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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. My 23 year old Rheem does struggle to 74° on humid days because my windows are original and 23 years old too. Now... Today. My AC kicked on... And went off 40 minutes ago. But humidty is low. Condensay still pisses strung and A-Coil kept clean and dirt, rust free... With a good slope. I added cleanout doors to my A-Coil @ duct. On humid day... It woulf struggle to keep 74°... Which with +3°setpoint is 77°. I probably should run 75°/78°(+3° setpoint on humid days). Just my windows... BUT now, I prefer the AC to run more constant and longer. It's fan/compressor startup that is the energy draw. Running longer is better for the fan/capacitor combo.... Then all that modern high-efficiency BS on/off/on/off crap. That's what arcs the contactor and causes pre-mature wear!
  2. And even water is a bit sketchy. Don't give me that much credit. We all know how to flush a toilet! ?
  3. The Cali double whammy... 1, 2 punch. I guess, I will stay inside under the desk and do my best "Pompeii" imitation: https://www.foxnews.com/science/supervolcano-fears-big-one-is-coming.amp
  4. It's 83° here with 40% humidity. I have the central air cranked to 74° Yesterday... Had windows open. Wife chilled the house... Only got to 68°. House got to 81°, that's bearable... But doable. Thought we'd make it to middle week without having to run AC. Ooops I was wrong!
  5. Okay. Then just stay there and do the news. You win.
  6. Bear News: The Week in Review I think that bear in Miami is heading here: How far is Orlando?
  7. LoL... Of course. But they are talking heads on the evening news... Who gives a *****. They got two legs (well I hope), get the heck out of the building then. Hate to sound callous... But Carol Burnett was right in the video I posted up thread: "The earth moved..." Big deal. Deal with it or take personal action. Those two talking heads were probably right back at it after the break. And yes... Securing will help. Earthquake zones have stricter codes. (If) the ceiling collapses and getting under a cheesy desk is like wearing a helmet on a motorcycle when you crash doing 98. Nice, but I don't think it will help you too much when the whole friggan building goes under. Anyway, there's really one answer... Get the heck out of the studio. Rolling my eyes...
  8. Yep... But... They should be earthquake strapped... Or at least a little more than in non-earthquake areas. Still smart move.
  9. Hey! None of the levees that failed were federally maintained. 6 months before the storm they were removing stumps on the levees. Nice! People were wondering where the water was coming from? Really? You're 8 feet below sea level and you are breaking up root networks Even after the storm people were bellyaching about taking the tall growth, trees down. "It looks ugly" Can't win. Damn if you do, damn if you don't and even when you do... They still ***** it up!
  10. More like fat botton girls you make the rocking world go around! "MOBILITY SCOOTER DOWN! MOBILITY SCOOTER DOWN!"
  11. "I just ran away from home Now I'm going to dizz knee land I just crashed my car again Now I'm going to dizz knee land I just robbed a grocery store I'm going to dizz knee land I just flipped off President George I'm going to dizz knee land I just tossed a fifth of gin Now I'm going to dizz knee land I just got cuffed a gin Now I'm going to dizz knee land Shot my gun into the night I'm going to dizz knee land I just saw a good man die I'm going to dizz knee land Hey Kicked my ass out of school Rolled me out into the street Hitched a ride on a monkey's back Headed west into the black I'm going to dizz knee land" First thing you... Next time in this situation... Go right for the weave! Like hockey players going for the sweater over the head... Go for the weave! Rookie... You'll learn.
  12. In Tom's world there is no cheating, lying OR Shame. Do the math. We have distance and time. It took 3 seconds to cover 35 yards.
  13. You Sir rank #1 on the "Awesomeness Scale!" I take back any implied negativity I said about your childhood days during the 1870s!
  14. "I think we need to get under the desk."
  15. Watch this classic. Right around 3:05-3:30:
  16. I would shut off ASAP and disco it from the house! Cap it. Looked like it was still connected. ??? Ooops! I am killing the job! LoL...
  17. I always keep the drains on my street clear. So many lazy, clueless fockers! Actually, public works comes by and thanks me. Makes their job easier. LoL...
  18. I hope they shut the gas off. The meter is right there (towards end of video).
  19. Stay safe! We had 6" of rain a few weeks ago. Just in a local pocket of a few towns here. Flash flooding many people. Water receeded within 24 hours. We stayed dry... But man 6" is a lot! My sump pump working constant for 24 hours... Had stand by and genset ready to go just in case. I think I can handle ~10 inches of rain... We had that in late 1990s with no flooding. Storm drains here (new part of town) handle it and retention ponds contain it. Older part of town really floods... Yet... Over 5", things back up and the field behind house turns into lake, but we are a good two feet up! I got an auxiliary pump in sump as a booster on separate discharge line... Just in case. Here is my log (I have it on WiFi/Smart System), storm was on 27th of June... I moved like 17,000 gallons. That would probably have filled my basement to the floor joists! You can see when the rains come and go with when the drain system around house begins to run! That's all above ground water entering the system from the sky around house. Roof surface area drains to downspouts and gets diverted in separate pipe away from foundation and doesn't enter sump system:
  20. Good point... STAY off the weeeeed young fellas, Soy Boys! /smh [This has been a PSA brought to you by S.A.Smith]
  21. Soy Boys! Too much estrogen with these young fellas. They need to grow some hair on their chest! Those new age "hipster beards" you say? All show and no go! TOP DEFINITION Soy Boy Slang used to describe males who completely and utterly lack all necessary masculine qualities. This pathetic state is usually achieved by an over-indulgence of emasculating products and/or ideologies. The origin of the term derives from the negative effects soy consumption has been proven to have on the male physique and libido. The average soy boy is a feminist, nonathletic, has never been in a fight, will probably marry the first girl that has sex with him, and likely reduces all his arguments to labeling the opposition as "Nazis". See also: ****, beta/omega male, orbiter, kissless virgin, male feminist, @Gugny Example: Man 1: If you kill your enemies they win. Man 2: Shut the ***** up, soy boy.
  22. After leaving the fishing business because they couldn't get an Asian carp to bite at a hook... @Cripple Creek & @CountryCletuswent into the baby-making business: Fertility Business What can he say? Cletus (left) thought Cripple (right) knew Asians! Unfortunately... They hired @Gugny to freeze and deliver the embryos. AGAIN, what could possibly go wrong... But Gugny and Cripple Creek got into a nasty row the week a procedure was scheduled with lovely clients from Queens. Bad things happened, chairs were tossed in the clubhouse. Oh wait, nevermind, that's the Mets on the other side of Queens. Anyway... Bad, baaad things happened! I think the "Harold and Kumar of the fertility business" are gonna need to bring Mr.Ferguson ( @BringBackFergy ) onto their legal team by calling: 1.800.111.1111
  23. RIP. He really didn't look that out of place, even at QB w/Gints... Okay, I guess he was later:
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