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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Where is option #3: Do nothing. Just refreeze it and use it as ice. A full freezer is an efficient freezer! Admit nothing... In a few months nobody will know. Just be sure your health premiums are paid up.
  2. Did anybody address the general premiss of this thread yet? If someone knew somebody with no friends, wouldn't technically have a friend? You know, that someone that knows somebody. Duh! @Cripple Creek @BringBackFergy need NOT apply to get involved in this elaborate mental exercise! Thank You very much!
  3. I voted for Hill the Shill. My son told me to vote for Bernie... He'll wave the college debt. Boy... Was I a dummy. ?Maybe we'll get another crack at this. ??
  4. 1 out of three ain't bad. He was pro-Nazi... So he was pro-National Socialist. Yep... Enjoy your NaziMobile! ? http://www.thehistoryreader.com/modern-history/hitlers-american-friends-henry-ford-and-nazism/ "The Führer once indicated his desire to help ‘Heinrich Ford’ become ‘the leader of the growing Fascist movement in America.’"
  5. I either work 1800-0600 or 0600-1800. 0n 1800-0600 now... Till Thursday morning. Then I work 0600-1800 both Friday & Saturday. I will miss the Holiday Warriors on 4th... But will get the early bassboaters. Things get crazy on boats this time of year. /smh I am working OT tonight and the non-sense is already starting (heavy set exhibitionist, topless females)... LoL... If it was family hour on the 4th (things will heat up @ around 1000 each day during holiday weekend... This will be extended, four day week end... Lots of pleasure craft) I probably would have to tell them to tone it down.
  6. Actually... I bring Genny Screamers for a guy at work! He laps that ***** up! But he's a 30 something Cubs fan! LoL... FWIW... Genny ain't bad on tap.
  7. Disgusting! My father never drank Genny. He worked on RR and said he'd piss in that river!
  8. Buffalo is a Blue Collar town... But that's changing. It's going soft. Next, they will be into firing single mothers on Friday and stocking IPA in their fridge while Jesus mows their lawn on Tuesday! Disgusting! Disgusting I tell you... How far BFLo has fall into the White Collar, pencil pushing abyss! Remember when we were cooler dragging, Northern, Upstate "sweater wearers" who could sneak a 30 pack of Blue® ,into their parkas and STILL get into Rich! Now we are IPA drinking snobs stuck in "2-Beer High Gear" who steal smokers from neighbors, shop Walmart on Weekends, and have poor Hey-Zeus struggle with the lawn on Tuesday! Next thing you'll tell me is that only 17% of Bills fans can drive Manual! Oh... @BringBackFergy @Cripple Creek this post was clearly pointed at @Gugny /smh in disgust and disdain! DANKE SHOEN... I will struggle w/my own lawn on Tuesday!
  9. All wrong! No doubt, it was a Toyota Tunda! LoL... The transmission did go out a week later. All that bad ass hauling... LoL
  10. "Bruthas from utha muthas" or as we like to refer to us in the barrio: "hermano de otra madre." ?
  11. Uh... Not today... LoL... I was a modern family before there were modern families. ?
  12. Germans are going soft! The world is coming to an end!!! https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/germany-scorned-air-conditioningthen-it-got-really-hot-11561918952
  13. He's got internet! I seen him @ a tailgate eating Stromboli and stretching out in the bed of my pick-up. @Augie YOU have some 'splainin' to do!!!!
  14. Hey wait a sec! How come I can faintly hear @BringBackFergy in background instructing the camera crew: "DON'T feed them yet! They gotta look hungry and mad... People want to see angry, hungry polar bears!" ??? I am on to you Mead!
  15. #MeToo #IHaveNoFriends +4 LMAO JUST take a deep breath Gug. Count to three and your blessing that @Ice bowl 67 @Cripple Creek @BringBackFergy @mead107 and the rest are all dear and wonderful "friends"... Even if they are just lying to you so they can borrow your stolen smoker and ask stupid (which really isn't stupid, we all need to ask questions, some from Wisconsin & Illinois more) questions on Internet. Whew... This was a very complicated post! Crap! I just let him off the hook (after of course he bit at hook) last week. @Cripple Creek WAS "that guy." LoL...
  16. When they rotenoned the 2 mile reach of river below where I work in 2011 because of Asian carp... Rotenone is a piscicide, the fishkill wiped out 100,000 pounds of fish which was about 12,000 individual pieces of fish from 30+ different species. They used full size dumpsters to haul it away. This was a reach of river that 40 years prior in 1971 that didn't support any aquatic life outside of "sludge worms" on the river bottom. Basically in 1971, it was a "dead zone." It lacked sufficient oxygen to sustain aquatic life. Fast-forward to 2011. They found koi during that fishkill. They also found 3 alligators in the Chicago Area Waterways (CAWs) during the 2010 summer. LoL... The Clean Water Act has done wonderful things since the early 1970s...Even if those wonderful things is to promote the spread of invasive species. How are they going to get people to stop flushing ***** down their toilet now? They have completed the studies on the CAWs. They know the vectors for a lot of this stuff. The data is in. How are they going to stop live well transfer, bait bucket transfer, hulls of boats... Heck the Chicago River runs smack dab right through Chinatown... What about "cultural release" as part of tradition? Heck ice, cooler water, fish parts, etc... Go right down the drain and run off into the river. For a decade now they have been studying the vectors of transmission. What's next? Environmental Big Brother??? OUR (US/N.America) world is getting cleaner by the minute while the 3rd World is getting worse. Now we are worrying about fish being flushed down the toilet? You gotta be kidding? 2011 is almost a decade ago. My 2¢. LMAO!
  17. Because BFLo is a "labor" town. Most company HQs were from other cities. The city did well during the World Wars and other war times. MORE terrible during times of peace. During WWII labor had ti be brought in and was strictly controlled by Fed Labor Czar. Companies couldn't hire or fire without approval. BFLo has a culture of being very strong laborwise. It is simply NOT, or has NOT been cultivated in a management, middle manger type culture. I mentioned that most companies in BFLo governed their operations from far off corporate HQ's or even by the Feds DC. Of course, when companies retract, downsize, where do they downsize back to? Their corporate base which was often away in some far off other city. BFLo has a labor town culture. BFLo was a brewery town too. Then the corporates, national brands crushed it. BFLo then missed the micro-rebirth. Always at wrong place at wrong time.
  18. My wife's library checks out Roku, hotspots, and tablets (iPads I believe).
  19. There's a "Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper?" Oh... Whatever @BringBackFergy says in this thread... DON'T LISTEN!
  20. An only child alone and wild, a cabinet maker's son His hands were meant for different work And his heart was known to none He left his home and went his lone and solitary way And he gave to me a gift I know I never can repay A quiet man of music denied a simpler fate He tried to be a soldier once, but his music wouldn't wait He earned his love through discipline, a thundering velvet hand His gentle means of sculpting souls took me years to understand The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band My brother's lives were different for they heard another call One went to Chicago and the other to St Paul And I'm in Colorado when I'm not in some hotel Living out this life I've chose and come to know so well I thank you for the music and your stories of the road I thank you for the freedom when it came my time to go I thank you for the kindness and the times when you got tough And papa, I don't think I said I love you near enough The leader of the band is tired and his eyes are growing old But his blood runs through my instrument and his song is in my soul My life has been a poor attempt to imitate the man I'm just a living legacy to the leader of the band I am a living legacy to the leader of the band
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