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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. A conspiracy theorist telling another the "truth." I am a bit skeptical. Sorry... You can't blame me.
  2. Translation by DRino: They never landed on the moon, but now I trust that they did. TrustTheProcess® Because it fits my narrative -Signed, Your Average Freelance Hollywood Screenwriter
  3. ^^^Shares a birthday with the most awesomeness guy in the world. That fact alone takes him to "super cool" level in everything he does!!!
  4. Trump doesn't have to be smart. The Russian have to be. We know how smart they are. Look... They (people) are screaming for another Brexit re-vote. The Russians gotta be working OT.
  5. I dont think the anti-gun agenda needs any help from me. So many loose weapons out there floating around, it needs no help.
  6. Got better odds to die almost instantly pulling a trigger. Pulling a trigger tends to be irreversible. I would say +9/10 to the head = certain death. I say certain as the key word.
  7. Elaborate. Myself? I generally agree with you... It's okay if we don't. It does matter. You don't see the extension from the first incident? We are armed to the teeth as a culture. It's ez-pz for people to get lax with their firearms because they are ubiquitous. If somebody takes your car, you know it... Right? If somebody pings your bank account, I hope you have text alerts. Of course faulty impulse controls are at the heart of the issue. Yet, I will contend a firearm suicide is on one of convenience & efficiency. Was it just laying there? I am not blaming the weapon. That's not saying one in distress won't find a way. But time is critical. Anything that slows things down, let's time play out is of utmost importance and allows help to intervene.
  8. Yeah... So what was quoted above is false? Glean the important, fundamental stuff. Ethics in Private Sector is vastly different from ethics in Public Sector. There in lies the issue. I get most people don't understand the two. They simply aren't the same. Doing something, anything as long as it's NOT against the law is vastly different to doing only what the law says you can do. Gotta admit... Those ethics are lost on this administration. What I quoted holds true. Knock the site. Yet, how would you change what I quoted?
  9. Where should I start: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/democracy/reports/2018/06/04/451570/confronting-cost-trumps-corruption-american-families/ "...These actions, and many more, send a clear signal: In the Trump administration, corruption is not just accepted, it is encouraged. Trump has created a culture of corruption, where it’s expected that those with public power will wield it for private gain. And this culture has, in turn, attracted those who are themselves corrupt and seeking to profit from this opportunity. This culture of corruption has wide-ranging effects. When the interests of the politically connected are put first, it’s at the expense of people without the means to pay for lobbyists in Washington. When the interests of foreign governments are put first, it’s at the expense of America’s safety. And when the priorities of elected leaders are shaped only by those with money or power, then the needs of the American people remain unmet. A culture of corruption also weakens society as a whole. It leads to a perverse set of incentives, where those who are corrupt advance, while those who are honest are forced out of positions of power. It incentivizes incompetence among public officials because people are judged not by their ability to do their job, but rather on their ability to conceal or participate in unethical, and even illegal, behavior. Moreover, it weakens the societal trust that is the cornerstone of a robust economy and civil society...."
  10. Exactly. It's a power move by people to avoid talking. "Too soon." Is a BS argument. Holy Moly... I could have come here and got pissed that she never thanked people for paying their respects and I would have been greated like Caesar returning from Gaul. Tough crowd. Simply put: Yes.
  11. So we are all suppose to say sorry, RIP and move on? I qualitatively added that because people take the power move and want to slam people because they can't wrap their brain publically around the hard issues. Obviously... Somebody failed her here? Is that a fair assessment. She's under 21, who wasn't watching their weapon?
  12. Same here brother! But, with us it was: We. No. The angle. Somebody failed her (again). Read Kevbeau's post.
  13. It means if you have to ask you're attached. Let it go. Heck, don't get attached in the first place. TDS ODS Etc... We can play tit for tat forever. ^^^ See: ODS
  14. No. Kevbeau explained it. Too much of this. It's selfish. Decorum is good. I stayed classy and respectful. I am not faulting the ones suffering. Just asking the tough questions.
  15. Yeah it is. But she shot herself with somebody's weapon. If it was her's there is nothing we can do. If it was your child and your weapon, how would you feel for being grossly irresponsible? Did you read where her college grades were suffering because she was afraid of classrooms? So many questions to ask like @Gugny mentioned. I am sorry I am asking the hard questions. I mean no disrespect to this young lady. So many failed her. May she rest in peace... But I won't stop asking the hard questions.
  16. Right-Wing Translation: The damage to Our country is always somebody else's fault. Blame others. Do not take any responsibility. So... You are admitting the country is damaged... But taking zero responsibility for that damage. Nice! True to form, blame others for your problems. Never look inward. Who's really the Snowflake here. Whiny Right, whiny Left meet each as polar opposites politically, but emotionally the same. Cliff Notes® Obama Bad! Like the damn commies they collude with... Need constant revolution to mobilize the Right. I guess they learned something?
  17. What's with the carp comments? What does that have to do with anything. Divulge some personal info about yourself. Fight fair, none of this sucker punch stuff that has no bearing on anything... You guys on the right are the reason children bite... You can't articulate an argument so you result to name calling. BTW... It's your side (an myself) that are indifferent to the carp. It's the loony enviro left that thinks the sky is falling. Yep, you actually side with the government's argument going back to the Obama administration. At least we agree on something, even if it is carp. By Congress? Or will he just ignore that?
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