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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I buy booze in Illinois and they tell me I can't walk down an Illinois street with an open container! WTF gives! Tyranny!
  2. Who in science uses imperial/SAE measurements? What were those MotoHeads building? A 1966 souped up Dodge Dart? /smh
  3. To me. The term "fireworks" means to fly and have a report (ie: go boom) . But, I guess that is subjective. Place on the ground and watch pretty colors, sure "fireworks." Sparklers that heat up to 1200° Fahrenheit... Sure "fireworks." But when most people say fireworks are "legal They mean the flying ones that end in a boom. Who looks at the ground for fireworks. Now, no doubt there are probably sellers in these states selling certain devices under the table. I guess you probably have to ask the right questions so they don't think you're a cop. Growing up, in UpState New York... We always had a few connections to get the real stuff. People that would make runs to places like Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, etc... "...The following states permit the sale of ALL or most types of consumer fireworks to residents: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia..." Now. Here is Illinois on Indiana line, they advertise fireworks in Illinois for the Indiana stores. Billboards every where. And I think when you walk into store, you have to pay to join the fireworks lobby. They have a thing for "God" in Indiana. So on Sunday, I get my hard liquor/booze (like Everclear) @ the gas station in IllInois and then make a run across the border to pick up my guns and fireworks in Indiana. Then we pack up the family pick-up and head out to the picnic, but not before saying our prayers first @ church.
  4. Are they selling aerial and exploding types or "novelties?" This doesn't include the up in the air and glorious explosions you make on a daily basis here. From my "go to source" Wiki that @BringBackFergy just simply adores: "Two states — Illinois and Vermont — permits the sale and use of only wire or wood stick sparklers and other novelties. The following states allow the sale and use of non-aerial and non-explosive fireworks (also called "safe and sane") like novelties, fountains and sparklers, etc.: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia... ...New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law a bill on November 21, 2014 allowing sparklers, party poppers, cone fountains and other novelty items to be sold, possessed, and used in the state of New York outside of New York City. Local governments must approve the sale and use of fireworks before people can legally use them. Although the use of fireworks is allowed year-round, the sale of fireworks, by registered businesses, is limited to a period of June 1 through July 5 and December 26 through January 2 each year..." "...Three states — Hawaii, Nevada, and Wyoming — allow each county to establish its own regulations..."
  5. Notice the states that permit exploding and aerial fireworks are FOR THE MOST PART "Red States": The following states permit the sale of all or most types of consumer fireworks to residents: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia. What New York sells are non-exploding, non-aerial novelties: "The following states allow the sale and use of non-aerial and non-explosive fireworks (also called "safe and sane") like novelties, fountains and sparklers, etc.: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Virginia, Wisconsin, and the District of Columbia."
  6. The whole "eacape room" thing passed me by. As usual. The wife organized a program @ the library just recently: something about mobile escape rooms. Still don't know what they are. Maybe I should be in the "simple things that confuse thread?"
  7. You know, you're polluting my good friend Cripple Creek's thread! [THIS should get me back into CC's good graces] Stop it or I will report you. LoL... Oh, BTW, Does a bear poop in the woods?
  8. You Sir are a true champion! The Mets organization is taking notice how you bring your A-game! ? Ithaca is still in my sphere of influence (but barely). I will try to peer review @BringBackFergy when I am not as busy:
  9. Where does the school come up with the $$$ for this scholarship? What kind of revenue and importance does "track and field" bring in for the school? Pull it out of the hoarded endowment? Where does the money come from? Some can throw well and it warrants a free ride? While somebody gets straight As and is in top tier of their class(and is say a male, gasp I even go there) they get boopkiss? Or, a few crumbs thrown their way. Like everything, if this was 1936 it wouldn't have been a problem. Too many free rides vs. not enough people paying leads to astronomical college costs for few that gotta pay. How is this NOT any different than showing up at the E.R. with no health insurance and the common cold? Then the ones that show up with health insurance get gouged. The dumbing down of society in a jock driven world. I don't get the logic. Maybe it's good (for the rest) that nobody at family level and HS have a clue. ???
  10. How are many going to save 100s of thousands of $$$ when they can barely balance things on stagnant wages? Of course they can plan early. And when everybody does save... Prices just go because the schools know they can charge high to keep the many from coming in. Anyway, take Patrick Kane for example. Didn't his father sell his portion of the Ford dealership (Kane-Doyle) to bankroll his hockey career? That's under a million dollar investment that's raking in 10s if not 100s times more. I don't agree with it, but it's what people see. Of course spin the whole poor S.BFLo family story all you want. These parents that push their children want no part of your vanilla equation you posted above. They want high-risk, high reward too. The rewards are staggering.
  11. Exactly. But somebody has to susidize all these scholarships? The payers. Why a college education is so insanely expensive. Sports is are people's ticket to a paid education. That's backwards and why we have such a funding crisis and soon to be a debt default crisis.
  12. I agree with you. Not (factor into pushing our children in sports) with us either. But there are people NOT making gobs of money that it does factor into why they are pushing their children. They may see it as their only hope out of the stifling debt that a quality education brings with it. How much are they or you in debt for their education?
  13. Which is a lie? Toronto is NOT on the Niagara Peninsula. Niagara Peninsula is a subset of the "Golden Horseshoe."
  14. How can we dance when our earth is turning? How do we sleep while our beds are burning? How can we dance when our earth is turning? How do we sleep while our beds are burning? The time has come to say fair's fair To pay the rent now, to pay our share
  15. There is too much $$$$$ in sports. Plain and simple. Stakes too high. Then you got stuff like Title IX. Quite a mess.
  16. Geographically, Toronto is San Fran turned inside out. SF has hills, Toronto has ravines. And as the weight of the glaciers have left, the land around Toronto is "springing back."
  17. It's "tick season" people... Be careful out there! Here's a guide to help you identify parasites:
  18. I such a Waterway LoL... Fixed! LMAO... Yup. Now... 10-20 grand. Maybe. $1500, LMAO... Who does he think He's insulting?
  19. Yup... The Yampa valley is a hike from Denver. We did the drive two seasons ago. Anyway, didn't read the link... But snow had to be up high on Storm Peak which is close to 11,000 feet. Heck, base is 7k above sea level.
  20. Oh Asian carp confuse you. When you say idiotic things that you do (maybe in jest? I'll cut you slack there if that's the case.) You've repeatedly shown that you can't grasp the simple thing that's really going on... Namely, I have nothing to do with the Asian carp boondoggle except being a close sideline spectator watching the political clownshow with our tax $$$$$$$'s. You're a spectator too, just as I am but don't have front row seats. All you get is what the MSM spoon feeds people, that's why your confused. The real media sh*tshow has been going on for how long now? Over 10 years and you can't make heads or tails out of such a simple thing? Again... If there is one simple thing that truly vexes me, it's your take that I am some how connected to this environmentalist boondoogle. I am not sure where that confusion comes from. It's pretty simple what I do and it has nothing to do with worrying about Asian carp. Never has.
  21. Asian carp = simple thing that confuses guys like @/dev/null.
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