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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. That's all I am saying too. Oh... And show us your bone spurs. J/K....But that's coming from ME. ?
  2. Not sure what the hell you are talking about or where you are going with this, but I will play. To answer your question: Within reason. Depends who they are. Heck... They never even listened to us. LoL They are very healthy, more so than us. They must have got it from somewhere? We never forced then to eat anything... And it made them all the better. And... They won't be forced by others. Yet... I find myself in a discussion about children with somebody who never had children. Now, that's not exceptionalism. But, you do have to live it to have a proper perspective.
  3. You can have your opinion on Vietnam. As POTUS... Set the national dialog and tone. Don't troll the country.
  4. Yes... I find it humerous. If you find it serious, stop being so paranoid. Lighten up, your (mine too) is well over half done. Live a little, laugh a little.
  5. Their stance never changed. Mine didn't either, even know I was a kid... My father actually dragged me to the VA in the early 1970s... I saw with my eyes... Whete the hell a Canadian comes up with this stuff is behind me! No disrespect.
  6. Yeah... But the man's dead. Have an ounce of class... Coming from OUR POTUS. Joe blow in Winslow shooting the sh... in local tavern or on the internet, another story. McCain can't defend himself. Low hanging fruit by Trump. You see what Trump is doing right? Talking ill about the dead by the POTUS. Now, that scorch earth is okay... Yet, he's the first Deplorable Snowflake© to cry the minute someone disrespects him. It's easy to figure out what he's doing.
  7. Teddy, I served with Shady. I know Shady. Shady is a friend of mine. Teddy, that's no @ShadyBillsFan. LoL... Okay, maybe the scarf thing and that stern, steely eyed look. But, that's it!
  8. Great... Now look what you did... You just had to poke at the right wing circle jerk! All the right wing whackadoos are swarming. Just waiting for their leader @3rdnlng to finish his Metamucil® and get done being indisposed... You'll suffer his wrath! Fine mess you started Leeroy Jenkins. LoL The ***** -ers are buzzing and hottest part of the day is still upon us! /smh... Welcome Brutha!
  9. I see someone visited Trump University®. Graduated magna cuum on the chick's face laude in General Trump Studies.
  10. Damn AutoCorrect! You got me this time @BringBackFergy BUT, I will be back! [I don't got time for this BS, phone is ringing off the hook!]
  11. Which he has done nothing but muck things up and get everybody fighting. Okay, I will give him taxes, but that's a shell game, hide the weeny... LoL... Gee... What a shock.
  12. Strawman. We are talking about Trump here. Don't deflect. Stay on topic.
  13. I am mean really Joe. How can you say Trump isn't a loud mouth. Okay, I will meet you half way and say he's Fred Flintstone or Archie Bunker... But even those two fictitious characters showed they have a heart. Even The Grinch had a heart, small, but it was there: Show us your bone spurs!
  14. Wow... I gotta read this. Thanx. When I read "one man"... I was thinking "third world" country, then I see MO River. LoL... Will check it out! EDIT: Just checked it out. So far, he looks like a "fit" USACE employee. Must be on the "Green Zone" meal plan. LoL... Outmatched by climate change just means... Build those dams higher? Or let it all flood, nature reclaim the land?
  15. Humility is also a virtue. No. Assine is being a loud mouth leader.
  16. It's okay... Trump supporters are immoral, lack a moral compass. They will eat this sh... up. Trump's making TheSwamp® look like the Sahara Desert. Be careful what you wish for, the road to perdition is paved with good intentions... Even know they were blatantly evil to begin with. Just let the dead rest in peace. This just shows how deplorable people really are. [I was not a McCain supporter and realised he was part of the problem] Anyway... You would think that the country could use a modicum of decorum by it's leader. Yet, Trump continues to run scortch earth to rile up his immoral and hypocritical Christian base for election purposes. Yeah... Trump ain't a demagogue! LoL... Yes. It's fine for you to say it. But coming from a leader, who should be fit to leader... There should be a modicum of decorum. It's called: Being a professional. Just saying. I almost wonder if the man has early dementia. ??? Age and his actions would raise red flags.
  17. Oh... Maybe a chimney directly to surface, with rain guard. What happens when his roof to the house becomes saturated... That's where the french drain is needed. @ShadyBillsFan "Trench Fever" is very real: http://blogs.biomedcentral.com/bugbitten/2014/11/10/parasites-and-diseases-in-the-trenches-of-world-war-i/ “Trench fever”, as the name suggests was a disease that was prevalent in the trenches in World War I. It was first reported from troops in Flanders in 1915 when individuals suffered from the sudden onset of a febrile illness that relapsed in 5 day cycles. At the time the aetiological agent responsible for the disease was unknown.
  18. Not taking anything away, the man's got gumption! Line whole thing with concrete like a gunite pool. Install a filteration system for pool and a sump pump so his house doesn't flood... Maybe a retractable roof used during rain storms with a French drain around it... Is he going to need an electrical feed? Can he pump by hand? If he dug that... Can he dig a downhill, gravity fed drain? ... And an easy on/off from waterfall... Along with some kind of ventilation system for the candles, maybe a canary for CO detector? How the hell did he clean the webs out of the bamboo? I wonder what @BringBackFergy thinks of my improvements? LoL... ...We don't want bacteria, flood, and pestilence to entomb that man in his humble abode. But, right on, seems he's very talented. Like when he did the simulated clipboard siding. One poster commented when he added that: "No! Did he just add siding!" LoL... On second thought, why not just live under the waterfall? Thing will entomb him during the first major rainstorm. It's a tropical place. Monsoons? Yeah... He's got a place to live... For a month.
  19. Just reading the comments... Priceless. I do say it is pretty cool... But how practical, all that effort spent. I hope the film crew gave him a sandwich. Some of the notable comments: "bacteria, flood, etc." "I agree , besides some people in this world need to give their immune systems a work out." "I don't think you understand the meaning of innovation. While this is cool, it's unpractical and a huge waste of time & energy. Building this takes way too much effort, for something that won't even last a month. While he could've used all that energy to build infrastructure to his village, he chose to do low IQ mud hut building that any mogoloid with an IQ of 60 can build. Way to celebrate literally nothing." "I sure hope you tested for Radon gas." This comment is a bit out there: "This puts all builders to shame, this guy is amazing, I’d be happy to pay him to build my house." REPLY TO ABOVE COMMENT: "Do you wanna make stuff that looks good for 2 days or stuff that has to last at least 30 years ? You want a pool great huge part of the pool is to have a water filtration system that works so the stagnant water does not turn in to a green pond. You want a basement it needs to be structurally safe surrounded with aggregate around walls needs hydro insulation so you dont get a metric ass ton of mold and a foundation that will be abel to hold the heavy walls and the house above them with out breaking. You stike me as the kind of person that would not know how to find a good builder to save your life ..... would mannage the builder poorly and be pissed with the resaults for the rest of you life." ? God love thev internet!
  20. You can still have A/C... Central compressor... And individual coils for each room. There is a fan blowing over the coils in each room.
  21. I'd like to see him dig in my clay soil. LoL... ...But, what an awesome dude!
  22. I wear shorts & tees in the dead of winter. The mail lady saw me yesterday wearing pants. She was shocked. LoL. I have been known to shovel in shorts. That is mandatory though. Gloves, half the time I don't need them unless it starts getting into the 20°s or lower and I am out for extended time doing nothing... Like watching a useless Bills game. Then I will bundle up. LoL... I am so screwed and ill prepared for hot weather.
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