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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. +1 Vienna Beef not bad. Even better WERE: BUT, they quit making them. Next best are, IMO: Red Hot Chicago Try those bad boys...
  2. Yuck!!!! Probably tastes like it came straight out of the ***** ditch! NOT that I know what that tastes like! ?
  3. Or his hand would have been stroking Mr.Bundchen keeping it safely out of danger! See... TB12's personal preferences really come in handy (pun intended). Oh wait, poor Kendrick, he's NOT a referee or anyone from the Boston Media.
  4. Anyway... Its all mental master ***** this topic... My grandfather would say: "If the hound didn't stop to take a ***** (dump), he would have got the fox!" I think, I finally found a thread where that off the wall quote really applies! LMAO
  5. So what are you saying? This feat will never be duplicated and Bills will always hold the record as winning team? Kinda like rushing for 2,000 yards in a 14 game season. There will never be another 14 game season, so the record is safe as written in the books! Neither. There were turnovers. NOW... IF both teams had no TOs... That would be something because it would point to terrible Ds vs. awesome Os.
  6. College? That's a bit old? But then again, you were probably raised in a sod house on the prairie where tending chores came first. (I) can't find fault in that! I am surprised you don't remember Pa Ingalls playing a weekly Saturday night lullaby on the fiddle via oil lamp after all your chores were done and prayers were said. Probably all that hard work drowned out all the memories of music until you went off to College in Charleston with John Boy Walton... Glad to get away from that hectic life on Walton's Mountain and collect your thoughts @ University! I suppose other Dudes like @Cripple Creektell a similar hard scrabble youthful tale. Now... @BringBackFergy, he was raised in the lap of luxury... He probably remembers being sung to in utero this: Even if it was first published in 1990... What's 20 or so years between friends! LMAO. ?
  7. LSD, Lake Shore Drive... Is not bad. There are no trucks. Got commercial plates or "B-Plates" on pick-up, you risk getting a ticket. UNLESS you are making a delivery, no conmercial on the LSD. You probably heard that there is debate about having another continent. Zealandia. It's mostly under water with New Zealand being the only exposed part of continent: 8th Continent: Zealandia
  8. Yeah... But they ain't nude. Oh... And please don't tell @Gugny. When he gets a bee in his bonnet, we all get stung! The sewing machine was interesting. I'd always bump my head. Why that song I remember playing. Same age as in 1972... About 4 years old that summer.
  9. Under my mother's sewing machine: And to get it out of the way... First recollection of TV. But... It was in B&W on a 19" Admiral TV: What else do you want to know? First dog?
  10. Another fresh one hot off the: @Cripple Creek & @CountryCletus Cam That's a hell of a beagle bay to accompany CC's piano & Cletus' key-tar!
  11. This just in! @Cripple Creek out fishing w/ @BringBackFergy watching! This still pic fresh off the "Bear Cam"... "Hotter" than a @Gugny smoker rolling down the street!
  12. Think her mom's gonna find out she's using her new lipstick? Just put the cap back on, mom won't notice!
  13. No I don't! I think it's funny. Again, I missed it by a year, thank God... Yet, it (nude swimming) was a fact of life for earlier generation. I still think it builds confidence... Or, LoL, turns them gay (J/K)! Not that there is anything wrong with that!
  14. Where does nekkid swimming fit into all of this? Asking for a friend.
  15. It's not that bad. South Side tolerable. Sign of times. Generational.
  16. +1 Since when do cops actually know the law as written. I'd actually like to read the law for HOV (Nevada's version)... Which I haven't. I wonder if it's the usual BS what the cops are saying about a "seat." Anyway... The concept of HOV getting priority is beyond me. Bizzare. You would think they would want to keep the low mpg per person vehicles moving first and not stopped in traffic. Roads are funded around 20-25 mpg. People getting better fuel milage per person are actually creating a shortfall in infrastructure funding. They need to keep those vehicles stopped in traffic so they can burn more fuel, ie: more tax money to fix the roads. The way they are going now, no wonder roads & bridges turn to crap in a never ending cycle. They are rewarding people for creating crappy roads. Also... You'd think they'd want to keep a dead body rolling in the heat. Not idling on ice. Yet, common sense and logic never really equate to the Big Brother State Law Enforcement Establishment hell bent on monitoring their HOV cameras while trying to grab revenue that coincidentally will never see the infrastructure kitty... That $$$$ money will be sucked into the law enforcement abyss.
  17. Someone missed ~12 posts up. We've seen both versions. The powerwashed version and the painted version. @Gugny would give it a whirl w/the painted version. That takes some serious stones knowing what is underneath all that make-up! I take back all those snarky things I said about Gug bellyaching about losing .4 mpg whilst using his car's air conditioning. The Dude really knows how to live on the edge!
  18. There was the famous year without a summer, 1816. Then there is the city without a summer: San Francisco and Cleveland. ?
  19. The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco.
  20. Yeah... I just generically call it freon. My home unit is still R-12. Don't listen to the BS when they try and sell you a whole new unit, you can still get it reasonably. Even compatible replacement types (my compressor is a genuine Scroll). The units they made in past were built like tanks. Only way I see mine going is catastrophic failure, like the side of the compressor rotting through! LoL...
  21. It's because you're a lush and Genny Screamers are higher alcohol content (krausening). LoL... And it's cheap. Why I bring them back for the one Cubs fan here... He laps it up! Cheap buzz without having to break the bank on fancy dancy brew... Do they still sell the "pounders"... More bang for buck and chase the DTs away! LoL... ?
  22. I would have built a cage around it. In da hood... Gotta have that. Even when I first moved in, the builder didn't have it installed till we moved in. Oh... And report him to the EPA for releasing the freon. Unless, he recovered it?
  23. Germans, Germany scorned AC as being extravagant... But now those bastages are crying... Good, they deserve it! https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/germany-scorned-air-conditioningthen-it-got-really-hot-11561918952
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