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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Great... Just saw notification... Thought you were going to give me shhhh.... LoL...
  2. My 17 year daughter was telling me they don't even take them out on road anymore. Not sure how true it is? Liability issues??? Son 20, goes in for road test and gets the brother of one of his teachers... Doesn't even make him parallel park, 3-point turn... What a little shhhhhh it! /smh Brother inlaw in MA was amazed my nephew passed. Was telling my Sister inlaw: "Don't worry, we got time, he won't pass, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will never pass him right now!" Dude comes back from test smiling that he passed, BiL almost dropped dead! LMAO... Why I put the 1959 stipulation in there! Ut oh... @BringBackFergy signal just went off! Too the Carp Poles!
  3. Where do the places like "corporate dining" get all their props, etc... To decorate their establishments? Maybe you can look into that? Like the poster above mentioned. Maybe you'd go into a TGIFridays and see them embedded in tables, etc... They gotta buy all that old crap somewhere? Is there a clearing house for this stuff? I can sell them an old ski or two... Pair of boots they can bolt to the wall... LoL...
  4. I was reading somewhere that around 7% of the US driving population knows how to drive a manual transmission (ie: "Stick Shift) vehicle. I figured a poll of the board can be asked to see what the percentage here is. I expect the numbers to be higher than 7% of the drivers here. This is NOT a public poll. If you want to divulge who you are, you can in a post. I added the 1959 profiency requirement because we all know how soft we've become. Back then they actually failed people for driving like poo. LoL... Long story for possibly later in this thread (if this thread even goes anywhere before the usual suspects wreck things). Feel free to critique my poll-making skills/methodology. This is one of the few polls I have ever done. Go easy on me. Also, free-form... Add anything you want (within reason people! ? )... Stories, crashes, rolling back into another vehicle, stalling on train tracks and running from your vehicle the wrong way while a speeding train is approaching, stories about learning, starting the vehicle without clutch pedal pressed down (pre-safety days) and almost crashing through garage door, etc... etc... You know, "good stuff." Only one rule: @BringBackFergy and his ilk are NOT allowed to wreck this thread and all my not so hard work.
  5. My son was born in 1998. He drives a manual. My Daughter, 2002...learning on one now. But true... I think it's like 7% of driving population knows how to drive manual. My wife drove manual for 15 years. She will drive it, but I gotta be 3 states away. ? Son taught his GF while they are away at college... He said: "She can drive it if she has to." LoL... He's taking after his Old Man (without the crazy streak). I sense GF don't want him anywhere close either while she is shifting... LMAO... Anyway... A few cool features on new manuals now, almost feels like cheating. Even know it's old tech (VW & Subaru developed I think in 70-80s?), there is "hill assist." Hill assist gives you about 2 seconds to move from brake to accelerator and get going before rolling down incline. The vehicle just sticks there for 2 seconds. There is also "rev matching" which is super cool. Don't have to double clutch (if you want to call it that), does it all for you. Throw clutch in on downshift, it will match the rpm's needed... No bumping the accelerator through neutral. Instant grand prix driver feel!
  6. LMAO Yeah... This is a lose-lose situation. /smh If he made it up. /smh If it actually happened.
  7. That's in PA, right. Thomas the Tank Engine visits there. Same with the one up here in Union, Illinois. LoL... (My kid was into Thomas...LoL... Got a gold mine in wooden trains) Here that one is: https://www.irm.org
  8. Hey man... Just throwing it out there. Stupid things people... Especially stalling on tracks. But we are in the clutchless era. Less chance of that!
  9. Will Wolford, Plan B, 1993 Kent Hull...1996 Then death, 2011. Nothing like a good OLine! Boy... Allen could use those Guys!
  10. Victim of... Wait for it, wait for it: Explorer Harassment© Simply can't get anything done nowadays with these Martians!
  11. A pharmacist from what I am told. Now that's a different story. She probably needed new certifications, etc... Kinda a mess. So... She prayed, kept quiet and lived with an old church lady. The pharmacy thing had to be difficult. My son is even finding it hard between states. Took his tech training class here in Illinois... Went back to Iowa for school... PITA crossing over there. He just wanted to work part-time in pharmacy while in school. IL-IA... I can't imagine hurdles between Serbia and US! LoL... Thanks. Church probably sees it other way? Hey: "Why can't we send her to help old parishioner?" (do they call them parishes in Orthodox Church?).
  12. Yeah... The Church sent her. From what I am told. She loved it here... Two houses down. My neighbor & I take care of outside, shovel, mow, etc... So I hear from him mostly. He's a pretty Trad Catholic himself... I can't imagine he's getting bad info. Outside of the other elements down the street and BS creeping around, our five or so houses are like the Vatican City meets Eastern Orthodox... LoL... Again... What I know, she petitioned to stay... But told to leave. I wonder if she missed deadlines, etc... Wasn't timely?
  13. Yeah... I am not sure. I try not to ask too many questions (ha... I know). Something can't be right. I wonder what the issue was. My old neighbor is like: "She's a nun! She cooks, cleans, prays." Too funny... She even wanted to shovel. My other neighbor (a guy) was joking about the snow. She's like in broken English: "What tool to use? Where is the tool?" AKA: the snow shovel. She shoveled the walk... LoL... I thiiiink... She can come back after so many months. Anyway, APPEARS to be a shame. What appears to be an honest person caught up in the ticky tacky rules. A person that was a really big help to an old lady... That has a house, but not rolling in the dough. A companion that is linked to her ethnic background. I will find more out. I know she tried to get them to let her stay... Early January... But they told her to shove out 2/3. She wasn't happy about going back to Mom's in Serbia.
  14. Exactly!!!!! NOT General Scheduled (GS employee =salaried)... But hourly, wage-grade federal worker.
  15. FrankenBerry® all-time fav. But, been eating this lately with vanilla almond milk: ?
  16. Huh? You follow hockey, no? It's Finnish. As in: Jussi Jokinen Dallas Stars, Carolina Hurricanes, Florida Panthers, etc... It means Johannes/John. I guess you can put an "e" on ending. Jussi (Finnish pronunciation: [ˈjussi]) is a male given name. In Finnish originally it is short for Juhani or Juho, Finnish for Johannes/John, but is also recognized as a name in its own right for official purposes.
  17. None yet. Yeah... The rules suck. 32 year old pharmacist... So, she did have a profession, education... Was living in peace, not bothering anybody.
  18. What a tough crew. How are you supposed to "know your stuff" if you are too lazy to read? We got the board shill tout that people here know their stuff. You just threw @grinreaper under the bus. Not a good look.
  19. Not sure I posted this. Anybody read about this... From years past: https://www.popularmechanics.com/flight/a22575917/wwii-p-38-discovered-under-300-feet-of-ice-in-greenland/ In 50 years... The P-38s were found under 300 feet of ice.
  20. That's failing too. My 94 year old widowed Serbian neighbor had an aid from Serbia come help her, live with her, etc... She was in this country via the Serbian Orthodox Church. She wanted to stay and continue to aid the widow, but had to leave on 2/3... The US wouldn't extend her visa. Even when things are working, the Feds find a way to ***** it up.
  21. The intention is not antagonize but it usually does antagonize given the make up of here. I would say you're a little more brazen with the antagonism in the ShoutBox... But I am cool with it. It gets me to accept the differences. There are certain ringers here that when their narrative is threatened, immediately attack. I guess it's a one-sided club here. We all know the wall will be a huge money pit. But, it's okay with them... That's what they want, it's their turn to act stupid and wasteful. Maybe process these people faster and they won't be jumping the border and turning themselves in. There is nothing wrong with leagally coming here, right? Then why is it taking three years? Why are 20 immigrants "metered" a day say at one the busiest ports of entry in San Diego... Down from 100? You think a wall is just going to seal them off?
  22. Really? How much more can I be open? Wear my heart on my sleeve? What's not genuine? What's talking out my azz?
  23. Thanks. Typical ringers here flew into action because I am warning against the unintended consequences... That's who starts the garbage. Also... Morally reprehensible because I can have feminist values. Take the worthy parts?
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