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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. That's the way God intended. Normal. 100" is 8.3' FEET. Even the average by this time is just over 6 feet. The snow never sticks around at our latitude and low elevation above sea level... Unless they are keeping it on a ski hill, tucked under a Northern or Eastern exposure. Or, it's an exceptionally harsh winters. The winners of the "Golden Snowglobe" contest is always between: Erie, Pa; BFLo, NY; & Syracuse, NY. Erie won last year. Rigged, like the NFL! LoL.. ? I can't remember a year where it all stayed throughout the winter, 1976-'77? Even Erie's whopping 198" last season didn't all stay around. That would be bad, very, VERY BAD. Donner Party Disaster, winter of 1846-'47 wall of snow bad!!! It ain't the High Sierras. I drove BFLo 4 times last winter and didn't encounter any walls of snow. Looked kind of normal.
  2. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right... And here I am:
  3. I had a conservative friend. Had a house up in Michigan. He voted in Illinois and Michigan. Of course GOP only. Actually he's dead. Lived in Chicago.
  4. On and off. Now they are. I think the first football team between the two was in Rochester? Then thet folded first. If... My memory serves me correct.
  5. Thats just false. Look at elections in 1930s. Blue branches out from Urban areas. New York is predominantly red. Especially during the FDR years! There are mass people in urban areas. They don't vote on Pikes Peak. Like it or not... Blue is creeping. Check the maps the last one hundred years. It's core is always centered around industy. Again... It's blue here... But no buffer zone... Plenty of ties to the country roots here more so than in the Coastal Elite areas. Why Iowa can move so radically between the two... Same with Wisconsin & Michigan. Illinois , New York used to flip red, but the Chicago and NYC buoy the other way. That doesn't mean it's not a MAGA area. Chicago turns blue... But again, no buffer zone.
  6. Dr. Fredrickson will be right over! A few shocks... While chanting "Capitals" "Ovie"... Will get your fandom back over the Mason-Dixon line! Edit: Is there a Buffalo-Toronto thing going on with Rochester-Buffalo? Amerks were mostly affiliated with Sabres! Do you harbor resentment that Rochester should have had a pro-team?
  7. Give Me time. I am still trying to wrap my brain around the notion that You hail from Rochester, are a Bills fan, but a Capitals fan. There has to be some Evangelical conversion therapy for you. Ship you off to MAGA Central deep in the heart of the Basket of Deplorables??? Trust Me, you'll come back a new man swearing your allegiance to the Blue & Gold! I think you need a little Dr. Fredrickson to make you all better Shady... Be a nice Sabres fan! Dr. Fredrickson, he's a psychiatrist and He's gonna make you allllll better Shady! ?
  8. Ahhh, hmmmm... One's of those logos YOU should be rooting for. I think it's played on ice. LoL... Anyway, I think "butts in" "charge out." Not head butting each other into oblivion! ?
  9. Wrong...Those counties are the elite suburbs. This ain't no Coastal Elite area. Sure there are urban pockets of Blue. Very much MAGA Country. I live in Will County a few 1,000 feet from Cook: almost a dead heat: Will County 100% Reporting Tweet D H. Clinton 50.2% 146,230 R D. Trump 44.6% 129,726 L G. Johnson 3.9% 11,337 G J. Stein 1.3% 3,717 Again... There is no buffer zone. Sure... Lake County, Indiana was the same, but look at the State: https://www.politico.com/2016-election/results/map/president/indiana/ Same with Illinois: https://www.politico.com/2016-election/results/map/president/illinois/
  10. Green Bay ain't no slouch. 1887-1888 they recorded 147" for the season: http://goldensnowglobe.com/cities-highest-seasonal-snow-totals/ To date, 2018-2019 = ~53"
  11. 2017 we had 26" for season. 2018 we had 36" 2019 = 41" so far. Been a very snowy year. https://www.weather.gov/lot/Chicago_seasonal_snow Snowiest winters ever... 1978 & 1979 with 82.3" & 89.7" 2014 = 82.0" Looks like Buffalo is winning this year @ 100" 1/50. http://goldensnowglobe.com/all-snowiest-us-cities/ Chicago in at 17/50. Green Bay @ 7/50.
  12. I always debate it. When putting the logos side by side. Should Bisons be head butting or should they charge out? The Sabres/Bills logo goes in opposite directions. Bills charge right, Sabres left. I prefer them charging out! Sabres first, Bills to right.
  13. That's the Liberal stereotypes Chicago gets. Very much MAGA country all around here. There is no buffer zone like on the Coasts.
  14. For $3million? Not going to get much! LoL... You know how far $3million goes these days?
  15. Same here... I figured it would be total reversal of general population. The official number is around 18% of the general population. I cited it somewhere in this thread. 7% is the amount of manual transmissions sold. I had #s backwards. Anyway... There are still two people who screwed up their votes. Total yes & no votes should equal yes or no in the next two age related questions. Just saying.
  16. Because the is sorta some common ground on this kind of BS.
  17. 9 passengers baby! LoL... Figure the Brady Bunch "took a trip to the Grand Canyon" in one those bad boys! LMAO... Of course I jest. But rolling death if it ever left the road... Let alone if middle front passenger accidentally hit the accelerator and caused mass confusion... But I suppose modern full size pick-ups have folding front bench... Like when @BringBackFergy brings his boyfriends along riding in his full size Manly Toyota Tundra. They draw straws to sit in middle no doubt. Not that there is anything wrong with that! LoL... ^^^ Sorry... I just had to add that edit ^^^ Anyway... Average cars are heavier now. More stocky and wider axle spread... But built compact... Not floating land yachts. Think how small the old Bugs were. Early Civics. 13" wheels... Vehicles on road today are generally bigger, heavier... But bigger means higher, wider axle... But compact body. Oh... I learned on the '77 Caprice... But took road test in '83 Dodge POS Gran Turismo. I gamed the test... Just to be safe... In small compact.
  18. Because: 1. People are absurd. 2. [NOT a conspiracy nut]...But if someone, entity really wanted to foul things up... Just create the absurd and have it drop on someone, something. I mean... Everything is very asymmetrical now... Who knows WTF to believe anymore. Create a clustereff... Anarchy. I lean #1... But #2 is possible.
  19. LoL... No. But, I think the Caprice was MotorTrend car of the Year or was that award 1978?? I know, I know... But this almost exact: No different than your run of the mill family truckster SUV now??? Not sure if the thing had posi rear end... But it was after the ice storm in 1976 and he still got stuck under the viaduct on Union and Broadway during Blizzard and had to stay almost a week at Fork's... He claims he would have made it home... But a lady stopped under viaduct and blocked his out! LMAO... But a limited slip rear diff would have helped. He did run snows.
  20. How much resources, $$$ wasted on this Shi...Show? Bill them the hours. /smh
  21. God knows what else is on that phone! Is he living a deviant life? Check out 8/10 Americans phones... Probably an utter mess. /smh...
  22. Considering... My father in 1977 bought his first brand new ordered vehicle, fully loaded for: Just under $6,000.00. A 1977 Caprice Classic Wagon. Order from the factory with the Olds 350 in it. Again... Every option available. That's... 1/10. Say a car like similar today, $45k? $50k. 1/10 is $450,000. Sure... Mercedes were going $24k Used back in 1979...LoL... 6 year old Caddy... $6,000... If the movie is accurate, which it kinda is... LMAO How much does a stockcar go today?
  23. Exactly. As I just stated. Why are guys like @bbb having such a hard time. Sure things aren't out in open... The racism is underground, incideous. Funny anecdote: Literally... My supervisor at work (I am Fed) had Trump's picture in hand on Inauguration Day and the second Trump's hand went on Bible, he ordered Obama's picture to be taken down. Now I have been around Federal offices for 30 years. Replaced 4 Presidents on the wall... I have never seen that much venom towards a President. Of course as Fed workers, we are not the fastest... But why the change now with picture? LMAO... Why? Because there was a Black Man on the wall above the chain of of command. In past, it took some time to get the photos out. This time, the transition team had it all done and ready... LoL... I mean... It's not a big deal... But really? Tell us how you really feel? The head Birther is now POTUS. Yes... When one is purposely evicerating a legacy... Tell us how you really feel?
  24. The Birther Movement. Obstruct and just say: "No." Basically undoing by Executive Order things he did... Okay, even if that was by Executive Order also. Anything else?
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