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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons have all gone We had joy, we had fun We had seasons in the sun But the wine and the song Like the seasons have all gone
  2. Does PETA know this kind of "Family fun" exists? They won't be too happy! LoL...
  3. Real goldfish? How long before the chlorine killed them? Anyway... I think with badminton, the way it was invented, all you really gotta do is get Your racket on it. LoL... That sucker will fly!
  4. Wow... Thanks Pal, you just gave me nightmares & night terrors for a week. LoL...
  5. It's a boatswain (bosun's) chair. LoL... Too funny: "Boys in chair."
  6. You helium abuser! We have methods for your type! ? There was this guy: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-priest-lost/brazil-priest-flying-party-balloons-lost-at-sea-idUSN2228192120080422 They found him a few months later: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/balloon-priests-body-identified-using-dna/ Has it really been 11 years? Seems like yesterday!
  7. LoL... NEWSFLASH: They already got mine (TSP). ? What could possibly go wrong? They got my Holy Grail 3 too: SS Pension. Letting it roll with all eggs is one basket! Well, not really ALL my eggs.
  8. LoL... I hope so. /smh That don't seem like a huge use of He. I think they said that MRI won't be affected and causing the shortage. Closing down reserve I believe is the reason.
  9. The Howard Hughes of our time. (Will he) He will be shuffling around a hotel room with Kleenex® boxes as slippers in 30 years?
  10. I agree! Thanx! See how fast that vehicle was going past school bus!
  11. Yes. I knew that. US cornered the He market. My BiL is an engineer for a company that builds systems for industry to produce (extract) gases like argon. I should probably ask him what's up. I was wondering why they are shutting down the He reserve. If anybody knows, this board is great... Many players that may know first hand. Anyway... Seems like we are living a 1930s do over without that pesky Depression. Okay... J/K... Maybe. ?
  12. The world's coming to an end. What will all the parties out there do! https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/1169464001 From my ShoutBox Shouts, few questions I have: Somebody please enlighten me on why there is a "helium shortage" and why we are shutting down the national helium reserve in 2021 when we have a 200 year supply @ current consumption. ??? Isn't helium an inert/noble gas? Harmless abundant in universe? This smells like enviro do-gooders trying to wreck a party... LoL... Don't they extract argon, helium out of thin air for industrial purposes?
  13. Yeah... It's beyond me... But people are driving more nuts in last 10 years. Something is taking place in society. I take my life in my hands turning left out of work. Ford employees blow red light going to work. When it's red, only time traffic clears that I can make left out of work 700 feet east of that light. And people wonder why there are red light cams. I have actually changed my argument on red light cameras in the last 5 years.
  14. Wow! I assumed school bus just stopped in road to let student off across all lanes. I suppose a bus can stop in any lane. You're right. Are there situations where that could have NOT been the shoulder? Do we definitely know that it was the shoulder, or breakdown lane. I didn't catch any comment on that. Even if it was, a driver today... She had to see it speeding, I would have never cracked the door until all vehicles behind me were completely stopped. That's all I am saying. What's the rush? We aren't getting the whole time line. She had to see a speeding vehicle behind her. Wait till that vehicle is completely stopped. 30 seconds. Thats it. When it stops, it effectively blocks the other vehicles behind that vehicles OR gives further back vehicles early warning.
  15. It is totally is on them. But that door should have never opened that quickly! Unless we are not seeing whole time line. Car going thay fast will slam on brakes and stop? They would have skidded right through the person getting off bus. They were speeding too. Maybe Death Race 2000 was being run? More points for the fast, agile children and less points for the wheelchairs, elderly nuns. ??? Trust me, I am a doorkeeper and know safety. I would like to see full timeline. Vehicle must have been Canadian, they were passing on the right too! And slow down people... Just got on the board, I will make my rounds posting. Fair enough! Is is the shoulder, break down lane. ???
  16. Just saying... We aren't getting whole time line. How long was bus stopped, guard down, lights on? Vehicle is going quick. What's speed limit, road type. If she stopped, opened doors too quickly, did vehicle have time to react, slam on brakes in what appears to be a vehicle doing over 40mph. Lane was obviously clear, vehicle sped by. So if she didn't see it approaching, clear lane should have made her less quick to open doors, but again, we aren't getting the whole timeline. Good thing she is equally quick grabbing kids as she is opening (and to her credit, closing) doors! Just saying. Somebody has to play Devil's advocate. ?
  17. Best response ever! You win TBD for yesterday.* Wait a second. So you are saying that you wouldn't even crush that with a liberal Richard? Thanks Buddy for having my back! But conservatives in Canada are liberals down here. I don't trust you! ? *No pressure @ all, thanks to your comment, I expect greatness out of you from this point forward. LoL... You're My Tom Brady. [Not telling you how to play my reply... But, if you don't reply... You may keep people guessing! LoL... That would be the move of a champion! Tom Brady-esque.]
  18. I don't blame you. I don't think the radio would fly.
  19. Yeah... My intent was not to blast her. It happens. I am not going as far as saying it was done on purpose to make it look less boring so they can pass more laws. But it does help the cause. If she doesn't crack that door. It looks like nothing. I will just let it go. She had to see vehicle at a distance!!! Again, not blasting her. I wonder when this happened? Just recently or at an early date? Sorry for being skeptical. But she did open the door (and quickly closed it of course) knowing that lane had no stoppef vehicles. I would have NEVER done that. I guess I am attune to safety. I lock 10s of 1,000s little boats around tows that push 10,000 tons and are 800 feet long by 70 wide. I never release the small boats until the tow is lined up on the wall. Even if it takes all day. One clown will always shoot the gap. Deep water... The will get crushed. I always release where the small vessel has to go to shallow water, the big boat will run aground and stick in the bottom before the little vessel. I see the same situation here. She should have never opened those doors until she was 100% positive that car stopped (if she saw it)...OR: waited 30 seconds or more if lane was clear. Sorry... It's just me. The next bus driver may not be as quick to reverse the need to rush. Again... I don't want to accuse this as a set-up as theatrics to get more laws passed. That would be insanely unsafe. But, she did crack those doors too quickly knowing a car was coming OR the lane was clear. We are not seeing the whole timeline here. When the bus came to a compete stop, when the arm went out, etc... etc... Maybe she did wait a minute, it appears she didn't... Opened too quickly. Again, nobody got hurt. Move on. Adjust for next time. The difference between her opening the doors or waiting is where the drama and emotion is made. She waits, let's the vehicle run, that's a less powerful video and doesn't convey any urgency to make new laws... Or with less urgency. Cameras are only a snapshot in time. They don't tell whole story. It is what it is.
  20. Totally agree! Bend not break. That's what she did!!! I am not condemning her. Even if it appears I am. Learn for next time. Might seem over-cautious, slow. So be it. She should still get some extra cash. That ain't condemning. It's learning too... Next bus driver may not be that sharp on their game. Cut corner and the kid slips thru.
  21. Doesn't work that way. She isn't a cop. Anyway... She opened the door too quickly knowing the lane was clear. Big brain fart on her part. It will raise awareness, won't do any good if drivers open door too quickly with a clear lane. Next driver may not be quick to reverse their error. Yes, the driver errored too. I am being serious. I get she saved the kid. That's awesome. That door should have never opened so quickly with a clear lane. Another 30 seconds won't kill anybody. Pun intended. Bolded part: You were lulled into complacency.
  22. It's because the camera is not Your accuser. We do have Constitutional rights. FWIW. Red light cams are "ordinance" violations. Not moving violations. The registered owner gets the red light ticket. There are LEO's that review the videotape, pictures, then determine if possibly a law was broken. It's either paid, or taken for review. The custodian of the camera can also be called. Simply... It's a mess when it comes to not making this an ordinance violation. You have a constitutional right to face your accuser in court. You want to do that with a @mead107 MeadRobot® that doesn't talk back? Slippery slope.
  23. She did open the door too darn quickly for a clear lane. What's the rush. Now, if vehicles were at a complete stop, sure fling the doors open, let them fly!
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