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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Stephen prospered in his time Well, he may and he may decline Did it matter, does it now? Stephen would answer if he only knew how
  2. "I don't want anybody else When I think about you, I touch myself Ooh, I don't want anybody else When I think about you, I touch myself..." [BTW...Great thread, this should be fun]
  3. "You hurt and abuse telling all of your lies Run around sweet baby, Lord how they hypnotize..." "Sold a billion tapes and still screamed, "Fu.. the world!" (I'm Slim Shady) so come and kill me while my name's hot..."
  4. "I was gambling in Havana I took a little risk Send lawyers, guns and money Dad, get me out of this, hah!" "I'm hiding in Honduras I'm a desperate man Send lawyers, guns and money the sh..it has hit the fan.. " "I'm the innocent bystander Somehow I got stuck between the rock and a hard place and I'm down on my luck Yes I'm down on my luck Well I'm down on my luck..."
  5. Yeah... Like Mexico. LoL... But who knows, the right here is getting just as whacky and cultish.
  6. Seriously... Looking at the one term anomaly. Not winning the cities... The urban vote... Trump will have to get tighter behind the Blue Firewall. Doesn't look like He's gaining, but losing that IA-WI-MI-PA Electoral strategy. We shall see. Very polarized between country and city. And... They don't vote on Pikes Peak. How many angry Boomers will have kicked the bucket between 2016-2020?
  7. There will never be another Democrat POTUS again. There will be just Republican after Republican. It will be glorious. Like Mexican politics. A gloriously conservative utopia! Signed, The Whacky PPP Right.
  8. Just needs to The House and get signed by the Big Guy. What's the odds of that in this environment. History of the attempts to criminalize it: "The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was first introduced in 1918 by Representative Leonidas C. Dyer, a Republican from St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States House of Representatives as H.R. 11279.[1] It was intended to establish lynching as a federal crime. The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was re-introduced in subsequent sessions of Congress and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on January 26, 1922, but its passage was halted in the Senate by a filibuster by Democrat politicians, who formed a powerful block that exceeded their percentage of the population by having disenfranchised blacks in the South. Attempts to pass similar legislation took a halt until the Costigan-Wagner Bill of 1934.[2]Subsequent bills followed but the United States Congress never outlawed lynching due to powerful opposition from Southern Senators.[3] It was not until 2018 that the Senate would pass (unanimously) anti-lynching legislation, the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act. As of February 24, 2019, it has not been passed by the House of Representatives or signed by the President." Oh... Remember ideology tends to flip in "sea change" moves. Party names stay the same. Southern Democrats back then are modern day Republicans today.
  9. Yes. (Or was for a long time until just last year). "Subsequent bills followed but the United States Congress never outlawed lynching due to powerful opposition from Southern Senators. It was not until 2018 that the Senate would pass (unanimously) anti-lynching legislation, the Justice for Victims of Lynching Act." https://www.ajc.com/news/local/georgia-lynch-mobs-devised-flimsy-reasons-for-taking-lives/DPNqpcG72DpJFUV6FLQnlI/ "...The perception is that a lynching always involved a certain means of death — whether by hanging or shooting or burning. “It’s not the method in which a person is killed, it’s the context in which they are killed,” said Hill, a professor of African and African-American studies at the University of Oklahoma. “That context is when the person is summarily, lethally and brutally punished for an alleged crime and denied due process of law. That cocktail of things is what we call a lynching. It’s less about being hung, shot or dragged to death. ...”
  10. Really? Drunk driving in Wisconsin... No! You gotta be joking!
  11. Then there I this Dude on a Midnight Bender... Taking the shortcut through an Appleton, Wisconsin roundabout... The hard way to Taco Bell! Head for the Border!© WTF is wrong with people! /smh Story: https://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/crime/2019/04/01/appleton-taco-bell-drunken-driving-crash-driver-arrested-sunday/3330563002/
  12. What's the difference between a pirate and a privateer? It's all perspective.
  13. Only if I wash it down with sugary Coca-Cola. That seems to be the "activator." LoL...
  14. I know! The rest of family prefers double wrapped corn tortilla. My only complaint. Left overs, shells get so crusty. Corn is nice, but gotta be eaten instantly while still hot the first time.
  15. That's better than dirt! But screw corn, flour is better. Better to heat the left overs, if there are any left overs! My addition to the international culinary delights (along the lines of fusion al pastor): All you can eat Middle Eastern buffet. Kufta kebabs, chicken shawarma saffron rice and golden lentil soup!
  16. Boy... You must suck @ history. George Washington died in 1799. Even if the poster wanted to meet General Washington and 1st POTUS in the 1800s it would have had to have been 6 feet under. How cool would that be! ? /smh... Who's your history teacher, Uncle Bugs: LoL... Anyway, I took the poster's comment as trying to be funny. ?
  17. Interesting article: https://garage.vice.com/en_us/article/d3kd3q/anna-delvey-grifter-fashion From last May. "...She didn’t look like her outfit cost a million bucks—and that’s why she looked like she had a million bucks. ..." "...Both of the recent Delvey exposes—one in New York magazine and the other in Vanity Fair—attempt to grapple with the inability of the New York party circuit (not to mention several banks) to sniff out her fraudulent background until it was too late. On Twitter, her hair was singled out as a “tell”—“anyone rich enough to live in a hotel has perfect hair no matter the weather or season”—but what does her clothing tell us? ..." He'll be back to see new photo! ? Read the article above. Just dress likeva slob, rich people like that now!
  18. The specter of desperation is kicking in! Take what you can! Bring your bankbook too!
  19. Close your eyes @mead107! Ut OH! I feel an emoji outbreak in the works!
  20. Maybe they can sail off the coast of Norway: https://globalnews.ca/video/5091539/cruise-ship-loses-power-in-stormy-seas-off-norway Come set sail w/Jon: "Living on Prayer Cruise" I betcha they have a really nice brig for your kind of special... Probably the best part of this cruise! Just lock me in solitary!
  21. https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2019/02/05/the-magnetic-north-pole-is-mysteriously-moving-and-the-us-government-finally-caught-up/?outputType=amp-type It's always the Canadians! /smh...
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