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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. I've been roaming around Always looking down at all I see Painted faces, fill the places I can't reach You know that I could use somebody You know that I could use somebody Someone like you, and all you know, and how you speak Countless lovers under cover of the street You know that I could use somebody You know that I could use somebody Someone like you...
  2. SpoilerAlert: Grumpy Gramps sneaks off and dials to his BFF while the rest of the family peaks around the corner of the hallway impressed that Gramps is learning the new tech.
  3. Kept Gramp's attention! But barely! 😆 I was holding my breath at the end... Thought Gramps was gonna pull a "Tyler Bass" at the end and pooch that rotary thing!
  4. 😆 Enjoy... And if you get stuck, shout out to a Greatest Generation for help!
  5. Wait till Otis sees us! ...He loves us! Goose nails it! 😆 In BFLo too!
  6. I get it. Two or more incomes is a trap, tragedy for middle earners. Why have one family making mint and others poor? But... Why paint the ladies into the corner, with a biological urge to stay home. Don't men have the same innate trait to stay home and raise the children? I really don't think it's as black and white as the 1950s. Everyone is suited differently... Let them choose what works best. I can see if he was addressing the two income trap and dwindling resources. How about have families opt for one income by moving to a UBI?
  7. Remember this song? 1970: "...The police siren sounds at the start of the record were removed from some copies supplied to radio stations after complaints that drivers hearing the song on the radio had mistakenly pulled over, thinking that the sounds were real. ..."
  8. 4 Honda mower wheels and cordless DeWalt impact wrench on Amazon.com. 😆
  9. BraveBrowser, incognito. 😆 I dump everything every few days.
  10. There are about 1.7% intersex people in this country. The doctors don't even know who they are and assign gender by outward presentation... ...What does that equate to in a country of 350 million. 1-2 per 1,000 live births. 6 million? Yeah... Let's marginalize 6 million people. /sarcasm
  11. Yup! Can I marry Harrison? I will mother his children. 😆
  12. AND eventually denounced by Catholic nuns. The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica. I think they are better at Catholic teaching, know more then you. 😆
  13. Be careful with that statement. You can touch into many different groups! I don't want to go into PPP territory. Smaller % populations control 25%+ more of the world's wealth. Just saying... Pride month is a direct implication.
  14. Comments? They turned off comments, so I posted it here. What say ye? From 1957. Both sides of the coin we have seen through the years. "They Ask For Joey!" https://youtu.be/sEPSYgPdJ0s?si=UGFQmtwxUAdiFmyM Can't embed it...
  15. Yeah... BUT that also depends on her choice for a partner. Let's not forget that it wasn't just women and single income households the BUTT-ker was holding up with great virtue. On the back end of the commencement speech he was was attacking the LGBTQ+ community.
  16. The sisters of Mount St. Scholastica asleep at the wheel!
  17. Sure! Throw in a pair of medieval running shoes that ravage women in their sleep! 😆
  18. Let's do an experiment. Take Isabella Butker and some no name chick. Let them use what Harrison calls their innate ability to want children. Let's give them two husbands and let them stay at home with 3 children. Isabella gets: Harrison Lady # 2 gets an auto mechanic husband working 6 days a week, making $50k a year, no health insurance, section 8/850 square foot apartment, and an EBT card. Which one cracks first? 😆🤣😂 Lesson... When preached the virtues of motherhood, who chucks that Butker BS out the window and begs for the $250,000 Catholic College education to be put to good use in the workplace! 😏 AND they didn't review the tone deaf commencement speech FIRST!! That's just as bad as Reebok naming its new women's running shoe: "The Incubus" 😆 You can't make this shi... up! From 1997: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-02-20-fi-30513-story.html
  19. We live near a PGA golf course here on the SouthSide. Remember the father and son duo who ran out onto the field and attacked the KC Royals 1st base coach @ a Sox game in 2002? Well, the father of the kid tried to work the bar at the 2003 PGA when it it came to town. 😆🤣 Wow... Only in the South Chicago area: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2003-jun-19-sp-briefing19-story.html EDIT: It was the 2003 US Open. NOT PGA. Oh... Translation for all this: "Scheff is white." 😆🤣 😏
  20. I am gonna take the counterpoint. Trust me on this one! You don't want that shi... building up in her! 😆 We're so smart, we can write a "master's feces" on it! 😏
  21. Can't buy happiness but it helps escape the daily hassles of life.
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