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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. EDIT: FWIW... IIRC... @Kirby Jackson is near a pumping station, rebuilt canal that was reworked after Katrina and flows into the Pontchartrain... So he should be in good shape. It's like having a brand new sump pump!!! ??
  2. "A bottle of white, a bottle of red Perhaps a bottle of rose instead We'll get a table near the street In our old familiar place You and I, face to face A bottle of red, a bottle of white It all depends upon your appetite I'll meet you any time you want In our Italian Restaurant..."
  3. It looks like he's out of the probability become. As it gets nearer to the edges of the predicted cone, the % goes down. Even since Katrina, those cones that they put on the maps have become more and more accurate! Watch where this thing tracks. Save the old maps, they are almost spot on now! But... THEN again. We never landed on the moon... It was all done on a Hollywood set! /smh...
  4. Most OF THESE cyclones (cyclone is just a low) form in tropics. They are tropical and go extratropical crossing over the Tropics of Cancer (& Capricorn). I take that this one just formed @ higher mid-latitude. It's an extratropical storm that forming. Like many that form high in the Gulf. No different than say a blizzard or snowstorm, Noreaster (double barrel lows up east coast). It's just extratropical turning into a hurricane. It is kinda strange since we expect the low to form in the tropics/low latitudes. They are all cyclones. They are just named where they get formed in what part of the world's tropics. Hurricanes=W.Hemi. Typhoon=cross the date line. Tropical cyclones=Indian Ocean.
  5. One suck ass... Publicity *****! LoL... Wasn't me! LoL... Ooops... I spoke too late. ^^^^ Will they remember him when he's doing 61 in a 55? LMAO...
  6. Was just gonna post that. Great minds think alike! Maybe I should just wait 6 years and start it's own thread in 2025:
  7. So. If something flies off/outta my vehicle and someone takes it. I can claim they stole it? I agree... But a little situational awareness goes a long way of solving the safety issue. Just saying.
  8. @Cripple Creek & @CountryCletus can't even get embryos right... You want them to secure the doors to an armored truck? Now... Asian carp. Waterways are tighter than a Nun! LoL... EDIT: WTF... Throwing down the gauntlet, might as well notify @BringBackFergy... Get this party started!!!
  9. What the hell choice is #3 about... Why don't you just ask: "Are you mentally ######ed?" Question #3 is like giving money to a Nigerian phone scam! That's why I never leave home without my nets... Works just as well from any moving vehicle.
  10. You should see the mechanics on the waterways... Some, few have modern PLC's... Not many. We are still running fluid power tech from the WWII era... Same with the electrical circuits. Some stuff was so obsolete... Forced to at least push things to 1980s tech... Like our valves, gauges... LoL... Still kicking, but harder and harder to find parts. We just cracked into fresh selsyns for the dam... They were packed, stamped on canister: 1958!
  11. My ex co-worker is 12 years older than me. He said he took a trip in early 1960s from Chicago to SoCal w/his family to visit his older brother who was a Marine. No A/C of course. I want to say his father had a Ford Country Squire Wagon... 1960... Driving through the desert he could see the rubber door molding melting, turning to goo. LoL...Today, I guess they came a long way with engineering better automobile quality materials now. Imagine rolling through the desert in 105° heat, windows open... Molding, early automobile plastics/rubber turning to goo. An "E-Ride" ticket thru hell on earth! LoL...
  12. It's the American Side that is the worse... One has a fighting chance on the Canadian Side. Same here. The talus on the American side is the problem. One may get lucky going over Horseshoe Falls and find a gap and not hit rock. I would think less water would be worse. More exposed rock below. ??? Maybe it's the opposite.
  13. LoL... I figure two downers... Put people to sleep!
  14. Never two downers... You'd have one of my posts. ?
  15. The first I heard, but remember this, with my father in our '64(ish) beige convertible Plymouth Valiant: We'd go to the Coast Guard Exchange (CGX) for his cartons of tax free Camel cigarettes... I had to be about 4-5 years old... 1972-1973 He'd stop on/at the Ohio Street slip and let me wiz in Lake Erie... That's where it all began!!!
  16. You know we have Bears here in Chicago!
  17. Was my first thought... But that's NOT sympathetic enough.
  18. Thank You! But I never lived through it. I don't know. I got the same vibe (no pun intended). Hard, I guess I judge more after newscasters in floods, hurricanes ham it up. I am bad at sympathy... Yet, I am concerned with guys like Jim and his family's safety. Jim sitting on couch... I am concerned. News anchors, trying to keep the peeps from panicking... Another story. Sorry, hard as nails with them. Again, I posted the Carol Burnett clip w/the Jackson-5 above. Clearly JAX5 were from Indiana... They were concerned, not sure what Jackson that was, but he wanted to freak. Burnett, really lightened the mood. We need MORE of that in the "poor me Facebook world" that exists today. Sorry @Chef Jim I am bad at sympathy for the female anchor.... And maybe you if you think that you live vicariously through these two. Again sorry... This is absolutely the worst way for me to make a pal. I should have just listened to my Mama and be a soft shoulder to lean on. Again... It's a newscast. /smh
  19. No. I know you gotta be scared. You just don't have the same bravado you once had. That's not a good thing! Again, take care!
  20. Whatever. We talking about you or the newcasters? If it's you... I never been through it, can't understand... But sympathize. Sorry for getting you all in a snit. Take care my friend and stay safe!
  21. Of course I haven't. And I never hopefully will, I am not stupid, I know my limits. At least Carol Burnett (above thread) pulled it off with class... Maybe it was a much smaller quake then... I will give her that... Sign of the whining times Pal... You live/work in an earthquake zone. The earth moved. Talk about it (anchors) and move on. When ***** starts falling, I will go: "Oooo, they should have ducked." I will say... At least the male anchor seemed cool. I have no doubt it was scary. Oh... And it really is a marvel and testament how well we can build and keep people safe and still take a 7.1 quake. It was a bit far out and deep though. That should be commended and applauded!
  22. Noooo. It's a disingenuous display. They are putting on a show. Sure there's an earthquake going on. Yeah... But let's stick around awhile, then freak under the desk. LoL... I ain't great at writing... I am sorry about that... But you can't critically think.
  23. Yeah? And the poor guy filming behind the camera? The ones in the production booths... Etc... ??? I am agreeing with you. If what you really say holds true. Everything (what we are watching) would have went black immediately. But... Oooo the anchors. I guarantee, even when they cut to a commercial break (unless it was an extended break) everybody else except the Prima Donna anchors were not dropping everything. I don't doubt you. I just find the whole broadcast disingenuous. We are watching the freaking news, it's just not put on by two people!
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