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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. My first car: I was always partial to the early Japanese tuners. Would be nice to get hands on an early 240Z if they weren't such rust buckets: 1970 Datsun-
  2. You Sir, just saved @Gugny a ton of ¢¢¢¢. He wants to float you a tip:
  3. That's just sick! ...Needs a little less flour.
  4. Or the ancient Polynesians sailing all around the South Pacific knowing where the islands were. Those islands proverbial needles in a haystack, sailing to get there by just the feel of the waves pressing on the rudder of their boat which in turn was subtly pressing on the their ***** (that filter word is scrot...)... IE: In other layman terms, the ancient Polynesian sailed the whole freak ass S.Pacific via their nutsacks!!!! LoL... Speaking of nutsacks... I learned this from @BringBackFergy & @Cripple Creek ...Those two know all about subtle pressure on a ***** and busting balls! They'd have know problem sailing from Tahiti to Fiji and back on a cloudy night or finding Pearl Harbor in the dark so they can drop their bombs!!! The cognitive ability that mankind had lost through the millennia is still firmly harnessed in the noggins of those two! There is hope for humanity that this ability will someday be passed on to future generations. @Gugny is already camped out waiting by that doorbuster of information and maybe one or two or three FREE beers!
  5. And chase behind the mosquito fogging truck as it drove through town on hot summer nights. No wait, that was Donald Trump. That explains things!!!! ?
  6. Does anyone know... If you got a real high powered telescope... Tech has to be awesome today. Is it possible to zoom in to the Sea of Tranquility and see the American flag. Is that possible. Just to shut all these wacky Flat Earthers, YouTube influencers, etc... up. How do you prove to these people, that spent their whole lives thinking everything is one grand conspiracy, that it's NOT really one grand conspiracy?
  7. We can always count on you to set the record straight, square everything away! LMAO!
  8. I think under old rules, which I don't agree with, they counted anything that flowed into those navigable waters. Bizarre.
  9. There would be no civil war. We are too soft as a country. Both sides got it too good. There is nothing worth dying over, unless they are stupid.
  10. Strange, you say this... I asked my wife last night. Polled her on her favorite toaster pastry... My wife's fav Pop-Tarts® are Cinnamon & Brown sugar... WTF! ...But, then again, I blow chunks. Go figure. [FWIW, I absolutely can't stand cinnamon. And everybody knows sugar is white, NOT brown. That brown sugar & cinnamon can go back to where it came from... Repair their shithole country! AND take McBean too!]
  11. And too many people moving to coasts. Can't sustain the numbers. Time to take two feet and move back to where they came from. States like Florida have to stop incentiveizing moving there. The environment can't handle the population explosion... The infrastructure, like sewage treatment can't handle it either... Especially when the burden falls on the rest of the states. Stop going to these fithy beaches and tourism will dry up... Maybe they will stop relying on the Fed to pay and they will institute a state income tax. All of Central Florida is handled down the Mid-Florida Ridge and processed out Okeechobee... No wonder it's a cesspool... People at Disney have to take a dump... It's gotta go somewhere! It's a tug of war. States like Florida leach off the Federal government... Then the Fed has to pander to corporations, big Ag like Big Sugar to recoup an economic benefit for the rest of the nation. No wonder the beachs are filthy down there... Choked with toxic algae... ...It simply starts with too many people in too small an area. We need to stop making it an incentive to move there. /end_filthy_beach_rant LoL...
  12. Hate it. Never. Okay. Maybe not never. Beaches are human cesspools. Look at the guy who just got vibrio down in Florida. Mix in human idiocy, now you are cooking with gas. https://nypost.com/2019/07/12/man-contracts-flesh-eating-bacteria-during-beach-trip-with-family-dies-48-hours-later/amp/
  13. By the diabetic coma you'll enter after eating the whole box! LoL...
  14. How I was raised: "No matter how hard you have it or had it, always try and make it easier and better for the next."
  15. Oh... We got $$$$$ too. That's a given... Never let commercial wait. They pay into inland trust fund. Used to be $400/hour overhead to wait. And safety to the structure and crew too. Trust is: $.29/gallon diesel the company uses.
  16. No. Absolutely NOT! Get some sensible footwear. You're NOT a SoyBoy. /end thread.
  17. I don't want to brag... But the Major General of the whole Division just sent another co-worker & I a letter of commendation (that's a fancy word for: special praise & accolade... In case you didn't know). My fellow team members and I are valuable, hardworking member of the Mississippi Valley Division (MVD). Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
  18. Asian carp invasion. The front line is two locks down in Joliet. That's where all the gizmos are going... The cheese cloth, bubbles, etc.... 30 miles from here.
  19. I am very busy with the work barge and man overboard drills today... But, I will post the plan in place... For @BringBackFergy & @Cripple Creek skeptics. The next two locks down, Brandon Road is where the "front line" will be...
  20. They prod the bull... They get the horns! We have "sub nets!"
  21. Those park district lagoons are landlocked. Look up "Flatfoot Lake" it's separated from the river by a 15 foot berm. They found dozens of Asian carp in Flatfoot lake back in 2011. The lagoons and lakes are landlocked.
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