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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I got a story about a torso one of the boaters saw in the lock one busy autumn weekend a bunch of years ago. They were calling on the Marine Band radio... The USCG/Chicago Police thought they were saying "tortoise." /smh... Anyway we continued to lock and kept dumping water... By the time the cops showed up a few hours later... No sight of aforementioned "torso." A co-worker, operator mentioned: "Who knows, could have been a halloween prop, you know display." The cops said: "What was that? Say that again." ..."Yeah, that's what it was, a halloween prop, we're outta here." Yikes! Anyway... If it was a real torso, you think the thing would have popped up somewhere down river. Never was seen again. Quite the mystery and story of what was really seen that Fall day!
  2. Whatever gets you through the day in order to sleep like a baby! ??
  3. Gee thanks for the bode of confidence when it comes to the integrity of lawyers. "International buisness lawyer in NYC" has a soothing ring to it. Yeah, maybe they aren't suing anybody or trying to find ways around international child labor for big business... Maybe they are really doing good for the world and the environment. The image still won't escape many that that the legal profession has people over a barrel. What's the next thing you'll tell me? Some cops aren't over-officious trigger happy type-A jerks. @Gugny doesn't fire single, pregnant mothers on Fridays.@BringBackFergydoesn't have two beer and burrito power lunches off the Jersey Shore.@Cripple Creek is a nasty man who teams up w/other nasty men like @CountryCletus AND most importantly, dammed up rivers don't serve a legit economical, environmental, & public health mission for the betterment and service of this great nation? I am NOT buying it. This ain't my first rodeo and I didn't just fall off the pumpkin truck. "International biz lawyer" in NYC sure sounds honorable! /smh
  4. @BringBackFergy w/his goombahs in a meeting with the "Big Guy" from the Jersey Shore office. Take note fellas and wannabees, the name of the boat Mr.Ferguson transits & plies the water with: "Big Nutz Required II." "HEY! Who brought the giant football size burrito and Heddy Topper as tribute!" BringBackFergy's Power Lunch in New Jersey
  5. Thanx... I didn't think the outfall was that far down river. What does the whirlpool look like at high water... Is it better, same or any less cool looking?
  6. No... It's an 80% chance that the area will NOT get any rain at all.
  7. Kinzua is also pumped storage: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinzua_Dam https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seneca_Pumped_Storage_Generating_Station I would have thought Niagara was all gravity fed. FWIW... I think they are still digging extra capacity on the Canadian side.
  8. Yeah. There are reserve storage reservoirs, but they can't possibly be that big on Canadian and American sides. Lower the flow at the Falls for aesthetic quality and tourism even during daylight hours... But I can't imagine they have that much storage. Around 3 billion gallons flow over Falls a day. Maybe their reserve storage at reservoirs are filled to the brim. Then in that case they will have increase flow over Falls for Tourism. Ontario is in a bind. They take in all what the other Lakes send her. Shut down the Welland Canal. Shutting down the Welland Canal will make Erie go up 6", Huron 3", & Michigan 2". OR: open wide down the St.Lawrence. I jest. Anyway... Why pray for hydro demand? Stop putting in from them the Arctic TO Superior. Slow it down at The Soo. Here is a good book: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Great_Lakes_Water_Wars.html?id=3vgzhwmmmw4C&source=kp_book_description Peter Annin Island Press, Aug 25, 2009 - Nature - 320 pages 1 Review The Great Lakes are the largest collection of fresh surface water on earth, and more than 40 million Americans and Canadians live in their basin. Will we divert water from the Great Lakes, causing them to end up like Central Asia's Aral Sea, which has lost 90 percent of its surface area and 75 percent of its volume since 1960? Or will we come to see that unregulated water withdrawals are ultimately catastrophic? Peter Annin writes a fast-paced account of the people and stories behind these upcoming battles. Destined to be the definitive story for the general public as well as policymakers, The Great Lakes Water Wars is a balanced, comprehensive look behind the scenes at the conflicts and compromises that are the past-and future-of this unique resource.
  9. I know! But we can't get @Gugny to even remember to face the faucet, you think He's going to remember "invariant right-hand rule?"
  10. Everybody knows to face the faucet straight on except @Gugny and a few of his sympathizers. I guess that's why this thread was created. Simple things that people can't understand. What the hell is he doing, giving the hose bibb a reach around?
  11. You are all just a bunch of idiots. There. It's said. /thread.
  12. Marco! Just between you & me, we should keep this under our Stetsons. I won't confirm this yes or no, but you are getting close with your ideas. Not necessarily those places you mentioned, we aren't just in the canal business. POLO!
  13. It is. Same thing, both can be used interchangeably. Less pollution, cleaner water... Generally better environment than we have been accustomed to be living in. Harder freezes are associated with global warming. I know, hard to believe right? Harder freezes lead to more water retention in Great Lakes. Why are people so negative? The environment is getting better for us in general here in the US. Why the constant "revolution" that the sky is falling? Wolf always at the door? We will leave things better for our children than our parents left it for us. Now... Other parts of the world, I am not so sure. IMO, we need to fix what we are doing there.
  14. Look out, Mama, there's a white boat coming up the river, with a big red beacon and a flag and a man on the rail I think you'd better call John 'cause it don't look like they're here to deliver the mail And it's less than a mile away I hope they didn't come to stay It's got numbers on the side and a gun, and it's making big waves Daddy's gone, my brother's out hunting in the mountains Big John's been drinking since the river took Emmy Lou So the powers that be left me here to do all the thinking And I just turned twenty-two I was wondering what to do And the closer they got, The more those feelings grew Daddy's rifle in my hand felt reassuring He told me, 'Red means run, Son, numbers add up to nothing' But when that first shot hit the dock, I saw it coming Raised the rifle to my eye Never stopped to wonder why Then I saw black and my face flash in the sky Shelter me from the powder and the finger Cover me with the thought that pulled the trigger Just think of me as one you never figured, to fade away so young with so much left undone Remember me to my love I know I'll miss her
  15. Treesweet was a brand of orange juice. OJ advertised for them: [NOT allowed to embed] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pfLGXMSmk_k
  16. With your back to the wall. Who does that weird ****! You and @Gugny obviously! /smh No doubt facing away from faucet or to the side. Screwy. No pun intended! It's why you get confused with the process. Good order, consistency is next to Godliness.
  17. People have a real problem with this simple concept... Of course I don't: "May" and "Can" No **** Sherlock... Now you just confounded @Gugny even more. Faucets are righty tighty, lefty loosy... Including the hose bibb. Nobody puts the hose on with their back to the wall except @Gugny Holy carp! Now he will mandate backs to the wall like he demands people use the gay British word: whilst.
  18. Or the turntable stops and goes the other direction. Not sure what kinda of microwave @sherpa has. It's pretty random on some microwaves. Then there are always these:
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