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Everything posted by ExiledInIllinois

  1. LoL...Like my uncle putting his mud flaps on the front side of wheel well!!! My father said to his younger brother: "THIS is why they give us Polocks a hard time!" Ooops. Pesky "L"... It's: POL-Lock. Two Ls can be prounouced too! ?
  2. They were also taking huge chances, risks. I liken it to how we used to drive. Every year my wife's family would load up the VW SquareBack and head to ADKs... The four children, rear seat down... Every thing for the week. They bought nothing in Long Lake. The food, clothes, my BiL's Tonka® trucks, the case of Genny, the watermelon... Three girls, baby brother... Cramned into the VW for the 6 hour journey. One stop for lunch. Then roll into Long Lake. My wife would stand behind my FiL as he drove... And this is before they "splurged" and got a roof-rack after 5 years! You know... The first thing they did pulling into Cabin, even before unloading VDub? They went to Saturday Evening Mass! That's how we went to The Moon! They had a leaky valve and were banging on it with wrenches... Then "just" bypassed it. It was a different era... Do we, fly down highway 60 miles an hour with a loaded SquareBack and kids sprawled amongst the luggage in back, now? HELL NO. We are buckled into a $55,000 BMW!
  3. Why... I am a Pollock. But more German... Ankle biter Pomeranian... The Cheektowaga/East Side Pollock runs deep in me. My Parents were married in a Polish Church, announced in a Polish Newspaper... My grandmother said confession in Polish till 1994 when she was 84. The brutally Pollock in me runs deep!!! I married Daygo-South BFLo Mick... Go figure!
  4. Who are they going to draw from in a society that is moving away from conservative, structured values...
  5. I don't watch MSM... Can't remember when I watched TV News. YESTERDAY was first in months... And only because CNN was running "Apollo11"... Coincidence. FOX, CNN... Hollywood... They are all a fraud. Sorry to go all @Deranged Rhino on you... It's not a conspiracy, Deep State, just how things run when the "machines" grow "legs." Now my 80 something in-laws... They are glued to the News. MSNBC, CNN... At least their NOT FOX racists, haters, horrible human hypocrites. In their 80s, very conservative... But always left. Pro-labor, pro-decent working man, pro-enviro... True church going, god fearing people that actually listen to the weekly sermon and live what is preached... Unlike the hypocrite status driven, hate filled hypocrite Right, GOP... True role models on the Left.
  6. It's probably more. Count the Dems too. The Coastal Elites aren't immune.
  7. We know we lost the Battle of Bunker Hill... The birth of the Corps before that battle had proved to the British that the Colonists shouldn't be taken lightly even out manned and out gunned. The British suffered losses almost 3x as many men with a force that was 1/3 greater. The victory rang hollow. ESSAYONS!
  8. No. Finally calling it what it is. The right who support our racist POTUS are horrible human beings. Hillary was right, "Basket of Deplorables." These people know they are horrible humans... They are just in denial because they have no shame and can't look inward at their souls. Even worse the ones that hide behind the Christian faith or hide behind the cloak of patriotism. Hypocrites, lemmings following a demagogue that are horrible humans. Let's start calling it for what it really is. Sorry to offend the Deplorable Snowflake.
  9. Don't think I didn't notice... I have my suspicions... But again, it's so dead to me.
  10. You keep taunting me with this \@GoBillsInDallas/ hubris... It ain't working! THAT'S so dead to me!!!
  11. There is no invasion. It's a government boondoggle.
  12. Contrary. The years knowing you... It seems like you are talking about yourself. I am finally glad you found your peace Westy. Just be careful who you hitch your horses to. Peace.
  13. So racism will win out. Claim being non-racist... Yet you vote for racists. LoL...
  14. Oh voy. Yes, sarcastic about Poland. Not sarcastic about Trump. Of course he's racist. And people who vote for him are too. That's how the whole "basket of deplorables" thing got started Now... We all gotta run off and protest vote because feelings are hurt that people can't look inward at their own demons. At least it's not Hillary! Anybody but Hillary!
  15. /sarcasm_detector_broken "Getting my passport together" means shipping me off so I don't vote left of center.
  16. No. You are an idiot if you can't see the GOP is racist. They have to be. They are losing grip on power. They need to limit voters, immigration... Immigrants are poor... They won't vote racist GOP. That's why the GOP loves disenfranchising people... Especially voters. No way in hell they vote for what is soon to be marginalized racist beliefs. The GOP needs to send them back. Can't have people becoming citizens and voting their special interest out!
  17. Everything isn't racist. Just you and your ilk. It's a numbers game. The party in power at the Executive Branch is racist, the GOP. It's a numbers game. The racists and deplorable boomers are dying off. They will lose power. Why the GOP is fueling racism. They know their days are numbered. They are fighting hard to disenfranchise voters, limit immigrants, etc... Less = cling to power longer for GOP.
  18. Yeah... The GOP and the bad people who support that racist organization. They support sending US citizens back to their ancestral countries. How much more racist is that. I am wondering... Should I get my passport together. One of my grandmothers was born in Poland and came here in 1929. My other great great grandparents were too. Poland is such a shithole... I need to go back and help. Should I bring TP for my bunghole or are they better off than in the Soviet era?
  19. We know you advocate racism and divisive rhetoric. I understand you want to be left alone to practice it but that ain't going to happen. Laws will be changed to make racists like you and the racists you support less relevant, have less power. Divisive rhetoric is always a problem... Just not a civil war type problem. Yet... There are people being run over by cars because of it with the drivers getting life sentences. So I guess some people are "fighting" in the streets to defend racism. The violence is only coming from one side, the racists.
  20. Don't cherry pick. You can't have it both ways. I agree we are disrupting flow. Your, post above only applies to low water Lake events. That was 5-15 years ago. But... The natural flow is also the way it is going now! Wrap your brain around that. The natural flow is BOTH WAYS. Remember, Lake is at record high... If left alone, it would be spilling over and going in the direction we have it now!... The fish would have an open door to Lake Michigan. At least now... We are legitimately blocking Mutha Nature from allowing the Asian carp to enter. Do you want Asian carp in Lake? If there was no dam there, Mutha Nature would be putting the fish in the Lakes faster. Really... The whole @BringBackFergy @Gugny "let the rivers flow" argument would speed up the invasion. Can't have it both ways... Not just cherry pick at low water.
  21. I agree +1. Independent accounting firms handle lotteries. Why not get certified, independent companies to handle refs! How is anything ever going to change if people are complicit with the crappy & egregious results?
  22. Sold me! Where do I catch the DC-3 so I can sign up! What's not silly about Hollywood? Why is this even a debate? Anyway. Up or out. Avoids the "Peter Principle."
  23. My father on railroad thought the same. Cheated, wore moccasins... Jump off car and landed on a small spike.
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