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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay Rolled off of their ship, and here's what they had to say "We're callin' everyone to ride along to another shore We can laugh our lives away and be free once more" There's a port on a western bay And it serves a hundred ships a day Lonely sailors pass the time away And talk about their homes And there's a girl in this harbor town And she works layin' whiskey down They say, Brandy, fetch another round She serves them whiskey and wine
  2. And I'm giving you a longing look... Everyday I write the book. Don't tell me you don't know the difference Between a lover and a fighter. With my pen and my electric typewriter Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel.
  3. "Blue, blue windows behind the stars, Yellow moon on the rise, Big birds flying across the sky, Throwing shadows on our eyes. Leave us Helpless, helpless, helpless."
  4. Okay... I am not resting my case just yet! LoL... Bills are totally NYS' "upstate" team. Heck... They are NYS' only team. https://pat-mc.com/upstate-vs-downstate-new-york-locations/ "There is no “Downstate New York” Part of the problem with defining these areas is that “Downstate” New York doesn’t actually exist. All over pop culture you see New York City natives saying “upstate”. It’s in cop shows, reality TV and even movies. Nobody in Albany says their friends live “downstate”. They’d just say New York City or Long Island. In a way, the word “upstate” came about as a lazy way for people in New York City to refer to any part of New York that was north of the city. Since it is the southernmost part of the state, the word “upstate” is used to describe a very large area. You can call them “downstate” but there are many more names to call NYC and Long Island that are more accurate (ie NY Metropolitan Area)." Then there is this comment: IT TURNS OUT THAT THERE IS AN OFFICIAL DEFINITION OF WHERE UPSTATE NEW YORK BEGINS, AND THAT COMES DIRECTLY FROM THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES. THE NYS DMV CONSIDERS ANY PARTS OF NEW YORK STATE NORTH OF WESTCHESTER AND ROCKLAND COUNTIES TO BE UPSTATE. SEE THE INFO BELOW ABOUT THAT, FROM THE NYS DMV’S SITE…………………………………….. The New York Metropolitan Area (NYMA) includes: Bronx County, Kings County (Brooklyn), New York County (Manhattan), Queens County, Richmond County (Staten Island), Suffolk County, Nassau County, Westchester County and Rockland County. The other 53 counties in NYS are outside the NYMA. http://www.dmv.ny.gov/facLookup/descriptions.htm#NYMA What fees do motorists pay for the NYVIP inspection? In the Upstate Area, the total fee for a NYVIP safety and OBDII emissions inspection is $21. In the NYMA, the total fee for a NYVIP safety and OBDII emissions inspection is $37. Statewide, the total fee for a NYVIP safety and low-enhanced emissions inspection is $21. http://www.dmv.ny.gov/repairshop.htm
  5. I will attempt my best. ESSAYONS! Only if they change the name CNY in upstate NY back to the "Leatherstocking Region." That was a cool name for that part of upstate NY. Who doesn't like James Fenimore Cooper? http://yorkstaters.blogspot.com/2005/12/whats-in-name-no1-leatherstocking.html?m=1 The Leatherstocking Region of upstate New York: "The Central New York Region (formerly the Central-Leatherstocking Region, also known as Leatherstocking Country) is a term used by the New York State Department of Economic Development to broadly describe the central region of upstate New York for tourism purposes. The region roughly corresponds to the Mohawk and upper Susquehanna valleys. It is one of two partially overlapping regions that identify as Central New York, the other being the Syracuse metropolitan area." Reading comprehension is our friend here Hmmmm: "to broadly describe the central region of upstate New York ." Once again, the progression goes as followed: 1. NYS>Upstate>followed by the upstate regions like WNY, CNY, Capital, ADKs, Catskills>followed by subregions within like "Southern Tier of WNY", etc... 2. NYS>Downstate>NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, and Dutchess Counties. Why is that so difficult to understand upstate & downstate are the two regions NYS is divided into after being called, well... You guessed it: New York State. They are not subregions of others. Upstate & downstate NY are the TWO main regions of NYS after NY is called a state. ADKs and WNY are subregions of upstate. NYC & Long Island are subregions of downstate. If you are going to subdivide a state. You do it into two distinct parts first. You don't skip from one part to five parts a la the " @Gugnymethod of convoluted subdivision." And...NYS is the perfect state to have two parts first. We are all "up", geographically "ontop" of all those ***** -ers from NYC/Long Island. LoL... It's good to be ontop! I rest my case. But not before playing this: LMAO... The balls are in your hands @Gugny. How fitting.
  6. Because it's not really a "region" ...LoL... It's everything outside and "up" State from the NYC "influence." You know. Outside NYC, Long Island, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam, and Dutchess Counties. It's an informal term to encompass the rest of the state up out of the NYC sphere of influence. In Illinois, it's the opposite. The rest of state is "down"...DownState from Chicago and it's "Chicagoland" influence. People are trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. Claim something that every place else is: "Up". Yeah... Brutha... We are all up from that stinking NYC influence. It's the NYC influence that defines the DownState/UpState.
  7. Tell it to these guys... They need to change the name of the cooperative. https://www.upstatefarms.com/farmers They need to get the memo that they call themselves ALL wrong! Once again... Everything outside of NYC/Long Island, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Dutchess Counties is considered "UpState." Why is this so hard to understand and get a grip: "Albany’s working definition of upstate New York is based on what lies outside the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s commuter rail area. Besides New York City and Long Island, it excludes Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Dutchess Counties." Take a look at the map of NYS. Everything else is "up" from Metropolitan Transportation Authority commuter rail area. Again, why is this so hard to wrap your brain around. I mean being called or hailing from "UpState" ain't a feather in anybody's cap except for you Yankee Doodle Gugny. I don't get the fascination with the parochial attitude you exhibit. Case you forgot... New York State shares its name with the largest city in the country. It's NYC influence, then the rest of Upstate. Then, the State gets subdivided even more. Capital region, WNY, CNY, ADK, etc... /smh Again, I simply don't get Your fascination and propensity for being flat out wrong. And a little bizarre. But, I can embrace the bizzare. It's endearing!
  8. Less of a concentrated "bubble." FB & Twitter promote "bubblism" ... I made a word.
  9. Social media falls into a sewer. I don't "follow." Take what you want from that.
  10. I knew that one and I never stepped foot on Twitter! The ShoutBox above told Me! ?
  11. Johnny take a dive With your sister in the rain Let her talk about the things You can't explain To touch is to heal To hurt is to steal If you want to kiss the sky Better learn how to kneel (on your knees boy!)
  12. Deep State! "...But from the beginning, several people who saw the body at the barn questioned the official account. The dead man didn’t resemble the fair, raven-haired Booth, a dashing Shakespearean performer who, with his brothers Edwin and Junius, played theaters in Philadelphia, New York, and Washington. ..." Signed, DRino I didn't think DRino was that old. [No offense @Deranged Rhino...I am just busting your azz... ?] The key thing here is... Close only counts in horseshoes & hand grenades. It's (facial recognition) still off.
  13. But... In all fainness and a testament to the idiocy in the world... It is "What's going on in the world." Sadly we have to deal with it. Just give up Twitter. Twitter is just as useless as other sources... If not more.
  14. I don't mind stealin' bread from the mouths of decadence But I can't feed on the powerless when my cup's already overfilled, yeah But it's on the table, the fire's cookin' And they're farmin' babies, while the slaves are all workin' Blood is on the table and the mouths are all chokin' But I'm goin' hungry, yeah...
  15. Good teeth helps get it up? There must be a lot of po'd people in Britain not making babies? Okay... The key word here is "good." GOOD dental health. Wait... I can totally see it now:
  16. I didn't know that! Just slightly before my time of remembering the jukebox thing I did see the first run @ the theatre of Tommy. Who the hell drags a drags a 7 year old to that? My older siblings and cousin, that's who (no pun intended). Where all my troubles began. It was PG. LoL... THAT I remember...
  17. Of course it wasn't a live version... You were in a bowling ally, that would have been one hell of a show if it was. Yeah, there is only one Black Dog from 1971, it's this song. Just trying to give you a few more years with this version because you're as old dirt pushing 60.? Don't worry, I will get my due... I will be there in 8 short years... ?
  18. I broke the ShoutBox... You need to fix it. Posted in ShoutBox too: Sabres fans, pay special attention to 3:55 to 4:15... This was 1976, a year after they lost Cup to Flyers. Miller being from Chicago... Sabres beat Black Hawks in playoffs (1974-'75, 4-1)... He (Miller) I guess had last laugh...
  19. Show off! Nobody likes a show off. Hope this ain't like Trump keeping score in golf. Before computers bowling was an honor system too... In case you don't believe me: https://www.aol.com/article/news/2019/03/31/pro-golfers-say-president-trump-cheats-at-the-highest-level-in-new-book/23703551/
  20. This one? You're dating yourself.. ?
  21. He needs gutter guards up too. If the ally doesn't have permanent gutter guards installed, I have seen some places just use 4" corrugated drain pipe lengths in the gutters to stop the small kids from throwing gutterball after gutterball! LoL... @mead107 ^^^^^
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