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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Unless you want a bear attacking. It is best to sit back to back. Pilot 2 Bombardier. Do you have eyes in the back of your head?
  2. I they did Bertha same show May 9, 1977... I think they opened with it? Good selection (as you can tell by the DeadHeads) considering The Blizzard! Band was thinking!
  3. The Aud, 1977... Great sounding show, version:
  4. Clear your cache/cookies. Voila! Wow! I think Bills tailgates met their match!
  5. I am agreeing with this. But you're dreaming. Whatever gets people through the day. Then there are the one's where breaking the rules and getting caught is the "cost of doing business." Most people simply don't give a two *****! I was up in Burlington, Vermont... By the Lake. Had to feed the meters. A Mass Hole pulls up: "Oh, I don't use those things." Yankee douchbag or just frugal? Yeah, just a meter, but wonder how that Massachusetts influence translates to his driving on the open road? All big urban areas are pretty messed up... But most states don't have to park a mandatory trooper in a construction zone to just sit there and keep the workers safe.
  6. What about poor communities that are hit especially hard by the regressive, $$$$$ driven ticky tacky infractions that hit these communities hard. It ain't helping. Just a downward spiral of over officious jerks bringing in revenue to insufficiently funded departments. Race to the botton. You can't get blood out of a stone. The poorer workers are the ones that most likely can't keep all their ***** straight and together. How about community service in lieu of a fine? Work them.
  7. LoL... We'd be full grown. Didn't need no stinking Scoutmaster!
  8. @ 2:30, "One authentic early American hare kari knife, pass it around boys maybe somebody's gotta a use for it!"
  9. As a Boy Scout while backpacking in bear country @Philmont in N.Mexico... You'd often have to utilize the: "Pilot 2 Bombardier" style head/latrine... You know so someone has your back when dropping a deuce. [YOU can thank me later for this bear related, thoughtful and perfectly on topic addition to the thread... We didn't have stinking cameras everywhere, accessible by SmartPhone, to see "where the bears were." We had to rely on the "Buddy System!"]
  10. You Sir are a champion. We should back to the old days and charge cops for the bullets they use. That will stop the trigger happy policing BS too!
  11. Yeah... Cops would be called in. Kids got it rough now... The legal abyss, sucked into that hell hole they call the justice system "I made a sharp turn off the roadLuckily I didn't go into the mountainI went over the cliffI was doin' 150 miles an hour sidewaysAnd 500 feet down at the same timeHey, I was lookin' for the copsCuz' you knowHey I knew that it, it was illegal"
  12. +1. Try coming to an educational wasteland like here. They will tell the Children straight up they are driving in for the money. Got the poor Districts over a barrel. Come in collect paycheck and live somewhere else, mailing it in. At least don't convey the grim reality of the existence to the Children. I understand it's hard... At least go into another line of work where less harm is done. I don't care if people want to be lazy, pick another trade, profession. /smh... [I hear @BringBackFergy@Cripple Creek 's footsteps... I gotta go! See ya!]
  13. Playboy in the bathroom DOESN'T count! ?Even if you did just "read the articles." You'll go blind and grow hair on palms! That will negate any reading advantages!?
  14. Already happens here. My daughter gets deadlines, has to submit the work online before certain hours, etc... Been happening for years. Yet, they don't count as snow days and they finish up on time. Last day of school is towards mid to late May. End of August is start. If they counted as snow days, they would extend the school year. Just breaking the Children in early, getting them used to it, habitualized so it's all normal when their douchebag employer pulls the "work from anywhere, @ all hours" BS. You know, get them ready for the future so they don't revolt like other generations would have. +1. Then there's these is already these bogus "teacher conference days" (in-service days) seems like a couple times a month. WTF... Like the world needs another BS "meeting." Pencil pushers unite!
  15. Don't murder me, I beg of you don't murder me, pleeeease don't murder me!
  16. Just looked it up, Paul Synder (BFLo Braves owner) founded Freezer Queen. Frozen dinners the main product.
  17. I always thought it was frozen, flash frozen food like Birdseye? The vegetable farms were right there... That's what I always thought. I think he was friends with family (he did start picking at like 8/9 years old). My father said he would play in that mansion (off of Clinton just past Harlem).
  18. Same here! We were probably dining right next to each and didn't know it! ?14 Holy Helpers was our Parish. It's now the In-laws since they moved to S.Cheek to from Lackawanna/O.Park. Used to be Our Lady of the Sacred Heart on Abbott, in O.Park (where we were married). Inlaws go to fish fry was the Cloverbank. Now they go to Town Shanty on Clinton & Harlem. My father grew up there off Cayuga Creek Road (off William)... Used to play, run in that area by Sharf's worked the farms (Old French/Clinton) there as a child. The Freezer Queen mansion (think that mansion was Freezer Queen?), would play there as a young child.
  19. My Bro tells Us we should go. Right down Clinton. I love German food, same with Son... But no bueno for the ladies, wife and daughter. What do they have against Germans! /smh LoL FWIW... @Misterbluesky do you remember (of course you do) when The Deerhead Inn was right next to 14 Holy Helpers? On Union & Indian Church directly across from Race Street. Another throwback... Remember The Hobnail on Union @ the 400. Mooney's now after numerous changes. But I guess (according to my father)... The building was on other side of Union, they moved it when building The 400.
  20. It's getting bad by the year. People just blow red lights. I was against the cameras here... But they are needed. The red light cams have to be marked visibly. IMO, these people get one and then run red elsewhere to "even the score." Remember, the younger ones are all getting into the daily grind. Millennials. This is how they were raised: "Me first, I am special." I mean, it has always been bad... Just getting really bad. Glad I commute only a few days a week and against the grain.
  21. This bear was caught trying to escape, enjoy:
  22. Go for it! Live vicariously through your children! ? My grandfather had a saying: "The hound would have got the fox if he didn't stop to take a *****." I am not quite sure what that truly means... But I have an idea and I think it sorta fits here. Stop wondering the woulda, coulda, shoulda's of life when the everyday necessities of the world dictate what you do and when you do it. (I) hope I interjected a little (albeit coarse) wisdom on this wonderful morning. If not, hold your poo in and carry on. ?
  23. Say say say I remember when we used to rock in a project yard in Jersey And little Georgie would make the firelight As stolen cars passed through the night And then we'd hit the corner store for roots, paper, and brew My drink's my only remedy For pain of losing family, but while I'm gone shorty Everything's gonna be alright, everything's gonna be alright Fugees come to the dance tonight, everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be alright Everything's gonna be alright The gun man's in the house tonight But everything's gonna be alright No woman, no cry, no woman no cry Hey little sister don't shed no tears No woman no cry say say say
  24. We're gonna play you a song, a little bit of rock-n-roll You gotta let yourself go, the band's gonna take control We're gettin' off today We'll pick you up and take you away Get down tonight Smokin', smokin' We're cookin' tonight, just keep on tokin' Smokin', Smokin' I feel alright, mamma I'm not jokin', yeah Get your feet to the floor, everybody rock and roll You've got nothing to lose just the rhythm and blues, that's all, yeah We're gonna feel ok We'll pick you up and take you away Get down tonight Smokin', Smokin' We're cookin' tonight, just keep on tokin' Smokin', Smokin' I feel alright, mamma I'm not jokin', yeah Everyone's jumpin', dancin' to the boogie tonight Clap your hands, move your feet If you don't you know it won't seem right We're gettin' off today We'll pick you up and take you away Get down tonight We're gettin' off today We'll pick you up take you away Get down tonight, well alright
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