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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. LoL... Thanks for the spoiler. Don't know what the hell I am going to do now! ?
  2. Wow... This only points to one thing. Energy consumption over comfort. It can't be for comfort. You like a 15° difference between seasons. If one liked it cold... How can one like it so damn warm. ??? I am just messing with you... ?
  3. I wonder how the new GOP tax law will have an affect on this? Can't claim squat now.
  4. LoL... I did too. There should be some kind of re-education camp for us. I will see you there when school opens up in June. I hope they give us doing some great physical activity... Like building trails or firefighting out west. Do you like to jump out of planes? Hope they give us a chute! /smh... I take full responsibility for my transgression.
  5. I think you have that the other way around... Don't you have a bike path to destroy. ?
  6. Do you even know what you are talking about? Hey Buddy I am NOT for the carp boondoggle. But it's YOUR tax $$$ coming out of General Fund. You know it's Federal right, not Illinois?
  7. Hey... Be thankful. Better than 1800s & early 1900s Cali: What carp problem? Write your CongressCritter and tell them to stop the Carp Boondoggle, Trump can then re-appropriate the money for the Southern Wall. A real Boondoggle. LoL. Some that I work with like being deployed to warm climates.
  8. And BLOOM! Here you have California's problem: https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/3200030002 Too many idiots. Okay... Thats only one. But just wait for the crowds.
  9. Quoting yourself again. Who you talking to cray cray conspiracy boy?
  10. What's "She's?" Is that suppose to be: Shea's Theater in BFLo? The apostrophe gives it away... I assume?
  11. Yeah... But much more classier and a professional ability to keep decorum.
  12. Read my link about warm feet, faster sleep, above. Radiant baseboard, floor heat is sweet. Old way of doing things. Forced air blows.
  13. One burns more brown fat (belly fat), leading to better weight maintenance and better sleep at colder temps. https://www.chilitechnology.com/blogs/chili-technology-blog/sleeping-cold-burns-more-belly-fat Also... A 200# man will burn about 100kcal an hour sleeping. 75kcal if awake and watching TV. Oh... And don't forget the socks: https://www.healthline.com/health/sleeping-with-socks-on#takeaway And now you know, the rest of the story. And tsunami sirens. No. It's warmer in my house in summer than when I heat in winter. ?
  14. Again... Think it's bad now. Look at the pictures from the 1800s... When things were a free-for-all. Be thankful. It's only worse if you think you can do better and think conservatively. You want more people pouring into California? More industrial development? Less environmental regulations? I agree with you with the wildfires. Less environmental regulation would bring an economic value back to the forest floor... Enable to clear the undergrowth like they did up to 30 years ago. BUT, THAT can be done in a sane way. Though... Too many unintended consequences if we really return to the conservatism you want. It's been tried your way.
  15. Notice trees are still standing and growing? What's burned? If conservatives had their way, twice as many houses would be on that footprint. Honestly, nothing is really fugged up about that picture except stupid humans living in the wrong location.
  16. All those people... Pouring in to state since the mid-1800s. Just imagine the environment if they didn't put restrictions on... Regulate evertyhing. Everybody always thinks they have better answers. The land would look like this if conservatives had their way:
  17. 67° But when it gets real cold out, like during the (30°)F Polar Vortex... You should set your T-Stat 3-5°F WARMER in order to keep up. I set mine then to 72°F. Summer is set to 73°-75°F to cool. So... My house is colder in winter. One time my mother was complaining at the Doctor's office that it was too cold with the A/C... That's the line they used on her! "It's warmer in here now than when we heat in winter!" LoL...
  18. Watch that video of: Misirlou and the Del Tones are hanging back, especically for that era, probably saying: "WTF are we supposed to do and how do we keep up?" Just jump on the big board and enjoy the ride, do the best you can behind the Big Kahuna!
  19. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/17/obituaries/dick-dale-dead.html Would go on to influence so much more: Mash the two on your mobile device. Interesting about left-handedness: "...Being left-handed, he initially had to play a right-handed guitar, but then changed to a left handed model.[16] However, he did so without restringing the guitar, leading him to effectively play the guitar upside-down (Hendrix, in contrast, restrung his guitar), often playing by reaching over the fretboard rather than wrapping his fingers up from underneath. Dale is also noted for playing his percussive, heavy bending style, using what most guitarists consider very heavy gauge strings (16p, 18p, 20p. 38w, 48w, 58w[19] guitar string manufacturers do not make string sets for standard tuned electric guitars heavier than 13 to 56)..." RIP. Oh... The big blonde has got it happening!
  20. Humility is a virtue. You are a very special person Mead. The Christian Faith will now seat YOU also on the right hand of the Father... With your older brother! You ain't no Buttercup! Now... I will take the time to pass another Mead-like story of humility and cheerful service to others. Take note people! This is a movement being started! Another beautiful story: "A wise woman who was travelling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveller who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveller saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without hesitation. The traveller left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime. But, a few days later, he came back to return the stone to the wise woman. 'I've been thinking,' he said. 'I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious. Give me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone.' Sometimes it's not the wealth you have but what's inside you that others need…..A Precious Gift inside you. Oh, how I want to be that wise old woman someday." The moral of the story? You'll get your house back Mead. And... The lawn will be mowed and hedges trimmed! I WANNA, WE WANNA BE LIKE MEAD! Lead us Mead...Lead us! My brother inlaw in Minnesota, bought a policy to protect themselves from this kind of thing... BEFORE they bought their house. I think @BringBackFergy was the underwriter. Gotta get smart in these tough times.
  21. Same with all four my grandparents. Early on, they had a driver's license both grandfathers... But usually to borrow a family or friend's vehicle... Like the day my 9 year old father ran away from home during World War II. He hitched a freight in Cheektowaga and ended up in Rochester. My grandfather had to borrow a car, Take a day off of work and pick him up at the police station in Rochester. My grandfather's reply upon seeing my father in Rochester: "Wait till I get you home you little bass...Terd!" The police officer looked at my father and said: "He hits you, you run right back here." The whole ride... My father was like: "Don't YOU hit me!" Another day off and a borrowed car! LMAO! The old-timers should have been car owners! LoL... But... I digress... Funny story of a borrowed car. Got a couple of other funny stories... But I will save it for Dyngus Day in a month. Don't want to rain on the Irish parade...
  22. Same here. My father was a pita when he worked on the railroad. Our family makes their name sound Irish going way back because the railroad was all Italian & Irish. He said he'd wear orange (even know we are Roman Catholic) on St.Patrick's Day... Always starting a fight. Of course back in the day when you actually could solve work place disputes with your fists. /smh... My grandfather, uncles all worked on the railroad too. When my father first got on, the different ethnicities knew how to pick on others... The Irish running the show were no exception... Until one proved themselves by slapping around the ones that bullied. That earned respect. Oh... Happy St.Pat's Day from a Polish guy with an Irish sounding name. FiL is South Buffalo Irish...
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