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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I betcha they are really screaming bloody muder on Georgian Bay... The Niagara Escarpment goes under L.Huron at the mouth of the bay. Georgian Bay is like another basin off of Huron... All that water pouring in. From 2000-2014 the docks were jutting out into beach. Now all that added property has to be under water! I haven't looked it up... But Michigan-Huron is up 5.5 FEET in last 5 years. That's a hell of tide on geography that slopes only a few feet ovet hundreds of yards!
  2. Exactly. The game is bigger, faster, stronger today... But NOT better. It's worse. NFL is unwatchable on TV in 2019. Only slightly better in person because of the circus environment. Game in 2019 is garbage, if NOT tacitly pushed outcomes with too many cameras, reviews, electronic devices, wireless, bizarre rules that are incongruous with the game itself!
  3. But that's been the problem with L.Ontario the last few decades! It is the one Lake that stays static elevation-wise... Because of the slack water, locks & dams system built in 1959. All the Lakes need to go through this high-low water cleanse cycle. Ontario needs to go high, fill in marshes. Smallies, monster ones are going insane where I work. The high water habitat flooded the reeds, grasses, couple that with the man-made structure and they are gobbling up small prey! Bass love invasives like round gobies! For years they kept Ontario elevation static because of low water and to maintain the draft needed for the salties to come up The St.Lawrence. What made Toronto, killed Buffalo. 26 foot project depth is not an issue now. Let Ontario fill up with what Superior, Michigan-Huron, & Erie are giving it! "...Lake Huron rolls, superior singsIn the rooms of her ice-water mansionOld Michigan steams like a young man's dreamsThe islands and bays are for sportsmenAnd farther below lake OntarioTakes in what lake Erie can send her..."
  4. My mother inlaw was an RN @ Mercy hospital. OJ would get checked in under the alias: Mr. Treesweet. LoL... A few years back... An old (AA) guy, Wal-mart greeter here in Illinois noticed my Bills cap. He said he worked for Ralph in Detroit... "Ralph would fly them into Buffalo to see OJ run." Ralph is cheap! LoL...
  5. They would have been better NOT prosecuting OJ so fast. Let it play out... Even if it took years. DNA was on the cusp.
  6. You messing with Me? LMAO! Where the hell did this @LeGOATski guy come from! He's bringing his A-game and all-stars like @Cripple Creek & @CountryCletus are going 0-fer. I like your style!
  7. On another note. The more they dredge deep at Sarnia-Port Huron at mouth of L.Huron/head of St.Clair River... Dredge deep into the bedrock... More water is released down the St.Clair, through detroit and into Erie. Food for thought. It's like filling your bathroom sink basin up over the emergency overflow only to blast more of that hole lower. More will go down the drain through the straits and into Erie.
  8. There is a water allowance. We are running dam as we speak. We can divert water through the chamber: 1,000'x110'... Old Panamax. We also have 4 sluice gates on the dam (controlling works)... Those can raise 10 feet high... "40 feet" total across. The wicket dams at Peoria and Beardstown are most likely down and boats are going over dam. Asian carp spawn. They need 60+ miles of dam free river. That's a draw down because we expect rain. Totally within the wording of the law. Read the link. It's published through Cornell Law School, the link I used.
  9. Yes. If you notice the pic above... We are outside the law. The lower pool is too low. What you're suggesting is going 125 in a 55. That pic above is like 65 in a 55.
  10. We can't. EDIT: "Can't" is wrong word. We MAY not. It's breaking the law. SCOTUS 1969 (and prior, '69 one of the latest) ruling only allows ~4,000 cfs to be released at Chicago. That's why there are two controlling works. One @ Chicago Harbor (Navy Pier) and the other where I am on SouthSide. I can easy open both ends of the lock. We are built for that. A normal mitre gate lock can't, the pressure holds gates shut. We have sector gates, can open against the pressure of the head. We open both for the USCG during emergency runs. There is a 6 foot wave now. The law that governs is: USC 33 CFR $ 207.425 The lower canal has to be maintained to this because we would be diverting too much water to the Gulf of Mexico. Even a full breach of Lock & Dam would not flood people under normal conditions. Lockport Lock & Dam would just hold back another 5-6 feet. The levee around the holds to well over 10 feet.
  11. None. Asian carp sky is falling theory has been going on since 2009. Where are they. It's not the rain. We have had a surplus... But Lake elevations have been building since the hard freeze of 2014. Cleaner water also freezes better. Less evaporation. Back to Asian carp. It's at low water that the silver carp tend to jump at. If anything, during high water, they may escape via different routes. Like through Indiana @ Fort Wayne to Maumee/Toledo and L.Erie... There are other avenues from the Ohio and Wabash rivers...
  12. Yes they can. Next thing you'll tell me that when you take a dump and flush... The new toilet water is just as dirty as before the flush. And it's really a "controlling works" because it acts just like the toilet in your house. It's just a big azz one. We would flush more water, dilute even more... But Illinois is bound by SCOTUS rulings going back over 100 years to NOT to divert more than ~4,000 cfs (cubic feet per second). There you have it, the original "low flow" water closet. Anyway... Back to original topic. The Great Lakes are over flowing because winters have been more severe since 2014. The more ice cover on Michigan-Huron & Erie supress Lake temps... So as during the main evaporation months of July and August there is less evaporation that falls outside the basin. Rate of water accumulation beats the rate of abatement. Which means more net water gain than goes out over the Niagara Falls and through Chicago for the middle three lakes.
  13. Is Saranac Utica Club? Or should I phrase that differently. The breweries the same? Not sure where I heard that.
  14. I was born in '68... So I mostly caught him the later years in BFLo... Like '74-'77... Still young... But a few games like a Dolphin's game stand out!
  15. He could catch too, just imagine him today in a passing offense: Notice he took kickoffs too.
  16. Also... During rain events, when lots is expected... We will draw down that tail to make room for extra storage. But once event stops, will allow canal to go back to aroung -2.00'... Given the range in USC 33 CFR 207.425 USC 33 CFR $ 207.425 LoL... I don't Wiki talks like me. Nobody does!!! Cut Wiki some slack! TJ O'Brien L/D Of course water goed up and down in lock. The lock is the water elevator around the dam.
  17. No. Water is not rising on the canal end. That's why the lock and dam exists. To guard against the fluctuations. The water in the canal is kept static. The upper pool is L.Michigan. That fluctuates. That's the "Head." Mutha nature dictates the elevation of the head. The lock chamber is in middle The canal end is the "Tail". That is set by law 2 feet below flat pool. Flat pool is neither high nor low water of the head. That flat pool elevation is +579.48' feet above mean sea level. We just call that: "Zero gage." We go off that. Here is an example. This means a boat will be raised or lowered exactly 6.48' (feet). The lake is +4.09 or +583.57' above mean sea level. 10 years ago L.Michigan was rountinely in the negative... Like -1.25 feet. That means L.Michigan is roughly +5.25 feet higher in 2019 than in 2009. We send the water, divert down when we aerate/oxygenate to combat pollution, add water to keep canal at 9 feet depth for navigation through dam or run the lock. That water in the canal is handled by next lock down, a 40 foot drop @ Lockport IllIllinois. They generate power there with that 40 foot head. So... The canal seldom gets out of joint between that -1.50 & -3.00 set in law by US Code. During rain events canal may rise into the positive... But it's quickly bled off at Lockport in a day or so. If tail gets higher than head, we close. This in order to prevent backflow into Lake.
  18. Wow! What a nice pal! Hope it had it on ice for you!
  19. Fix Or Repair Daily Found On Road Dead You're right Fergy real men drive Toyotas!
  20. If it was jokes... They are happening in other places, in the real world... That's why people feel so strongly. It touches a nerve.
  21. Thanks... For keeping @Johnny Hammersticks safe! I nominate you Jr. Corps Ranger! Bobber the Water Safety Dog will present you with your badge at a tailgate! Or dive into water threads (like you dive down a slope). You can think outside the box a little. Public school education? You're breaking the only rule. Not that I mind. I have it coming.
  22. This isn't a 5 year anomaly. A lake like L.Michigan is on a 100 cycle. The last drop of water from 6/15/1919 is just leaving now. On L.Erie... The last drop from 6/15/2016 is just leaving. Erie is roughly on a 3 year cycle. High water on Michigan-Huron follow royghly a 20 year cycle. Last high water @ work in Chicago was 1997. Before that, which we are approaching now, the record I believe was in 1972.
  23. Water levels are rising! Our upper pool at the lock is 11" higher than last year and 5.5 higher since 2014. You how many billions, trillions if not more water that is! Please, stick to the bunny slope and don't forget your helmet!
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