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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. A 54? You keeping your wrist straight? I know it was your final game... LoL... You need to watch this cult classic from '88, you'll keep that wrist straight! ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorority_Babes_in_the_Slimeball_Bowl-O-Rama
  2. Right up my ally! LoL That almost sounds Cheatriot-esque. LoL But I get what you mean.
  3. Tea, girls, warm, sweet Some are set up in the Somerset Maugham suite Get thai'd, you're talking to a tourist Whose every move's among the purest I get my kicks above the waistline, sunshine... ... And thank God I'm only watching the game controlling it I don't see you guys rating The kind of mate I'm contemplating I'd let you watch, I would invite you But the queens we use would not excite you
  4. Who is that? Biden? Man he's looking like the Cyptkeeper?
  5. Wow... No wonders things are so terrible. We have poor, working minority communities here and the fat cat soops are making a grand a day on pension. Same with the village managers. Time to bail on the pensions and cut them loose. No offense.... But my wife heads a library district... And makes less. Because it's fair. No way should admin be making that much over the rank and file. This is why we are in the mess. Education is sink hole. Admin ain't God.
  6. That's just code for: "I was young once." That will be 5¢, thank you. That's the story I always heard from day one. Wow, what sh itty way to go!
  7. You're welcome... I find it extremely fascinating! Just imagine the colors they see! No test... Because the women that have a fourth cone do not know. Everything is guaged around the world we see... Not them. Now that they found one... There can probably be an established baseline. We as humans don't know these shades. Like an animal... They see so many less shades then we do. Then humans so much more. Women with the 4th cone even more. They are out there. Trick is to find them. A good chance these women have color blind son's. That's a start.
  8. I am not color blind... But still feel your pain. LoL... Yet... I have no excuse to cling to. LoL...
  9. He shouldn't drive in sections of Syracuse and other parts of county that reverse the traffic light order!!!! https://gizmodo.com/the-story-behind-syracuses-upside-down-traffic-light-1545301615 "The Story Behind Syracuse's Upside-Down Traffic Light. Unlike nearly every other traffic light in the U.S., the traffic light up on Tipperary Hill in Syracuse, New York displays green above red. ... Legend has it that a traffic light first came to the intersection Milton Avenue and Tompkins Street in 1925."
  10. Would you believe damn fugging AutoCorrect! ? LMAO! CONE not come. Who puts N and M next to each other on such a small phone keyboard!
  11. Just took test... Passed with flying colors! Pun intended. Thanx Coach T. I posted above about women with super vision. They are most likely the mothers of colorblind males. Women with 4 cones. If you're color blind... Maybe your mother has super color detecting eyes.
  12. Bright side, your mother may be special! Maybe Your mother has super vision and can see more colors than anybody could dream about. She should get tested. Read about the women that may be out there w/super vision. From 2012: http://discovermagazine.com/2012/jul-aug/06-humans-with-super-human-vision They are already starting to find some of these women with a fourth CONE in their eyes: https://futurism.com/uk-woman-extra-cone-cell-her-eyes-can-see-more-colors
  13. I was like 9 in 1977. I remember from day one he died on the crapper, heart attack and that drugs were probably the answer. I didn't realize till recently that it was from pushing too hard. Oh my! There was a "1,000 Ways to Die" episode about a guy who died bringing the big game on the throne. Maybe it was about Elvis pushing so hard thinking: "he'd better get it out because winter was coming!" Who knows? He did live in Memphis where it is usually warm and they are scared of snow.
  14. No. (Not that brilliant, above my pay grade) Sorry. A responsible gun owner may have to take one for the team and be little less selfish. Because, when too many are irresponsible it spoils it for all. I understand that people have rights, no reason to hide be hide them. This isn't the stand that needs to be made so all our other rights hold. We are beyond that stage. Maybe this is where we disagree. I am simply not that primal. Call me naive, that's fine.
  15. I have watched a game ON the throne. Now, that's a whole different situation. I take all that criticism I just gave you in the ShoutBox back. You're an alright guy in my book! (You're) my guiding light just like @mead107 & @BringBackFergy , a "Yang" to their "Yin." ?
  16. Please DO consider the source. ?? I will explain to you, which I normally am not in a habit of doing. I like you and you illicit my pitty. Even a 100 years ago there was a problem with kids getting into firearms of dingbat gun owners (Papa, a.k.a: PPP, says it won't hurt us). The point is, they were trying to solve the problem then, 100 years ago, and still preach the selfish mentality of the individual arms owner with regard to their Constitutional right. It wasn't working then, and it surely isn't working now with a larger gun owning population busting at the seams. For such a seemily bright guy... You sure take the easy, lazy way out with the "consider the source" jibe... Low fruit comment. Thank you, I pray to God you save it for this place, your sloppy work habits that is.
  17. Yeah you are probably right... But Monty, can I take door #3 , instead? Is that the best current pics you can find? Huh? Praying door #3 is NOT the "zonker" in this w/a crowbar! Can I trade up for an old Peggy: LoL...
  18. Brought to you by the PPP gun lobby. The more times change, the more they stay the same. "PaPPa says it won't hurt us"
  19. Same during the whole Breaking Bad trend. Never saw an episode of that. I don't want to judge... But probably wonder why society is circling the drain. I was dragged to Despicable Me 32 or something. It wasn't bad... Minions are righteous! LoL...
  20. Me. Is it like "Dungeons and Dragons" nor that I ever, dear Lord, got into that) for older nerds. Only Star Wars I seen was @ theater in 1977 when I was 9. I quickly outgrew that phase and got a life. The masses need an escape I guess. I am like 51 going on 92. Hollywood is crap. Last movie I went to? Couple years ago. You nailed it! Got me down to a tee! LoL...
  21. I would like to "add" to this thread if I may. Your perogative @Gugny or just tell me to shut the hell up. Do you laugh when figure skaters fall? I rooted for Torvill & Dean, they represented England. I still would have laughed if they fell. But, heck, they were already on the ice much of their skate. Bolero was a hell of a number. And yes, I am pro-ice flopping (laying all over ice during routine)... But it sure lessens the chance of a fall.
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