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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The two are one in the same. Now comes a heavily redacted justice department report and the right will lap up what the government spoon feeds them... ...Go figure the hypocrisy
  2. Huh?? Obama has been out of office for over 2 years. Did you mean Trump. Trump is the President? See... You're getting it. Sorry for making you cry.
  3. Has the report been released? Being a BFLo fan... You should know better than to crow before the show is over. The only report that matters is transparency... Being able to see the real deal. The most corrupt POTUS in modern times would surely want that, right?
  4. No. No political until @Bad Things chimed in. She was afraid of classrooms... But not guns. Where the hell did she get the weapon from? Who's was it? Insane the state she was in and nobody was there to help her.
  5. Really? Yeah... But this isn't a disgrace. ^^^ Dude, she's dead. I am not offended. Just calling out the hypocrisy of the previous poster. /smh
  6. The sad truth is hard to stomach, ain't it? It's very sad. A disgrace would would be a country that bans them right? Of course it was her actions. Firearms make her impulses so deadly efficent. In the state she was in, where did she find the weapon? Oh, they are everywhere. I meant no disrespect... But the truth should be told. Not hide your head in the sand like that kiwi. That would be a disgrace.
  7. EDIT: It was a gunshot wound to head. ? So sad: /smh "Aiello died from a gunshot wound to the head, according to Heather A. Gálvez, with the Broward County Medical Examiner's Office." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna986266
  8. No disrespect. Just curious... Does anybody know how she committed suicide. Was it with a firearm? Again... Just curious. And yes, I think it does matter that we know. Hope that avenue (sadly a deadly efficient way) wasn't the issue. Tragic that it couldn't have been prevented.
  9. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Hope I am not repeating myself... How old? 39? ? LoL... We are 30 years apart. Mead takes high-road... I go low... Mix it with this... Feel like a new man!
  10. People who quote Hollywood: /smh Oh wait... You are Hollywood. Nevermind.
  11. Here is a BBC link... But will try and find that Atlantic issue: https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21969100
  12. I forget where I read... I will dig (pun intended) up. I want to say The Atlantic, @ the dentist office. They got class in Indiana! ? On it as we speak...
  13. Again... Sparky... I am NOT the POTUS. Or should every be. But Man if Trump is flubbing his way thru... I guess flipping switches and pressing buttons may not be in my calling anymore.
  14. Have you ever eaten "Pizza Supreme" in 1975 @ West Senenca schools. LoL... Yes, they couldn't afford it. Go figure.
  15. Yeah. Economics of choice. The School AND the parents. If the school can't afford meat. So be it.
  16. Yeah... Not a lot. I want to say it's 1.5 pools. The kicker is... More than 1/2 has been mined in last 60 years.
  17. Digging in a Siberian Gulag for indium tin oxide so Trump can have Twitter? ??
  18. Wow... That's a first. My bad. And... Like uber liberal for the time. Who the hell had meat for lunch as a kid. Okay, peanut butter is in the meat group.
  19. IN! Like Flynn! [JUST don't tell Mama!] Creeper! LoL... Minsk, Belarus... Is that close to Czechoslovakia? Is it like Wisconsin?
  20. Collecting rare earth minerals for the cellphone screen I am on right now? I like to think I get it. Of all the gold mined in human existence... It would almost fill up an Olympic sized swimming pool. In the last 60 years... More than half that was mined. IN ALL OF HUMAN EXISTENCE. EDIT: Or was that 2 pools? I forget... But that's not a lot. Oh... (People) they are toiling in the dirt more than ever now. Now working is one thing. Living, sleeping, eating, in a trench another. I am sure they can handle it better than we can... Again... Not knocking his creativity. But this isn't a novel idea. Waking up in the middle of the night because your roof became saturated is another thing. Reinforce it, pump it or drain it somehow... Yeah you got a great bunker, bomb shelter to hunker into. Again... It's cool, until the pool goes stagnant. I am sure the film crew can help him out.
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