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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. Probably do miserable here. There is a taqueria on every corner.
  2. Well... It is a huge ocean trip away. Don't think too many will make the leap! ?
  3. Same latitude south as Chicago is north. Heck, go further south is like going to Green Bay latitude. Mix in Marine climate and it has to be mild and pleasant. Don't get the summer heat like the middle of a continent. Heck San Fran is 37° N. That's North Island South Latitude. Auckland is 36° S.
  4. Thanks! The Atlantic piece is awesone!!!
  5. Wrong thread. I believe you meant to post here: https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/topic/216480-your-funniest-altered-state-of-mind-thoughts/
  6. Did you see the story in SF with the father and son at the apartment complex. The father is absolutely right to be vigilant. He wasn't profiling race... JUST dumbasses that don't follow protocols, acceptable behavior that lessens the chance of looking suspicious. Unfortunately, the young kid is being brainwashed early by the SJWs to not trust his gut. It may get him hurt, robbed, killed some day! And race will have nothing to do with it!
  7. I know! I have been sandbagging this pic for a while now. I guess no better time than never!!! LMAO!!!
  8. @BringBackFergy & @Cripple Creek out fishing. Live from the "Beach Cam", guess which one is Mr.Feguson? You SHOULD always fish w/your attorney... Never know what will happen, it's 2019! @Gugny has an affinity for ice fishing. This pic plucked from the "Winter Cam":
  9. My grandmother was always mortified we had indoor cat(s). She said: "(They) attack your Adam's apple when sleeping." NOT our cats Grandma! They are soft and fluffy... Like @Teddy KGB 's ,pit bull terrier... They give nothing but Eskimo Kisses, especially when I lower myself to their level, turn my back on them and act like a helpless Republican female... ...***** @BringBackFergy... He doesn't know what He's talking about... They are pure bundles of joy, part of the family those little sweeties! [I envision them staring @ Me like I am a T-Bone steak thinking: "If we were only bigger, we'd eat that SOB! Maybe knock a little A-1 on them... If they'd only keel over with a heart attack while grilling!"]
  10. But... But Mr.Theodore's dog licks him all over... They love him long time... Just a bunch of cuddle muffins. They would never be plotting his demise. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2017/06/pets-dogs-cats-eat-dead-owners-forensics-science/
  11. Who's teaching that being a "selfish attention seeker" pays off... Ie: "wins." She is just emulating our leaders. How can you blame her, tell her to stop. It's proven to work & win. Now... I agree with you, but she's only doing what she sees as successful.
  12. Tourists only get to see 33% capacity of Falls. Rest is diverted. But your eye can't tell the difference because they have been diverting for so many years. They could make it so 100% is diverted, dry up the spillway (Falls) and run it all through the dam... But the difference is minimal and tourism brings in much more $$$$$. Betcha they are cranking out the power with no aesthetic constraints during daylight hours seeing how the Middle Three Lakes are extremely high water right now! Diverting the Falls is saving the Falls from eroding through the cap rock. If left unchecked, it would only be hundreds of years before the cap rock is gone.
  13. @Gugny says you're in the process of being banned. Don't add to your long list of offensive posts... This will go on your permanent record!
  14. Please don't tell my wife... She wants to be reincarnated as an olive tree. /smh Sorry Honey... We can't afford it! Where the hell do you find people with crazy ideas like that! ?
  15. Nice! Cordeless I hope! Don't want those pesky do gooders wizzing by and getting tangled in your extension cord! Safety first!!!!
  16. Calling Rapinoe out at this point of the game by the people with TDS is like... ? What a blast from past! "...Your pop caught you smoking, and he said, no way!That hypocrite smokes two packs a day..."
  17. Thanks... I was trying to be subtle so as not to induce TDS: Trump Defender Syndrome.
  18. People love what she's doing. People want this stuff, they vote for this stuff... It's called: Being a winner. [Hope your sarcasm antenna is fully extended] But... Really. It's obviously what people want. No?
  19. And your point? She is just doing what works... Where do You think culturally as Americans We are learning this from. It's the new normal. We've crossed the Rubicon. There is no turning back, cherry picking. Our leaders set the tone... She is just following right along.
  20. People risk their lives even more everyday for much, much less. Grab 20-25 bills. That's a couple months work. Risk yourself for the man @ much less or choose free will? "There are those who think that life Has nothing left to chance A host of holy horrors To direct our aimless dance A planet of playthings We dance on the strings Of powers we cannot perceive The stars aren't aligned Or the gods are malign Blame is better to give than receive You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will There are those who think that They've been dealt a losing hand The cards were stacked against them They weren't born in Lotus-Land All preordained A prisoner in chains A victim of venomous fate Kicked in the face You can't pray for a place In heaven's unearthly estate You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will Each of us A cell of awareness Imperfect and incomplete Genetic blends With uncertain ends On a fortune hunt That's far too fleet You can choose a ready guide In some celestial voice If you choose not to decide You still have made a choice You can choose from phantom fears And kindness that can kill I will choose a path that's clear I will choose free will"
  21. Oh, the irony. Monkey see, Monkey do. Wow... She's (M.Rapinoe) only doing what she sees to be the new norm. She is being led by example. Now, it is a bad thing?
  22. 5+ is strong... And strength goes up exponentially. Everybody knows the big ones are coming. Here is an interesting fact: "In the past 10 days, there have been 608 earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater centered nearby. An average of 25 earthquakes with magnitudes between 4.0 and 5.0 occur per year in California and Nevada, according to a recent three year data sample."
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