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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. "The poor Beav was really getting the business!" ~Wally Cleaver
  2. Ward is now disqualified. He was a little hard on the Beaver last night! Sign of the times... 2019, how the mighty fall!!!
  3. Let's find common ground. That's a sillcock AND it looks like a "frost free" sillcock (the guts of valve may be 10" to 24" in pipe, IE: in heated structure) WITH a hose bibb (the threaded parted where you attach the hose). Right-handed threads of course. Righty-tighty, lefty loosy. LoL...
  4. In the pic it shows a vacuum breaker attached (shot on right). That gets attached just like a hose. So... To attach: You turn your hand CLOCKwise OR, righty tighty. To detach: You turn your hand COUNTERclockwise OR, lefty loosy. They are right-handed threads!!! The faucet is near the sill plate of a structure, why they also call a hose bibb a "sillcock." What are you 6 inches tall? And even so, you're still turning same way. Unless your back is to wall... Which it shouldn't be, what I am saying holds true. Righty tighty, lefty loosy. You define this thread! The quintessential subject the OP oppines his sorry story for! LMAO!!!
  5. What planet do you live on! Looking straight at this... You turn righty tighty to put on, clockwise. Lefty loosy to take off, counterclockwise. Holy Moly, your back ain't suppose to be to the wall! They are right handed threads:
  6. No offense taken. It's actually a compliment and points to your deficiency. The OP's topic is highlighting "operator error." Or: P.I.C.N.I.C. Problem In Chair Not In Computer. The deficiency falls on the person who simply can't handle the simplest of concepts. Notice, I don't have any? IE: The problem is you and or others. HINT: That's not something to brag about. In this world:
  7. LakeEvaporation I stand corrected. Winter is critical too:
  8. I just walked outside. Look straight at it. Clockwise is right, tighten Counterclockwise is left and off.
  9. ???? What the heck kinda hose bibbs do you have. Looking at it, it's righty tighty.
  10. Did you see her talk today on ABC... Enough to make me go to the Dark Side Conservative.
  11. The fuss about Asian carp. Boondoggles wicked confuse me. So simple. But so confusing!
  12. This is untrue. I'd look for the teacher that did this AND DID NOT pork out. But... I am too lazy. "Somebody give me a cheesebuger!" https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jyV41-tFPcQ Not sure why I can't get videos and pics, links to embed anymore. I used to.
  13. I'm a bookkeeper's son I don't want to shoot no one Well, I crossed my old man back in Oregon Don't take me alive Got a case of dynamite I could hold out here all night Yes, I crossed my old man back in Oregon Don't take me alive...
  14. I don't use Wikipedia. Contrary to what @BringBackFergy says. Wiki is for hacks. I ski Encyclopedia Britannica:
  15. This is the true meaning of Father's Day! ^^^^ Wait till they are in college and you are transferring a cool grand in what SEEMS like on a weekly basis. I would trade back for "Secret life of whatever" back in a second!"
  16. So... It seems the microclimates power through. 68° at St.Joseph Light is warm!!! Warmer than a 9 foot deep river here! Nobody is eating meat anymore!!! All this fake crap!
  17. I have to access another program... To go back from 1992-2011 for more data... But, through the 2000s... Water had to be warm. Some years zero ice here in winter.
  18. Good question. The Lake water temp @ St.Joseph in Michigan is 68°. They are in wine country. Tempered by Lake, alee like BFLo...
  19. Travis Henry? Daniel Alfreddson? Narrow your question. In wedlock or bastage??? Oh... Dos! Legally Wed.
  20. Blame my Grade 11 West Seneca West English teacher. LoL... And tell @Gugny I just checked water temps going back to 2012. The river which is usually 10-20° warmer than Big Lake today is 66° In: 2012: 75° 2013: 69° 2014: 71° (Cold year, icebergs on Superior in June, ice still falling off north cliffs in July!) 2015: 71° 2016: 73° 2017: 74° 2018: 73° 2019: 66° Lake Michigan has to be in low 50s° ??? Just checked: Mid Lake Bouy: 44°!! High water started after 2013-14 winter!
  21. Sure is!!! Through the years....2000s when Middle Lakes went low. Ontario stayed static because of the St.Lawrence and shipping. It should have been allowed to drop. Naturally cleanse itself. If it dropped, drew down... The reserve capacity would have been able to handle it what Erie, Michigan-Huron (& Superior, but Superior is controlled) giving it! Little known fact. Canada puts water IN to Superior from the Arctic watershed 25% MORE than Chicago diverts daily and around (rough #s) 10% MORE than what goes over The Falls daily. Blame Canada Hydro up in the wilds of Ontario... Tell them to stop generating power for Toronto and stop adding water to L.Superior.
  22. Remember... Lakes are melting hunks of ice. See were Escarpment goes under Lake Huron and water spills into Georgian Bay? See where it goes under L.Michigan @ Door County and water spills into Green Bay? L.Superior to the North I believe is volcanic, basalt. The Michigan-Huron, Erie share common impounded geology. Georgian Bay, Green Bay are beyond that. Superior different. Ontario different. I am NOT a geologist... But I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night. Any professional geologist out there care to expound? This is an experts only slope.
  23. Polluted water doesn't freeze. Hence it stays warmer. Hence come summer, during the prime evap months of July and August, H2O temps are elevated. Warmer = higher evaporation Suppressed temps because ice has been floating around = less evaporation. Also. With ice cover... There is none to little winter evaporation. Set up a fish tank. Leave it. Where does the water go after a few months. The water is getting cleaner and cleaner. Low water during my years here have been during the warm winters. At one time, this river barely froze it was so hot. Icebergs floating around L.Superior in June and hunks of ice falling from the Apostle Islands "sea caves" in July, up in Northern Wisconsin really do play a part. Global Warming really does play a part. Evaporation will fall outside the basin. Notice Lakes started going up after the hard freeze of 2014?
  24. Yeah... That's my wacky conspiracy theory. IMO the pushed outcomes are unintentional
  25. Yeah... Because thats the fetch of the Bay pointed right at Syracuse and then added with Ontario. Geologically the Bay is a spill over from Huron. The Niagara Escarpment goes under water there and pops up again rounding and impounding Huron and L.Michigan all the way down through Door County, Green Bay into Lower Wisconsin:
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