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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. The Arizona Memorial I believe was hit by a tug, etc... Some time ago. Is that the repairs? If so, still fixing! LoL... I still remember a few of my parents. My father would pick The Deer Hunter and First Blood (Rambo)... LoL... Real dousy movies that my mother surely loved! LMAO!
  2. Most here, big ones are put on, underwritten by buisness. The one in Crown Point, Indiana IMO is a good. Usually put on by the Chevy Dealer held at county fairgrounds. Chicago puts on a Wednesday and Saturday night extended display every week from Memorial Day to Labor Day... Over Navy Pier @ 21:30CDT. Nice!!! I feel the same way too! LoL...
  3. You My Man are a champion!!!! My wife heads a medium-sized to large town public library. She will be thankful there are people like you!!!! It's small peanuts on your tax bill and the services 10 fold dollar for dollar that is returned to taxpayer IFF they utilize the available services!!! Yet, it depends on what direction the library is moving and how modern their approach is!!!
  4. No. But let's not make it worse. And anyway, Thanksgiving is a New England holiday. Lincoln did utilize it politically to stick it up the South's azz. LoL If it can't be used for commercial gain, it most certainly can be used for political gain! That's the true American spirit! ?
  5. Uh... Thanksgiving shouldn't be associated with consumerism and gratuitous shopping for needless *****. AND most certainly NOT tied into Christmas. That's of course NOT the point of Christmas either! Sure you're not more "American" than me? ?Gee, let's think of the shoppers!
  6. LoL... What is it on the 3rd? Not every town has them on 4th. If none at all, they need to get commercial sponsors! Anyway... Do you remember the Ron Jaworski Stadium fireworks fiasco in the early 1980s... That forever traumatized my wife. Looking for the story. I think one person died.
  7. 10 minutes! What the heck, the local car dealer Dude in Crown Point, Indiana puts on a 1/2 hour+ show with finale. Wow... What a bunch of cheapskates. @mead107 makes longer "glorious explosions" in a GBiD "Would Ya" thread!
  8. And on Columbus Day to boot! I am watching our Focker neighbors to the Great White North!
  9. Was that shot in Sudbury in August, the poor girl has got to be freezing! Somebody get her a: STAT!
  10. Yeah! LoL... They (Tories) are the one's that ran to British Canada during American Revolution and then same stunt* (declare independence) we did 91 years later... And so close to the 4th of July! What the heck gives. Appropriators! /smh *Ok, declaring independence is NOT a "stunt"... Used for lack of better word, but in 1776 I guess it could have been looked at as a "crazy stunt." Especially by the loyalists that fled to the Province of Quebec (later to be Upper Canada). [Glad you started it JSP. I had to speak my mind ?] Oh... Happy Canada Day! ?
  11. I don't consider comics having to pass same test. Comics are meant to be expanded on.
  12. Yeah... When you think about it, consumer fireworks are pretty obnoxious. What ever happened to: Has become:
  13. You gotta wreck everything. Killjoy! I'd report you to the proper authorities, but I am NOT that kinda guy. Snitches get stitches. And a cell mate named: Renee. No Sir, am I going down that road! *EDIT: On TBD, a cell mate named: @Gugny Noooo way am I bringing the Mods into this!!!?
  14. My wife's was the one at Ron Jaworski Stadium in Lackawanna. Early 1980s. The whole display went up, killed the pyrotechnics guy. The stadium first started clapping thinking it was the "finale" then went into full blown panic & stampede! My wife still has nightmares almost 40 years later around the 4th of July! Oh wait... You said "best" fireworks display. I guess I view her experience differently since I was NOT there. She probably sees it as PTSD. I think she still feels guilty that she began to clap first! /smh... Doesn't help when I play the guilt & call her a nasty lady, very nasty lady. She knows I am joking right. I am such an azz...
  15. That's when one shouts across the parking lot: "HEY PAL! The sign says: Handicap Parking. NOT: "Mentally Handicapped Parking!"
  16. But for every Jalen that makes the big time, there are 1,000s more that aren't so lucky in life:
  17. Ut oh... @BringBackFergy won't be happy. Looks like @mead107 is doing consulting work for @Cripple Creek I wonder what Mead charges?
  18. "Hand guns are made for killin' They ain't no good for nothin' else And if you like to drink your whiskey You might even shoot yourself So why don't we dump 'em people To the bottom of the sea Before some ol' fool come around here Wanna shoot either you or me" ~Lynyrd Skynyrd
  19. Slipstream driving. Get on a network and "latch" into the slipstream of say a semi. Will it be possible someday. They dangers of tailgating will be removed because the vehicles will be linked. This has the possibility of saving lots of fuel.
  20. Someone has to keep bumping this thread till we get a real bear cam.
  21. What do you do when you are actually eating breakfast? He came right under our dining fly. Of course it goes in Bear Bag at night. I am not a nimrod. Noise, whistles, pots, wasn't detering that bear from Swiss Miss and Poo Tarts. LoL...
  22. Og tay. The one year we went, 1984 (and '86)... One kid got mauled by a bear. 300 stitches. He thought a friend was messing with him punching the tent. It was a bear sniffing around. I.got prints of one brown bear crashing our breakfast in the high country. Stole all our Poo Tarts. Bastage, left us with nothing but dry granola. Ate the Swiss Miss and powdered milk too!!! Freeze dried french onion soup night was always mid-trip. What happens if there was a rush? LoL... And YOU were in the Navy and hot-bunked! /smh ?
  23. Even worse. That is "Mountain Lion" seating. Cats attack from behind!
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