young vets. Coddled too much. Too much baggage. Even if DoD broke him while he served, think giving him a job when he returned, a good paying job would have helped. Some just self-destruct. Oh well, it was a first.
  17. I vote @Cripple Creek to be a moderator. He's got a certain flair, elan... Even esprit de corps for the job not unlike has been seen here in a short while! Very short while. How long before we vote to fire him? Over/Under... 6 months. ?
  18. He mostly certainly could. I am not violating the Hatch Act.
  19. Dude... I am not at work. I work 3 days a week... Do you want my schedule? So you can keep track? I have been off since Tuesday @ 6pm. Next day I go back is 2/7 (Thursday night)...Overnights. You should be an over-officious moderator. You got the talent in you.
  20. Just saying... If the whole town was in on it, especially the authorities, who's going to jail? Especially in an era with weak Federal oversight. ?? Who gets charged with murder? I know you are not purposely trying to be obtuse. It's very confusing. You're looking at it from the 2019 eyes... Not with 1899 eyes. I think you're still confusing the actual act of hanging vs. mob action that sometimes didn't result in certain death. Did you understand what I quoted above? I will quote it again below. Lynching didn't always mean certain death. There is a perception, a PERCEPTION that it did mean certain death. I take from this statement that not all lynchings involved certain death. I know, it's very confusing: "...The perception is that a lynching always involved a certain means of death — whether by hanging or shooting or burning. ..." The mob action was also a form of intimidation. Formal definition, which includes death. What anti-lynching laws seem to have wanted to establish is criminalizing the mob action and acting without legal authority. verb (used with object) to put to death, especially by hanging, by mob action and without legal authority. Can be confused hang lynch (see synonym study at hang)
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