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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I think it's one of the reasons lakers were especially hit hard by the sea lamprey. The lamprey really effed with the swim bladders. ??? More so than other species. ???
  2. Gotta try better counsel... I am not that much of a dummy. I dove. Do they get the bends? Do they expell air from their swim bladders? That's my stab in dark guess. Lakers are a very deep swimming fish. It has to do with pressure changes I would think. I don't know. Lake trout in Lake Michigan were wiped out by sea lamprey and pollution in the 1950s & 60's... We have introduced Northwest Pacific salmon now. /smh. Okay... I will look up to see if they get the bends. Yep. Lakers are a "ductless species." https://www.outdoorcanada.ca/are-lake-trout-releasable/ "...Indeed, the best indication of all that lake trout can tolerate and readily adjust to pressure changes is when you spot the fish on your sonar screen scoot up from deep water and chase your lure to the surface. This is not the case, however, with many other species – especially walleye and bass. As I’ve mentioned in the past, every 28 feet of water depth represents approximately one atmosphere of pressure. So, when you catch a walleye or bass in deep water, bring it to the surface and then hold it out of the water for even a brief period of time, the fish’s swim bladder expands like a balloon because of the reduced pressure. It is comparable to a diver suffering from the “bends” when he or she comes to the surface too quickly and just like it is life threatening for humans, it can be deadly for walleye and bass as well. In addition to the swim bladder and pressure problems, of course, there are additional factors you need to consider, including the rupturing and haemorrhaging of blood vessels and internal organs..."
  3. You should really put one of those video game warnings on this. But I am on Lutein. I am like SuperMan! Here... I will post it for the others: Photosensitive seizure warning Share A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching video games. These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking nearby objects. Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms. Children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Play in a well-lit room Do not play if you are drowsy or fatigued If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor before playing.
  4. Yes! But there are always wild swings. Things have actually stabilized out. March of 2012...One of the warmest ever. Many days in 80s. Even at the Falls, we were on Maid of The Mist, mid-March. This has been a typical stable winter with a few wild swings. More snow than average... But drawn out. By Prez Day here, snow under 2 inches should burn off by late afternoon. It's been sticking. A look at long range shows average, even below with no usual late February, early March warm-up. Here, I should be getting ready to take top off Jeep (to clean) in a few weeks. We normally have fishing boats come through soon too. Ice very heavy still.
  5. (I am) Telling you... Start popping that Lutein! You'll see and think more clearly! Sharp as a tack! ? Oh... When shoveling... Smaller "bites" with shovel, albeit more... But, you're heart will thank me!
  6. Outlier. Before the Blizzard of 1977... People wearing tee shirts. Always a thaw. Still just as long. Normal. This winter will drag on longer I am betting. Colder longer. Who knows. Whether or not we will have weather.
  7. Margarita or the drink? One of those will temporarily slow to a trickle if they Build that Wall!® But, that's okay. A little sand and dirt from digging under it won't distract. LoL...
  8. Oh... Just for posterity, we use vetical sluice gates for culvert and dam operation. @GoBills808 But... As the pressure of the head increases past 5 feet that vertical system becomes extremely unpractical since all the pressure of the head is exerted on the sluice gate straight up. A different design is need with heads above 5 feet. The stress on the mechanical delivery system too great. Roller gates are one such example. Water can be realeased above the gate and below the roller: @GoBills808 Quick question, what kind of head are you looking at when you pose Your side & bottom paddles question? What type of mechanical power system are You implying? Human, animal, electrical or hyrdaulic power systems. Remember. 5 feet head is about maximum lift that a human can power, even with mechanical advantage on crab driven systems... You will basically need a flight-lock system to lift/drop more than 5 feet. You'll need this: And this:
  9. Oh... And DON'T FORGET, a little sensimilla every third night does wonders for relieving that extra unwanted eye pressure! Just... Ask @Johnny Hammersticks & @Teddy KGB They basically invented that peer-reviewed study! ? Nice!!! Man! You've been studying Your IMTS (Inland Marine Transportation System) manuals! You're on your way to earning that gold windlass to the Lockmaster's washroom! Going places!
  10. Just take this...^^^ You want research. You got it Buddy! My eye doctor, He is NOT just a "glasses" doctor (Optician) BUT an Ophthalmologist, recommended Lutein a few years ago. Optician vs. Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist is like comparing an average Fed employee to a Lock & Dam Operator! But, I digress. Glaucoma does run in my family... My Father had glaucoma since His late 40s... Along with macular degeneration that progressed starting in his 60s. Come to think of it... I don't have any noticeable floaters or flashes like I used to. Remember, eye floaters come in all shapes and sizes. Also... @BringBackFergy probably doesn't want to hear this, but I am mentally sharp, can think* and I can see clearly now. I know if carp are getting past me @ 100 paces away or see an all-you-can-eat Asian buffet from 1/2 mile, before most of the family... Even those eagle-eyed pesky children in the back-seat. If it's a Benihana® or pho joint, I can see that from 3/4 of a mile. I can read my NYT Crossword or Sudoku without the aid of ANY corrective lens. Yet, it's NOT a wonder drug. That small fishing boat/bassboat still has to ring the 85db buzzer and stay put, especially @ lunch time or during numerous "Executive Time" sessions. I will keep a sharp eye out for them till they come into view. Trust Me... Start taking this stuff. You'll thank me when you start seeing and thinking* clearly AND Your trust fund skyrockets 622% in the right direction.** I think, my writing is even getting better! I notice better sentence structure, less run-on sentences, and a whole slew of literary and grammatical advances in my life that has nothing to do with My wife having a Master's in English from a BigTen® University that's purely a waste of money sending My Kid to another over-priced BigTen® institution for higher learning. Trust the Lutein!© You heard it first here! 10 buck magic in a bottle! It solves so many physical, societal and cultural issues without the headaches! Oh... I will just leave you all with a little, light, Adult EZ-Listening feel good music from a simpler time: * ** Thinking clearly and exponentially growing stock funds have NOT been clinically proven, but many leading researchers think that taking this sh... Will improve your mental clarity, financial outlook, sentence structure and keep you sharp as a tack while guarding the Nation's waterways & economic lifelines. ~EiL, 2/22/2019, Not peer-reviewed.
  11. LoL... Sorry too... Growing up we had dogs too, some with issues. I guess it's fiber that creates wide loads. That will aid in naturally expressing your dogs scent markers. This is just sick. LoL...
  12. More fiber in the dogs diet so the glands can express properly, naturally... https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/dog-anal-glands-diy-solution/ "...First, ponder this… If you decided to juice fast yourself for a week the last thing you’d expect is to have is solid poop. Yet when it comes to our dogs, many of us seem to think that we can feed them foods with a mushy puréed consistency and expect fairy dust and rainbow sprinkles to come out the other end. To help the anal glands to function properly, dogs need to consume the right amounts of fiber. Sadly, due to a lack of good fiber in the average canine diet, many dogs have to have their anal glands expressed manually … meaning the vet or groomer squeezes them by hand to get the fluid out...." "...That’s when this enthusiastic poop watcher had an epiphany. I thought back to conversations about dogs who couldn’t express their anal glands through raw diets with bones and realized… … it’s less about how hard a dog squeezes when pooping and more about how wide the anus expands. This makes sense to me. Bones in the diet partially dissolve during the digestive process, creating those small firm poops raw feeders are so proud of! But sometimes these little poops are too small to expand the anus wide enough to naturally express the glands...."
  13. Because people eat this ***** up! I mean... What a drama queen.
  14. Not really... What he (Jussie) did was even more distasteful. What a bunch of whores...
  15. @BringBackFergy other two friends: Hugh G. Rection and Harry Palms. ?
  16. In all honesty...Who's ever had "Exploding Head" when dozing off or listening to @BringBackFergy yap away? I haven't had it in about 10 years. Never really common... But only when really, really tired & sleep deprived going days without sleep.
  17. Yes they are! https://www.atriushealth.org/specialties-and-services/eye-care/common-visual-conditions/spots-flashes-and-floaters Eye spots, flashes and floaters Eye spots and floaters are small, semi-transparent or cloudy particles that float within the vitreous (the jelly-like fluid filling the eye). They come in different shapes and sizes and can look like insects, rain drops, dark spots, cobwebs, thread-like strands, or hair. What causes spots and floaters? Spots and floaters may be flecks of protein or other matter that were trapped while the eye was forming before birth. They also can be caused when the vitreous partially liquefies. This often happens during the normal aging process. Certain eye diseases or injuries can also cause floaters. Are spots and floaters serious? Most spots and floaters are normal. Sometimes they can indicate a more serious problem. Especially if there is a sudden increase in their number or if they are accompanied by flashes. What are flashes and vitreal detachment? Flashes are streaks of light that may or may not appear with spots and floaters. They are similar to what you see when a flash goes off on a camera. Flashes last for only one or two seconds. One cause of flashes might be migraine headaches. Another cause might be the vitreous shrinking and pulling away from the retina (the part of the eye that receives visual images and sends them to the brain). Every time the vitreous pulls on the retina, you will see a flash of light. Vitreous shrinkage is normal. If it continues, it can result in part or all of the vitreous separating from the back of the eye (vitreous detachment)... Now... You know what's even freakier: https://m.activebeat.com/your-health/5-things-to-know-about-exploding-head-syndrome/ I get this when @BringBackFergy gives me *****! /smh...
  18. This needs to be bronzed with my baby shoes! LoL... @BringBackFergy will be here shortly to steal My thunder!
  19. Let me guess? You're one of the 2 idiots. WTF does this have to do with vaxxing. Holy ExiledInIllinois non-sequitur Batman! You've out did me! Okay Rain Man... I will try and follow. Wopner coming on, you got your Fruit of the Loom's on?
  20. You've come to the right place. Eye Floaters: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/eye-floaters/symptoms-causes/syc-20372346 "Eye floaters are spots in your vision. They may look to you like black or gray specks, strings, or cobwebs that drift about when you move your eyes and appear to dart away when you try to look at them directly. Most eye floaters are caused by age-related changes that occur as the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. Microscopic fibers within the vitreous tend to clump and can cast tiny shadows on your retina. The shadows you see are called floaters..." "...If you notice a sudden increase in eye floaters, contact an eye specialist immediately — especially if you also see light flashes or lose your peripheral vision. These can be symptoms of an emergency that requires prompt attention..."
  21. Don't let him bully you. It's part of @BringBackFergy 's condition.?
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