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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. No offense taken. I am not here to draw attention... Maybe vent a little. Tell the truth. All I did is post that "The Wall" is going to a mutha of a boondoggle (believe me I see boondoggles: Asian carp = waste of $$$) just as the dems push the green BS and "Dream Trains"... But I won't call conspiracy on this garbage... We got retired annuitants @ work dreaming of Trump'sWall© so they can deploy to Southern Border to earn some scratch while collecting a retirement check! Same with the wars over seas... Yeah... And I am the problem?... These are guys loving the newly created crooked TrumpSwamp©. I post some stuff... And the flies buzz all around like I am invading their echo-chamber.... They can crow all they want... Then get butt hurt with a little heat. Yeah, I fire back. It's a bigger mess than it ever was. Yeah, I am doing okay. What the heck is wrong with these people... Self-serving? You gotta be kidding... So many ways I can be self-serving with the establishment I am a part of. Sorry for venting. TYTT... Doesn't know his azz from a hole in the ground. The people that complain... Whine about people treating them poorly are usually the douches dishing the disrespect out themselves... Who the ***** does he think he is? Sorry, Mr.Big Shot TYTT, I hurt your feelings. The whole world ain't his hired help. Maybe they run others off... I don't run off... I shoot straight fron hip, tell it like it is. Peace... I got no problem with anybody. But there are few with some chips on their shoulders. Maybe even a few ringers, hired guns. Peace. No you are.
  2. You don't even know me. I am just a working slob... Hourly... Living fat? Hardly, but living content. That's only because I make the best of the hands I am dealt. And hardly self-serving. If I was self-serving, I would be agreeing with you guys and the majority of my blue collar, hourly co-workers that I am around on the job with daily. That's self-serving. Word up. It's not always what things appear. That's the wheels in your own head, your own insecurities that create your illusions. And when it comes to treating people poorly... We are arguing politics. Stop being a butt hurt Snowflake because you can't take what you dish out. I only treat poorly the ones that attack first. Go back and read through. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen... Retreat. Fine with me. Sorry... This liberal doesn't fold. Hopefully, you can take a look at yourself and not what others are doing.
  3. Yeah. Understood. I should have edited the quote. My post was more in reply to the "wall being needed." Free trade should have open borders (movement of labor).
  4. I thought Trump doesn't make bad deals. Now, it's "garbage." https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/sean-hannity-how-trump-can-take-congress-garbage-deal-and-stick-the-wall-down-their-throats.amp Always someone else's fault.
  5. In March he could have ended all that BS and took deal... Went about the same buisness. This ain't on the judiciary. Thet granted a respite. This is on Trump. Instead, he waited for Mid-terms to fire up his base... He lost miserably. DemocratBlueWave© flipped 40+ seats. Trump is a shill for his Deplorable, immoral base. Now he's painted into a corner. Some "wheeler and dealer." Again... Don't go Cadillac shopping with Trump. You'll drive out in a used Yugo.
  6. Not addled at all. But man you clowns really come out of woodwork. I have four of you cats coming at me... Maybe more. Who's addled?
  7. Hey Man... At least I got you to look inward. It was so much nicer when when you ignored me. Again... I didn't mean to send out the PPP Circle Jerk Bat Signal© with my reply to Chef's Bullet Train post. Just pointing out both are boondoggles... I'd rather dream of choo choos thEn be scared of Cheeco's walking across the border, but that's just me. I don't live in fear. You Cats coming at me faster than lightning... Exactly... Outside of being disingenuous. Been on the table last March. He waited till Mid-terms. Lost miserably. Of course it was offered in December again.
  8. If you were paying attention a year ago... You would have saw it: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/03/trump-should-have-accepted-democrats-border-wall-offer.html I call you a lazy *****... And you gotta one-up. If the shoe fits, wear it. Don't worry, I am not heart broken that I. Who the ***** are you to think you hold out "hope" for me? Get off your high horse. We are arguing politics. You are too serious about yourself.
  9. 11 months ago: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/03/trump-should-have-accepted-democrats-border-wall-offer.html
  10. Lazy *****... Look it up yourself NJSue. Bust out of your bubble a little. Shhh... Be very quite the helicopters are circling.
  11. Who sent out the PPP Circle Jerk Bat Signa©? My intent was to just point out the Tale of Two Boondoggles, along with Trump losing The Art of the Deal©. Man... You Guys really hover.
  12. "[All Trump] had to do was accept a 10- to 14-year path to citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States at a young age. That deal has been on the table for more than a month now: Trump gives Democrats a path to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers; Democrats give Trump his full $25 billion wall funding request. [...] It is confounding that Trump didn't just take the deal."
  13. I liked his post. Her Green New Deal is BS. The environment is where my Leftists lose me. Time to take the foot off the environment throttle a bit.
  14. No. Okay, maybe. But, FWIW... Even my Grade 8 teacher got through to Me to proof-read. I know, that's hard to believe, right? Me? I mean really... The @grinreaper is that OCD? LoL... I guess this is their life here. What's he getting paid to spend time here? Even I am not that dedicated. He's dedicated alright, the Grin Man that is, to what I don't know!!! grinreaper is Professor Terguson of PPP:
  15. $5.7 vs. $0 Uh... $1.7 is not even in the ballpark. I am not going Cadillac shopping with you and taking you into finance company office. We'll walk with funding for this: https://www.autotrader.com/car-video/heres-why-yugo-one-worst-cars-ever-made-259789 You're quite the Arab Horse-Trader B-Man. They were giving Yugos away free when You bought a Cadillac in 1987. Well done!
  16. You copy and paste the second I post? What a nut bag you are. Holy Moly. I changed it 30 seconds after I posted it. It was a typo. Okeedokee Quick Draw Conspiracy Man McGraw: Sweet Baby Jesus... I didn't mean to fire up the PPP CircleJerk© around here. I was just pointing out the Tale of Two Boondoggles.
  17. How long will it be tied up? But, at least Mexico is "paying"... Except for all the US druggies that bought from El Chapo.
  18. That's being spoken TO Trump... LoL... Nice! It's still immoral. But Trump got worse deal than offered in December. $5.7B... Cut to just below $1.7. Gotta throw a bone to the dog... Let them think they got something.
  19. Right to the crooked contractors. Same thing will happen with Trump'sWall©. A boondoggle is a boondoggle.
  20. Next thing you'll tell me is the moon landing was shot on a Hollywood set. That's a pretty elaborate rise in that picture I posted. Good thing you sniffed it out! Tibs is a true American Hero. Thank him for his service!
  21. Yeah... You conspiracy nitwit...This is not building a train: What a great conspiracy California... Teabaggers just owned you!
  22. Could catch. I edited it. I sometimes take the words off list given on phone... To type faster on phone. I accidentally hit "now" instead of "no" which was right next to it. But I edited, 30 seconds after I posted. You had to see it and change it back. Very disingenuous of you!
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