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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Nanny State! Yeah... And go soft on the kids? You are doing a great future disservice! Will that bus driver be there when the kid is 18 and pulls a "Michael Brown" (walks down middle of street)? When they think that vehicles just naturally stop for all pedestrians and school buses? ~This PSA brought to you and paid for by PPP's "People on the Far Right." MAMAA (Make Americans More Accountable Again) ^^^^ Of course I am joking! ^^^^^ Now... Serious, with a Zero-Fail POV: Anyway... How about NOT opening the door until ALL vehicles have come to a stop. She had to see that speeding vehicle well off in the distance before pulling that door open. You don't pull the door open in that situation... She had to see that lane without vehicles that weren't stopped yet. Don't get me wrong... Maybe she didn't see the vehicle. But she saw NO VEHICLES stopped, waiting. I would have gave it a good solid 30-60 seconds? What's a 1/2 minute or two? Sorry to be so cynical. I see RichardHead vehicle break the law and over-expeditious driver swinging door too fast knowing there is a clear lane. Now? They (School District) wants "to get the message out." Now... In all seriousness, a law may do MORE harm if bus drivers start to mindlessly pull that door open ASSUMING drivers will stop. Extra laws I am for, but I hope it doesn't get the drivers to be complacent. No. Zero-Fail here. She HAD to see that vehicle off in distance, don't pull the door open until it is stopped. Come on, logic & safety people. Never assume. That door should have never opened in first place, I would give her less of a hard time. But, that would look boring, less dangerous. She had to see that vehicle? Why did she mindlessly pull that door open before it stopped. NOW hear me out. I am not saying to exonerate the driver that passed the bus illegally. Totally their fault. But, we are on a Zero-Fail mission here. That door should have never opened so quickly in first place with a clear lane on that side. #1. Safety, Safety, Safety, & MORE SAFETY! #2. Good Order #3. Be expeditious #3 can always be compromised, #2 next... MAYBE. BUT if #3 and possibly #2 (needs to be compromised) then #1 never is! Slow "the game" down! Grind it to a halt, no vehicles were stopped on that side. The lane was open. Never assume it's safe. Only assume a vehicle will break the law in that situation, NOT obey it. Sorry... To be Mr.Killjoy here, Captain Anti-Dr. Feelgood. That door should have never swung open so quickly in first place, even if it was for a split second. She was being too expeditious to get that kid off the bus. Thank God she she withdrew that urge and shut the door and grabbed him. But... Heck, what do I know. I know the emotional, illogical crowd will crucify me for this post. I have no ill feelings for the driver, she is still a hero, she corrected her partial mistake (opening the door too expeditiously before order, which is the vehicles around her, and final safety) I harbor ill will just for the dooshbag vehicle that sped through. My intent is not to blame the driver. Maybe next time she doesn't open that door so quickly knowing there is are no vehicles at a complete stop Vehicles at a complete stop will actually semi-protect the person exiting from the brain dead vehicles that may not stop. What if that kid beat the door and her reach? Why they don't want anyone standing AND past the line (which he wasn't) until the bus is completely stopped and door completely open. But, again what do I know. LoL... Sorry, I am beating a dead horse? Carry on. She still deserves an OTSCA (On The Spot Cash Award).
  2. You may have heard of jalopies You've heard the noise they make But let me introduce you to my Rocket '88 Yes it's great, just won't wait Everybody likes my Rocket '88 Baby we'll ride in style Movin' all along V-8 motor and this modern design Black convertible top and the gals don't mind Sportin' with me, ridin' all around town for joy Blow your horn, Raymond blow your horn Step in my Rocket and don't be late Baby we're pullin' out about a half-past-eight Goin' on the corner and havin' some fun Everybody in my car is going to take a little nip Ooh, goin' out Oozin' and cruisin' along
  3. What's the difference. Obviously, that's better for the guns & bible people.
  4. What's the point? Trump himself said in 2016: "He could walk through Times Square shooting people and they will still love him." Lock her up! Punch him in the face! Get him outta here... Benghazi!® That's all that matters to low information voters, basket of deplorables.
  5. Thanks KD! I assume this was for me. It was pretty amazing. I had about 50 bucks worth of all you can eat crab legs in my belly from the seafood joint across the street. I was keeping score and since I am an old-timer... Going last. Thunderstorms were approaching... I don't know how I pulled it off under those fire drill conditions... The gallery went wild. I am still in awe. LoL... Sorry, OP... I AM just effing around. Sorry to steal your thunder. Wait a sec. We can post like this? Without having to type: N/M or BELINDA or something???
  6. Hole in one. Hole #3, the "Diamond Course" here: http://losttreasuregolf.com/miniature-golf-courses/kill-devil-hills-mini-golf-course/ It was such an amazing shot... I stunned the group I was with... The three & eight year old went wild! I rounded #9 and never looked back. Cruised to victory unlike the OBX has nevet seen before! Kill Devil Hills, NC... A matter of fact it was this past Sunday. Cinco de Mayo, 2019.
  7. What happened here As the New York sunset disappeared I found an empty garden among the flagstones there Who lived here He must have been a gardener that cared a lot Who weeded out the tears and grew a good crop...
  8. Bummer! You must have missed the fine print: *Lady NOT included. I can imagine exercise station getting old pretty damn quick without a personal trainer to assist you on the BowFlex. ...BTW, nice addition, slipping under the radar with a well placed pic. Smooth Ace! Real smooth. You think that you are pretty slick... But, I am watching you Focker:
  9. Wasn't really into it. The news. But, didn't they not cooperate with the cops? Everybody clammed up, very Mafia-esque.
  10. Anybody say Tupac: Or Bob Marley: How about Michael Hutchence (INXS):
  11. A career? I’ve thought about this quite a bit sir and I would have to say considering what’s waiting out there for me, I don’t want to sell anything, buy anything or process anything as a career. I don’t want to sell anything bought or processed or buy anything sold or processed or repair anything sold, bought or processed as a career. I don’t want to do that. My father’s in the army. He wants me to join, but I can’t work for that corporation, so what I’ve been doing lately is kick-boxing, which is a new sport…as far as career longevity, I don’t really know. I can’t figure it all out tonight, sir, so I’m just gonna hang with your daughter.
  12. Hank Williams. He was only 29 I believe. Seems years older when You listen to his music. Maybe it was the times. They didn't worship fleeting youth like our vain society today does.
  13. Sorry... I was stretching it. Dang it, wish we have never met! ?
  14. "I went out for the football team to prove that I'm a man Guess I shouldn't tell them that I like Duran Duran..." Oh wait, wrong thread, I wasn't suppose to reply lyrically.
  15. Yeah... And only 36 too. Hell, I think I looked better! LoL... Even @ 51.
  16. Just don't let those pages stick together Mr.! Other people want to read the Public Library copy too!!!
  17. Well I tried to make it sunday, but I got so damn depressed That I set my sights on monday and I got myself undressed I ain't ready for the altar but I do agree there's times When a woman sure can be a friend of mine...
  18. It's because it's a mess! Go visit the parking lots on Monday Morning. You can provision a third world country. Busses worst offenders. People are slobs. Slobs cost everybody.
  19. Don't get stuck driving a semi through the dead end streets of Pittsburgh on a hill. My brother said he made a wrong turn up a one-way street with his big rig and the street just came to a dead-end. Residential. Vehicles parked on both sides of street, up a hill... No room to turn around. He was shaking in his shoes as he slowly backed the trailer down the hill... His left foot trembling on the clutch with the prospect of taking out a whole line of vehicles! A guy actually came out of his house and ground-guided him back down the hill. I guess they don't put clear dead-end signs in Pittsburgh... LoL... Figures.
  20. It's 3 o'clock in the morning And I'm hungry so let's eat Whoa whoa, whoa whoa Climb down three flights Too the street lights And the Bar fights We're just takin' in the sights I hope tomorrow that I wake up in my own bed Hello City, You've found an Enemy in me Whoa whoa, whoa whoa Hello City, Hello City Hello City hey
  21. Fair enough, then ice hockey shouldn't be played and basterdized BELOW the Mason-Dixon Line. Yeah... Kansas City is in the "South." Just to refresh Your geographical memory. Guess which bad boy team falls below here: ***** the lazy South. The North won, get over it. ?
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