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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The drink has been around since 1821. Came from London, England. Anyway, a 100 years later, it was Warren G. Harding's favorite drink. It's probably what wiped Harding out when he died in office in 1923: "...The press was told Harding had experienced an "acute gastrointestinal attack" and his scheduled weekend in Portland was cancelled. ..." You must have left WNY before that. You said you were 17? What are you now? 222 years old?πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ Can you confirm Augie's age for us @mead107 πŸ˜‰πŸ˜œ
  2. Schwabl's is in W.Seneca & has existed since 1837. I am not big on cocktails... But wife and MiL like brandy Alexander... I guess sorta along those lines? Served warm. The cartoon probably got its name from the drink... So it's not just a BFLo thing. It's an old English, Christmas season libation.
  3. Schwabl's serves them. Wife & MiL had one there a few weeks back @ Thanksgiving time.
  4. And waistlines should be going down! Ain't that a good thing!
  5. OTD in 1991: Boy! We can sure use some of that toughness!!!
  6. More like 1600 x 6 = 9,600 tons. 😏 πŸ˜† Them fighting words... Others score way better than me! Are they cheating?
  7. Sure, why not. Bills have beat the Chiefs in KC the last 3 regular seasons.
  8. Beats... MicroSleep: "A microsleep is a sudden temporary episode of sleep or drowsiness which may last for a few seconds where an individual fails to respond to some arbitrary sensory input and becomes unconscious." "Microsleep is extremely dangerous when it occurs in situations that demand constant alertness, such as driving a motor vehicle or working with heavy machinery. People who experience microsleeps often remain unaware of them, instead believing themselves to have been awake the whole time, or to have temporarily lost focus."
  9. https://www.newsweek.com/fox-reporter-pours-cold-water-republican-accusations-against-joe-biden-1850917 "Fox News reporter Peter Doocy says the House Oversight Committee has failed to prove that President Joe Biden profited from his son's business dealings. Doocy's report delivered in Washington, D.C., arrived shortly after the Department of Justice indicted Biden's son, Hunter Biden, on nine charges, accusing him of failing to file and pay taxes, and of submitting a false tax return. It is the second indictment filed against the younger Biden. ..."
  10. Donate them to your local homeless shelter. They will worship you as a god.. 😏
  11. You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.
  12. Yup! We made both Snovember games on the drive thru. First one was free in 2014. Full refund from StubHub & all 4 of us go in free, 50 yard line seats against the Jets. That's when D carried Schwartz off on their shoulders...
  13. Yeah! I forgot about that... BUT Detroit has a history w/BFLo. Bills were founded there and Bills played there in Snovember 2014. They accommodate us... "Our Dome Away From Home!"
  14. Last two decades in a certain country w/a wall 🧱 too... The only thing is they are outpacing the genocide ****-ing like rabbits πŸ‡... Well until 2 months ago. 😏
  15. Was it raining in Jacksonville? The results were the same.
  16. Notice the vehicle he stole it from. Much, much newer....Very squinty headlights. The thief driving around in an old Infiniti. Clunky headlights along with round fogs give it away. Light detective work from what poor quality video I can see. Probably some other dead giveaways if we can see them better. Like taillights...
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